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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: The New Heroes (OOC)

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Like such good songs got bad wraps for being on the soundtrack D:

Reasons why I sometimes listen to Pandora without looking at album art until the song is over omg
Shhh Flare, we no talk about my real name xD


Sia- My love

Cold- Aqualung & Lucy Schwarts


Heavy in your arms - Florence + the Machine


I'm not going to lie...

I love twilight. I got into it. I don't care if it was cheesy and the vampires are sparkly xD

BUT, still, the people that didn't like it still like to judge the soundtrack like that as well and just nooo, such gooood

I'm listening to Cold right now, and it gave me such inspiration for my daughter of Persephone. O.o
(Riley is also a pen name yepp haha, though it came from a couple people irl saying I looked like a Riley~)

Yeess all of those songs are so great.

Also Paramore- Decode !

Okay I never got into Twilight, I've never really liked vampires, but I can totally see where you're coming from and I totally agree. People really should not judge music by the album cover!
Haha cool cool! idk what it is about vampires with me.. I like classic Dracula but that's really about as far as I can handle them?

Even playing Skyrim (which is one of my all-time favorite games) every time I run into vampires I'm pretty much like "oHHH NO, NO NO. KILL THEM NOW."

They just freak me out for some reason omg
Hahaha yeah my friends like to watch me game for that reason lol!

It's 4am for me, I should prooobably go to bed soon but tbh I'm usually up til' like 5am, I have a very messed up sleeping schedule
It really is, all of my best work ever has happened at night. My parents keep trying to get me to change it so I have a normal sleeping schedule but I'm always like, "...nahh. I'mma just stay up til' it gets light out and then I'll go to bed." which annoys then to no end lol.

Nice to know I'm not the only one!
Sounds exactly like my parents xD

I once had a boyfriend with a worse sleeping schedule than me! I'd stay up till like 4 and he'd be just going to sleep at 9 am. We'd go on so many late night adventures O.o I wouldn't get home till 5 am most of the time xD
Oh my goodness okay I'm glad I'm not at that point! I feel like my friends would all be super mad at me if I did that too, 'cause then I'd just sleep all day and they'd never see me pfft. My mom does need help recently though since she had a baby 8 weeks ago (which is super weird for me since I'm turning 19 on the 10th like dear lord) so she's been waking me up at super early times for me to help out with the baby. He's a cutie, but oh man it is tiring.
*crawls onto thread*

wi-fi is back omg i can get back to my life now

in case you guys didn't see me liking all your posts lmaoooo

But alright, I think I'm going to finish up my James post then look over characters again. -w-

Because what else is waking up in the middle of the night for other than role play things?
Aw sweet! o v o

Ohh yeah that makes sense. Last time I was in my doctor was like, "Yeaah you probably have insomnia." and then just moved on like it was just a little bullet point?? Probably should see a different doctor about that omg.

omg bro it's crazy though, I have absolutely no idea where my entire 18th year went it's really hard to believe I'm turning 19 so soon here??

'eeyy, hey there Pine! Yeah I saw you ghostin' around there e v e
Hmm *strokes nonexistent beard* I remember being 14. Rough year, rough year. Hope yours is going better, whippersnapper!

(couldn't resist sorry lol)

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