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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: The New Heroes (Camp IC)

Arlo Blumenthal ~ Location: Thalia's Pine Tree ~ With/Mentions: Octavian @9forgotten

As the other cpers began to gather more and more around Thalia's Pine Tree while monsters seemed to approach in the far distance, Arlo himself looked at the others speaking to each other. Arlo noticed that some of the campers were missing, most likely due to how some were still in the Big House, messing around in the Attic and searching for the Oracle as he had overheard, while others were still in their cabins. If there was going to be all of these people here, Arlo knew that there was one very important person who couldn't be left out if they were to be starting a serious battle on the camp border, he quickly rushed from the site of the Pine Tree and began the run over to the Circle of Cabins in the middle of the camp. He rushed to the Hephaestus cabin, opening the door as he looked inward.

"Tav? I think you might have heard but some monsters took the Golden Fleece. Now there's going to be a big battle and monsters are starting their approach on the camp....I know this might seem a bit rushed....I mean....I don't want to force you into anything and I don't want to disturb you....but we kind of need some of your support? I just think it would be best to be well equipped during the battle." He said, still a bit awkward as he approached the child of Hephaestus, looking at him while pantong from his recent run down the hill all the way to his cabin. "I know you don't like fighting, but I really would appreciate it, and I think everyone on the front lines would appreciate it if you could bring some spare weapons or some mortars or equipment like that for then to use. I mean....I know you're a busy guy and all....and I apologize again for interrupting when you have so many things to work on...I just think it would be the best thing you coudl do for the camp right now when they need you the most."

Dianne Percival

Location: Thalia's Pine / Mentions: Illabelle Darren @Quiet Is Violent , Alexander Fuller @Kingly , Owen Rydian @Bishop The Corgi

Seeing as no one really heard her question, Dianne slinked back into the shadow of the tree. These are one of the times she feels this lack of belonging. Too rough to be with the girls, too soft to be with the boys. She never let it hurt on the outside, but it’s one of the things she lays awake at night thinking. All part of being me.

Dianne caught sight of what looks to be specks moving on the horizon. She positioned herself behind a tree so that she could see the clearing ahead of her. Speckles of brown appeared on the horizon and looked to be moving forward. From this distance she couldn’t pinpoint how many there were but it was definitely more than five.

Opening her satchel, she placed it on the ground and attempted to find her crossbow and arrows. Something sharp spiked her finger, making her wince. She took a closer look and realised it was her quiver and thankfully, next to it was her crossbow. Pulling the two out, she laid them on a branch and waited for the monsters to come nearer.
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Vyseria Castwell

Mood: Concerned| Location: Stables- Outside the Infirmary | With: Vanora-other campers

As usual, Vyseria was at the stables. She never liked having to leave Vanora at the stables with all the other horses, but because of the rules she had to comply. The other horses weren't bad company, well for the most part, the stallions could get a little out of hand from time to time.

Let's go for a ride, what do you say?" Vyseria said brushing the mares white clad forehead gently with her hand. Vanora agreed, and Vyseria hopped on to her back. She felt at peace mounted on a horse, like it was what she was born to do. Suddenly she heard the border potrols horn sound. Not even seconds after she mounted her horse.

What the hell?" Vyseria exclaimed to herself. What could be going on she wondered. The horn would never sound for nothing. She unsheathed Stormbringer immediately. "Vanora, to the border!" She spoke to her horse and the horse obeyed. The wind blew through her long dark brown hair as she rode towards the middle of the camp.

It seemed as if there was trouble at the infirmary. Good Gods, someone was injured. "
Woah." She said pulling on Vanoras reigns. She redirected her towards the infirmary. It seemed like that was where all the action was taking place.
Ai Ferri

Mood:Inquisitive| Location:Armoury |With Rais

Ai could feel Rais' muscles tense when he touched him,he was one of the few people in the camp that were actually taller than him. Ai looked up and Rais and smiled that incredibly seductive smile of his. "Thing's get better with age you know" he said flirtatiously in response to Rais joke. "I guess.." Ai began entwining Rais' finger's into his. "Since its your birthday,I should probably give you your present now" Ai looked around to make sure that no one was looking and gracefully lifted himself onto his tippy toes and planted a light kiss on the side of Rais' cheek. "Happy Birthday Rais" he said sweetly.

As Rais sat there dazed and confused Ai could see Siemens campers congregating over by Thalia's tree, "
hmm,I feel like I should be over there." Ai turned to look at Rais. "Are you coming with me?" He asked raising a perfectly arched eyebrow awaiting he boy's answer.
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Rais Nyman

Mood:Sexually Confused/Concered/Flirty/WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING|Location:The Armoury|With:
@Angel Evans

After the boy kissed his cheek, Rais went into a full body blush. the tips of his ears were pink, his nose and cheeks were pink, even his fingers were blushing. He'd been waiting for so long for someone to simply, make sparks fly; and
FLY THEY DID. Rais knew that if he retaliated right now, he'd be out. OUT FOR GOOD. Was it a good idea? Rais blushed harder, but leaned over to kiss the boy smack on the lips! The Ares child held the boy's head with both of his hands gently, entangling one in his curly brown hair. Every word Ai said before, about aging and how it got better, birthday presents, and other campers, didn't matter right now.

He felt warm. Warmer than the heat of battle, from the excess movement and hot blood covering him, this warmth was different. Rais felt loved. More loved than when he spent time with his mother, who baked him and Julen cookies on a cold autumn night, more than when his dad gave him his precious sword, and more than when Julen said his first word;"Rais." This man was the first thing that was his. He was
proud to be gay, and if he so pleased, he could be happy! Once Rais pulled away from the kiss, he looked at the Aphrodite child with a grin. "You didn't even have to make me fall in love with you for that." He giggled slightly, pulling his cap around to the other side and pulling his sword from the ground below. "Now come on, let's go to Thalia's place."

Ember Moreau

Mood:Angry/Depressed|Location: Heading to Thalia's Tree|With:Herself, for now| Mentioned:

After the episode in the infirmary, Ember vowed to never leave her brothers alone again. But what was she doing now? What did she stand for? The only person who loved her was Alex, it was obvious. Seaweed Brain couldn't be subtle if he fucking tried! He was the son of the God of the Sea! The god was a storm bringer, and an obvious one. Ember smiled at the thought of them always hanging out, the obvious flirting, the constant bickering, it was like they were already together! If only she could tell him already, so she would feel happy! She glanced around for him, but noticed that he clearly wasn't there. Her eyes darted around mindlessly for a second, until they landed on Thalia's Tree, where tiny people wandered about, looking blurry from over here. She pulled out her Bident and held it in her left hand, and took off; her heart already beating fast.

Ember knew, that as a child of Hades, she could move hell, but couldn't compare to the heaven that was Alex.
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Ai Ferri

Mood:Shocked/Proud/Lusty| Location:Armory| With Rias

Ai was quite taken aback by Rias reaction to his simple peck on the cheek. By the time Rias had reacted there were already several witnesses around and then it happened. Rias kissed him,actually kissed him in front of other campers. As Rias walked away towards Thalia's tree,Ai ran up to him and stopped him. "Did you just come out of the closet...for me?" He grinned from ear to ear as he threw his arms around Rias' neck and locked their lips together in a hot and passionate kiss. Ai pulled back as he nibbled on Rias' lip a little smiling lazily at Ares' son. "Okay, now we can go" Ai pecked Rias again,God he couldn't stop kissing him. "Oh,and when I get you alone. you'll get your real present." he said with finality once again entwining Rias' fingers with his as they walked over to Thalia's dying tree.
Ilabelle Amora Darren

Ilabelle smiled at Alex, but couldn't help the feeling of dread. There would be monsters soon. There would be death soon. And that was going to be difficult. Ilabelle ran a hand down the length of her whip, obviously a little scared.

"Alex? Are there monsters coming?" Ilabelle asked nervously, almost hiding behind her friend. She doesn't like monsters. They bring death and injury. While it's fun to joke about it, it's not fun to experience. Ilabelle takes a shaky breath and she looks at her friend, terrified.


Mood: Anxious|Location: Thalia's Pine|With: Arlo @Elision of Scriptures Dianne @Garnet

Tav had just made it back inside his cabin when the door flew open revealing Arlo. Blinking, he half turned to face the other boy curiously, letting him catch his breath and speak. The corners of his mouth turned to a frown as he was pretty much summoned to the battle field. Nodding slowly, he motioned for Arlo to follow him.
"Alright, I'll come. Help me bring some weapons then." he answered, not exactly pleased about this turn of events but this was his home and so he would protect it. Looked like finishing his helping robot would have to wait until later.

Entering the workshop swiftly, he glanced around for about five seconds before he started to grab all sorts of things from the walls. Stuffing a few common swords and shields into Arlo's hands he grabbed a bunch of gadgets for himself and Dianne if he could find her. Sticking them into either his pockets or just carrying them, he turned back to Arlo with half a smile.
"I think this'll do for now. If we need more, I'll come back to get things. Or one of the others. Shall we go?" he murmured glancing around.

Leading them out, he marched up towards the Thalia's Pine tree, figuring it was a good stop to station weapons since a bunch of campers were already there. Hopefully, most would already be armed but these were jut backups and random little traps/explosions/etc the Hephaestus kids made. As they neared, he spotted Dianne and called out to her.
"Dianne!" he called waving with a smile, nearly dropping a few things.

Shooting a look at Arlo, Tav dropped the weapons in a heap, holding onto the more explosive objects.
"We can just leave these here. I suppose we can be nice and stick them into the ground so they're easier to grab." he said crouching down to fix the mess he'd just created. "And Dianne, here are a couple of your things I thought you might want..." the green eyed boy said passing over the things carefully.
Arlo Blumenthal ~ Location: Thalia's Pine Tree ~ With/Mentions: Octavian, Rais Neyman and Ai

"Ok. Ill get to work then, thanks for Helping out Tav." He smiled, a genuine, full smile. Arlo was always thankful for people helping out after all. As there was a clatter of swords, axes and spears at the base of the Pine Tree, Arlo began to arrange them in a single line, side by side. Each sword was placed in a lne right at the border of Camp, made so that a camper could easily pluck a sword by its hilt from the ground and advance onto the soon to be battlefield. The spears and axes were a bit hard, but soon, Arlo had formed an entire wall of weapons, a border functioning double as an armory. The axes lay gently on their heads while the spears were plunged down into the ground.

"There, beautiful! Now all we have to do is just wait and start! Oh, hey Rais, hey Ai!" Arlo said, greeting the tall boy and Ai whose hands were entertained. At the sight of this, Arlo looked delighted. He walked over to Rais, smiling at the two of them. He pulled the poppy based Daisy chain out of his pocket. "I didn't know you guys were....eh...together! Unless you arent, which is entirely cool and valid in its own way And I can't judge. Here, I just wanted to give you this, it isn't a great gift, but I thought you'd like it. And Congratulations, I'm happy for you." Arlo said, beaming up at them.
Derek Newman | Location: Infirmary

Serena Gonzales | Location: Infirmary

Chiron | Location: Infirmary

Serena listened to the camp director scold the son of the King with a smirk on her face. What concerned her, however, was how fast her stepbrother thought he was recovered. Chiron had barely started to help him when the boy took off. "Chiron, if I could just explain what happened..." she saw the centaur hold up his hand for silence. "Relax, dear. I already know. As I said before, your brother is very lucky that he's still alive. The beast that decided to attack him was young and inexperienced. Had she had more of a leg to stand on, she could have easily killed him." Seeing Serena flinch, he added more to his statement. "Your brother is strong. There is no need to worry about him so much." "I'd rather go through Tartarus than see someone I love get killed, Chiron." she turned and left the infirmary, followed by the two males. "Do you really think it was my fault that moron got hurt, Chiron?" Derek asked, arms folded as they passed through the Big House. "You misunderstand me, Derek. I care deeply for you and everyone else on these grounds." the centaur explained himself again. "When your father appointed me to watch over and train you children in combat, I was very honored." he took a deep breath. "You may find it strange of me to say, but I think of all of you as my own. Seeing you argue on opposite sides instead of fighting on the same side will tear this family apart." Chiron paused, stroking his beard. "If there must be war, why not let Zeus and Hades wage it against each other? Do not put yourselves in their sandals." he chuckled a little. "Though I've never seen Hades wear anything on his feet." They were now outside. Nycanor the griffon circled overhead. Derek smiled at Chiron's words as he stepped off the porch. "Oh, and one more thing, my boy." Chiron added as he watched Derek direct his attention back to his teacher. "One of the most powerful fighters on Olympus is a woman. Remember that." "Yes, Chiron." he bowed his head before whistling for his steed. Nycanor screeched, but didn't come down.


Vyseria Castwell

Mood: Concerned/Confused| Location: Outside the Infirmary | With: Chiron, Derek(@Yuuki Kuran),other campers

Vyseria rode up to the infirmary, sword still in hand and a concerned look on her face. What could of happened? She then over heard some camper running up to another camper in the distance, "The Fleece!... Stolen!" Was all she made out and it made her blood run cold. Without the fleece the camp was no longer protected and very soon they could all be fighting for there lives.

Finally walking out of the infirmary she was relieved to see two familiar faces. Chiron and Derek, son of Zues. She rode up to them both. Certainly Chiron would know what happened. "
What is going on?" She spoke with obvious concern in her voice. She needed the atrocious thought of the Fleece being stolen to be confirmed by more than here say, before she would allow herself to worry.
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Clarissa Greene

Mood: Frustrated | Location: Inside the Big House | With: Rei @9forgotten , Vincent @Excelsis and Alexandria @Runakei

There was something immediately off putting about the room Clarissa found herself. The small eaves and nooks of the room all seemed to curve away from her light creating pits of darkness all around her. She felt sweat bead on her forehead as her imagination teamed up with her paranoia to torment her mind, inventing monsters in the shadows. Deep down she knew she was being pathetic, the dark was nothing but the absence of light, and she had fought fiercer creatures and demons in the light of day than could ever fit in these dark recesses. Her fear was momentarily replaced by an eruption of self loathing at her own weakness before withering away as the icy fingers of discomfort took hold once more. Not to mention the sombre tone of the room itself, the faint scent of blood lingering among the fallen relics. It was fair to say she was on edge.

Clarissa couldn't help but jump at Vincent's question, caught off guard by his words piercing through the otherwise quiet room. It was a valid question, a question Clarissa had no idea how to answer. It was times like these when a child of Athena would chime in with a clever response, or a child of Zeus with a bright idea, or a child of Hecate with some magical solution. She hated them all, those who spoke in "maybes" and "ideas", people who thought their intelligence or talent as a leader gave them the automatic right to be... Well right. Though, she did admit to herself, It would sure be handy now.

"I... Have absolutely no idea." She spoke quietly, realising no one else had responded before her, probably for the same reason, they were all equally clueless. She remained on edge, awaiting what she saw as some inevitable outcome.

Alexandria Moore

Location: Oracle of Delphi | With: Vincent Jeon, Clarissa Greene | Mentions:
@Excelsis @Allcure

While staring at the amber amulet she'd be caught off guard as Vincent asked his question, turning to him she'd shake her head. "
Maybe we could ask an apollo kid... It would only seem logical that they'd know how to use their father's oracle."

After speaking she'd turn from him and placed the amulet around her neck and locked it and fixed it around her neck so it was comfortable. The amulet, much like a locket exposed an image of Alex and the girl she had tried and failed to save many years ago. Feeling the emotions re-surfacing she'd close it and left it alone for now seeing her Mage Light was no longer in need since Clarisse was using her ability to light up the room more than she could, "
If you want I can go find the Apollo cabin leader." her words were spoken faintly as she continued to look around the equipment from the fallen Demigods before their generation dating all the way back to the weapon of Achilles.

Alexander J Fuller

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/francisco-lachowski-digitals-malemodelscenenet-01.jpg.5b49a868987d8206ff20542a7c68abf5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="122754" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/francisco-lachowski-digitals-malemodelscenenet-01.jpg.5b49a868987d8206ff20542a7c68abf5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Location: Thalia's Pine | Mentions: @Clementine | Interacts: @Quiet Is Violent @Clairvoyant @Starchan

Alex snorted, the face of the son of the sea-god reddening a bit with Constance's words. Most people knew Alex was flirty, though only some close friends could tell that what he was feeling for Ember was more then just another little fling. Still, it didn't stop him from playing it off, which he was in fact the master at.

He gripped his trident tighter and raised a brow at her.
"Sure, I'll get to doing that as soon as you confess to me, beautiful." He joked to her, knowing that Constance had no real feelings for Alex. Or so he thought. Alex quickly changed the subject as he heard more people approach, busying themselves in their own separation. "Hmph, the more the merrier right?" He said feeling no need to address them, the more bodies to defend the line the better. Though he couldn't help but wonder where his sister Vyseria was either, for she usually wasn't one to be late to the party. He bit his lip, she was most likely fine. If anything would have happened to his half-sister he would have been the first to know of it. She'd find her way to the lines one way or another, she was probably at the lake training.

Alex heard a little voice cut through his thoughts as he turned back around to Ila. He could tell by her body language, the tone in her voice, and the simple look on her face that the little girl was terrified. Alex felt another wave of determination come over his body to defend this camp after seeing the fear in her eyes. He wanted to hug the fear out of the cute little girls body, but Alex was slowly shifting into murder mode and might've ended up squishing her to death in the process.

Alex turned around fully to Ila, kneeling down so he and his friend could see eye to eye. He put on his warmest smile, though kept the same honest and steady tone with her.
"Not yet Ila." he blinked, putting a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "But soon." He said glancing off towards the horizon and then back towards her. "But I swear to it, I won't let any one of those ugly headed monsters put a finger on you." He smirked slightly, knowing the girl had a bit of combat prowess herself. He pointed to her whip with the hand that was on her shoulder as he pulled it off. "And shit, I know you won't let them put a finger on you either." he began to stand back up, the side of his lip curved and his tone a bit gentle. "So let's gut any of these smelly monsters who think for a second it was a wise idea to step foot on our lines. And cap them with a shoe or two on their way back to Tartarus." He finished with a wink to his little friend, hoping to put some more confidence back into her. Though he couldn't blame her for being scared, hell even he was. She was much braver then he was at that age, and any camper who said they didn't feel a lick of fear was a damn lie. Though he wouldn't let fear stop him from fighting, especially when lives like Ila's was on the line.

Alex began to pace back and forth, there was plenty of time left but he always did this when he was waiting and growing impatient. He thought of all the monsters that could be coming to the lines, and the best way to dispatch all of them. He strained his mind trying to find the answers to those questions, though some came quicker then most. Nothing would stop him in his battle preparation mode, except for one thing. His eyes locked on a figure not too far out, something he couldn't look away from even if all the gods were turning his chin. Everything about her caused his heart to pump faster, even in the way she walked. She was so mesmerizing that he had stopped in his war path just to adore her. Though by the look of her face and how fast she was coming, something was wrong. He could tell. He put a hand up for her, waving her to come over. At least he hoped she was coming for him.



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Samantha Rei

Mood: Annoyed|Location: Attic|With: Clarissa @Allcure Vincent @Excelsis Alexandria @Runakei

After a few minutes of just sorta walking around, Rei grew pretty bored. Sighing, she threw her arms up and locked her fingers behind her head as she wandered around a bit. At one point, she tripped over something having strayed a bit to far for the light to reach. Regaining her balance, she looked up to find herself face to safe with a skeleton with close on.

Giving a very weary look, she eye the thing for a moment.
"What's this doing up here? You don't s'pose this old thing is the Oracle?" she scoffed aloud. Dusting her her jeans she let out a groan, "Why am I even up here? There's a battle about to start. I bet Tav has some fun explosives." she remarked, more less talking to herself at this point as she rejoined the small group. "And don't bother with finding an Apollo kid." she said glancing at Alexandria. Starching lazily, she peered into the dark once again.

"Pretty sure if we can't it, it'll find us. Usually how these things work." she added poking the tip of her boot at some random object on the floor. She vaguely wondered how long everything up here had been up here. Everything was so uncaringly dusty and it was starting to annoying her slightly. Her eyes narrowed slightly as she tried to recall what happened when people went to ask for a prophecy.

"Or we could always call for her. Like, Oracle lady! Oh Oracle lady! We kinda need some help here." Rei snickered slightly, partly at herself and her goofiness. She needed to entertain herself somehow and she had the vague sense that being up in this room was making people uneasy. Might as well attempt to lighten the mood with some uncharacteristic stupidity foolishness.
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Ember Moreau

Mood: I'm in love?!|Location: Thalia's Pine|With:
@Starchan @Kingly @Angel Evans (Others I forget I'm sorry!)

As Ember ran, her vision became clearer, yet foggy at the same time. She could see the pine in front of her, clear as day, and could see a few familiar figures around it. Rais. Ai. ALEX. Her smile widened, and her hands became clammy as ever. She was blinded by love, but the thought of her wonderful Poseidon lover was obvious and clear. Love was a new concept, being the child of a lunatic and the God of the Underworld, the only compassion coming from her brothers and step-mother, who told her of such a time. Ember felt warm. Even warmer than when she was down below the feet of the gods, her very soul melting. Her heart beat was in a frenzy, partially from how fast she was running, and because of her unrequited love. Clique? Yes. But it was all true. When she got closer, she dropped her weapon, darting headfirst to give Alex a hug. She ended up colliding with him, but instead, decided to sweep him off his feet.

Rais Nyman

Mood: Am I angry or happy?|Location: Thalia's Pine|With: @Starchan @Kingly

@Angel Evans

@Elision of Ecritures

Rais felt the heat from Ai as they kissed once more, and it was so unbearable, Rais felt like he would get a sunburn. Once the pair pulled away, he held Rais's hand tightly, leading the two to Thalia's Pine, where some of their friends stood. Out from the corner of his eye, he saw a familiar white haired girl, carrying her over-sized weapon in her hand as she ran. She ran to Alex, which made Rais smile. The whole group knew they were hard-core crushing on each other, but nobody had the balls to say it. His smile grew, and he yelled;"GO EMBER!" as she flew past. The boy looked over to his new love, slightly blushing. The two boys made it to the tree as soon as Ember crashed into Alex, and he was picked up by the surprisingly strong female he'd known for years

The scene was happy and made Rais feel great inside, but he; as a child of Ares NEEDED to protect this camp, and they obviously didn't do a very good job. What was he to do? His father certainly wasn't going to help. As they got to the tree, Rais was approached by Arlo, who handed him a crown of red poppies. It was beautiful, and he held his hand out to grab it from the boy.
"Thank you!" He said, bringing the boy in for a sidehug.
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Location: Thalia's Pine | Interacts: @Quiet Is Violent @Clairvoyant @Starchan

Constance smiled at her friends obvious discomfort. She enjoyed poking fun at him just like he enjoyed poking fun at her. Constance immediately rolled her eyes at his flirtatious comment. "I don't think you can handle me little child. Just stick to the Hades girl." Constance winked jokingly at her friend. As Alex comforted Ila she watched the borders. She had a bad feeling about the coming months. War was on the horizon, and the Hades children will definitely want revenge. Actually the whole camp will want revenge. Constance watched as Ember came running over the hill and literally sweep Alex off his feet. Constance couldn't figure out where to look. Did she shout with Rais or avoid eye contact and give the two space. Constance choose to awkwardly stare at the tree pretending nothing was happening. Which is what she did best.
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Ilabelle Amora Darren

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/upload_2016-5-4_21-42-7.png.87c57794662ebc779d10b64da01b8979.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="122792" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/upload_2016-5-4_21-42-7.png.87c57794662ebc779d10b64da01b8979.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Location: Thalia's pine l With:

Ilabelle looked into her older friend's eyes, obviously terrified. He confirms her fear; there are monsters coming. But at the same time, he calms her. He reminds her that she is a fighter, and that she can do this. No monster could best her when she's by Alex's side. And that was a fact as clear as glass. The daughter of Lachesis ran a hand down the length of her whip with a grin. "Betcha I can kill one with a shoe. Do celestial bronze heels exist?" She jokes, not totally confident but secure enough to be able to stand her ground.

When Alex starts to pace, Ilabelle begins to look at the others. There are plenty of people here. Not enough to hold back all of the monsters that most likely will come, but enough to stall. This seemed a suicide mission. But, as long as Ilabelle was there, not a single one would die before her. That was a promise she'd made to herself after Kyle died. She would never let someone die when she could save them. Never again.



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Ai Ferri

Mood:Relaxed|Location:Thalia's Pine|With Rais @Starchan ,Arlo @Elision of Ecritures

Ai could hear someone running at top speed's behind them. It was Ember she was running toward's the tree and he knew exactly who she was gunning for. Ai was none too happy to see her or the son of poseidon. "Death bitch" he muttered just as Rais decided to open his mouth and shout encouragements at her. AI rolled his eyes looking up at Rais. "That's your friend? You know she doesn't like me right? And her little boyfriend hates me and all of my sibling's." Ai explained to Rais. Before he could finish speaking little Arlo approached the two of them offering congratulation's on their newly formed relationship. Ai smiled sweetly chuckling and bent down to be on eye level with the boy. "No Arlo, we aren't together but who know's..." Ai shrugged looking up Rais fondly. "If the weapon's expert here can get me to commit then I'm all his. However,I did want to say thank you so much for the gift it gorgeous" he said kindly bringing the boy in for a full body hug taking a big whiff. "And you smell divine,when you turn 17. Give me a call yeah?" Ai's flirty smile grew on his face.

Ai saw all of the weapons laid out in front of Thalia's tree,and he guessed it was so camper's could pick up a weapon in order to fend off the impending wave of monster's coming. Ai wriggled his nose where his twin Tessen Luna and Sol lay dormant hidden as a nose ring under the mist. Not many campers had their own personalized weapons and even less that were blessed by the god's. Too have your own personalized weapon was a symbol of power and status among campers. "I guess it's time I show the rest of this camp just how powerful love is. I'll make sure everyone know's I'm not just a pretty face" he thought outloud
Alexander James Fuller


Location: Thalia's pine | Mentions:

@Quiet Is Violent | Interacts: @Starchan

Alex laughed at the thought of Ila having celestial bronze heels in her possesion. No monster would survive if that were a thing. He didn't take his eyes off Ember for a second as she charged him, it was hard not to. It all happened so quick.

One second Alex was watching the beautiful daughter of Hades collide into him for a hug that brought an even larger smile to his face, and the next he was being swept off from the ground and into her arms, completley caught by surprise. He dropped his trident to the floor as his eyes widened being picked up by the strong girl. His arms instantly shot around her neck in reflex to keep himself from falling. The positions were definitley reversed, but it sent Alex into hysterics laughing.

Alex's laughter slowly calmed down as he looked into the girls deep blue eyes. He hadn't been with her for more then a minute and instantly his mood had lifted 3 levels. Alex grinned up at her, "Woah there tiger, never a dull moment with you huh?" He teased reaching the hand that wasnt around her neck to playfully tap her cheek. He was looking up with utmost infatuation, the more he looked at her beautiful face was the more he knew his feelings were real. But, he denied them twice as harder in his mind.

He swung his legs from her arms dropping back down to the dirt with a laugh. Just looking at her made his heart pick up pace like no girl had ever made happen. He couldn't resist grasping her into another tight hug. The way they were going after each other it was almost like they hadn't seen each other minutes before. Nobody around him seemed to exist anymore but her. Alex didn't even seem to note the disgusting Aphrodite child not too far from him, or the person yelling out. All he saw was her, and a longing for her that he had always felt whenever they were together.

"Took you long enough to get here." He said happily pulling back from the hug. "It was like you were running for years, yet you still looked good doing it." He said biting his lip taking in every aspect of her from up close. His eyes landed on her lips, something he wanted to kiss so bad. But would it confirm what he was trying so hard to hide? Would it release the feelings he was trying to lock away? Most of all, did he care if any of this would have happened?

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Ilabelle Amora Darren

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/upload_2016-5-5_19-7-35.png.2771ceaa9b2f18dcbc092db97c8b837d.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="123001" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/upload_2016-5-5_19-7-35.png.2771ceaa9b2f18dcbc092db97c8b837d.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Location: Thalia's pine l With: No one in particular​

Ilabelle laughed with Alex, but quickly realized she had become irrelevant. So she looked at the others. She didn't know them. Funny, she's been at camp all year and she doesn't know any of these kids. And yet, she was expected to fight along side them as if she knew them her whole life. Interesting.

Ilabelle walked over the border, bored and just wanting to get the fight over with already. If there were monsters coming, they might as well get her on this side and not the other. Plus, there's no sign of any monsters now. And if they were anywhere near her, they'd be in sight. And they aren't insight, so she's safe for now.

The short girl sat down in the grass, looking at the sky. Monsters are coming. Monsters are coming and Ilabelle can't stop them from coming. All she can do is fight them when they come. And that is terrifying. Ilabelle started to cry a little bit. She's scared. She's so scared.



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Rais Nyman

Mood: Focused|Location:Thalia's Pine| With: @Angel Evans @Elision of Ecritures @Starchan @Kingly @Quiet Is Violent

"Yeah, she's one of my best friends. Don't worry, she gets like that sometimes. It's alright." The younger boy assured Ai, squeezing his hand. "She actually really likes you, she just gets jealous when others are around her brothers too much." He smiled slightly, watching as Ember and Alex had their lovebird moment. About time. Once Arlo came up, he took the poppy crown and put it immediately on his head. "I hear this is supposed to give me good dre-" He paused as Ai hugged the boy, "If the weapon's expert here can get me to commit then I'm all his"; hugging the younger boy, pulling him in close to say; "And you smell divine,when you turn 17. Give me a call yeah?" Rais's cheeks flushed with pink, and he glanced over at the older Aphrodite male. " I may be a humble weapons master, but that doesn't mean I can't master the greatest weapon of all. Love." He said, gushing with... yuck. He shook his head, pulling his sword back into his hand. "Status Report Arlo, what's happening over here? Monsters to crush?" He asked, an almost hungry, savage grin peeking onto his face.

Ember Moreau

Mood:Loving/Joking|Location: Thalia's Pine| With: @Starchan @Elision of Ecritures @Kingly @Quiet Is Violent @Angel Evans

Once she has picked of Alex, Ember felt like she was on top of the world. It felt amazing to just hold him, to feel the warmth and smell the sweet scent of the ocean breeze off his beautiful skin. Was she shot by a love arrow, or was it that fact that he had been her first teenage crush? She was knocked out of her dreamy state by a warm hand that was touching her cheek. Ember blushed, looking at Alex with a tender smile. She was immediately wrapped into a quick and tight hug, and was released moments later to see a wonderfully crafted face. Ember looked into his entrancing sea green eyes, just simply listening to the words he was saying."I will run anywhere for you. I swear on the gods I will." She whispered, before planting a kiss on his lips.
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Derek, Serena and Chiron

Outside the Infirmary

Nervous and alert


Serena had been listening to this conversation from under a tree by the Big House, her dog Jet lying next to her. Suddenly, the ground began to shake and Serena jolted to her feet, dagger out and ready to fight whatever was gonna grab her ankles. As a girl on a horse passed, Serena realized what happened and immediately felt like an idiot. "Hi, Vyseria." She mumbled under her breath, frustrated at how jumpy she was.

Derek noticed his cousin riding up on her horse and immediately knew why Nycanor wouldn't come down. "Horses." He should have known better than to have his best friend wait outside the Big House for him. He hated horses for some weird reason. "I'll tell ya, Vy. I don't think Chiron wants to repeat himself more than twice in an hour." He took a deep breath. "Our cousin was attacked. The Fleece was stolen and we're all screwed."
Arlo Blumenthal ~ Thalia's Pine ~ @Starchan Rais Neyman and @Angel Evans

"Well, the uh monsters are slowly yet assuredly climbing up to greet us at our front door, so to speak..." he addressed Rais with an attempted formal tone. He held up his hands and rubbed his Bangle upon his right wrist a bit nervously. He tried to gather his thoughst about their current situation as quickly as possible, not being one to have their thoughts in order for a majority of the time. "Currently, the monsters are picking up our scent, as is typical to their kind, and soon enough they'll begin a full fledged attack on our borders, but as you can see here a variety of camper's from different Cabin's arrived, including Octavian, a friend of mine, who's made a note of supplying us with weapons which I've arranged nicely....."

Arlo stuttered at Ai's attempt at flirting with him. "I'll certainly give you a call, if you aren't...preoccupied..." he said, giving a fast glance towards Rais. "And Rais.....Love is the strongest weapon, and perhaps the best one you may employ in your arsenal for exploring the lengthy emotional and....physically sexual realm of a relationship with a person like Ai,. For I suppose that the fire's of sexual conquests burn brightly, more so than the scorching flame's of Apollo's sun, yet not necessarily in your favor...so....take heed at using that personal weapon to your advantage."
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Owen Rydian

Mood: Eh

Location: A little past the border

With: Ilabelle

(Introduction Post V2)

Owen did not hear the girl approach until he heard the sniffling. From his location in the tree, He'd been trying to track the monster who'd not only shanked the kid ahead of him on patrol, but they'd also managed to make off with the Fleece.

Owen soundlessly exhaled as he glanced down at the girl. Something was clearly wrong, but Owem couldn't understand what it was, so he turned his art back to the forest as a sudden and quick pain flared on the back of his neck. Owen out his hand the the back of his neck quietly as the pain of losing a small group of his insects slowly dissipated. Every time that happened in bothered him.... But what bothered him the most was how quickly the group had been taken out. He shook off the thought as a cut opened up on the back of his hand. New insects filed out of the cut to replace the old ones who had just died. "Whatever's out there..." Owen though to himself "is gonna be a bunch of trouble..."

Owen glanced downward to the girl below him once more and sighed. "Priority one is her..." He thought as he dropped down from the tree, landing right next to her. "Hey..." Owen said aloud as he looked at the girl. "It's not safe here.... You should be back behind the border..."

@Quiet Is Violent

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