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Fandom Camp Half Blood: The Children

Cassidy Lee Nightingale 


Cassidy Lee Nightingale


Cass, Cassie, Night Owl, Owl


16 going on 17



Small Bio:

Her child hood was rather normal, going to public school, living in the suburbs of LA, everything every child had. Though she had a unique talent, her amazing ability to over come any obstacle that was set in her path, be it a sport, a project, anything, is was all based on strategy, how to beat the other team, or show off, by being the best, finding the weak spot in the systems. She was well liked for this, always surrounded by friends, and well liked by teachers. But the day came when she was sent to a 'boarding' school, because she was of age to be sent to camp, and trained. 

((I just put some together, but it dose well, I'll add drama in her history in the rp))


TBR, will add a few main points


Mother - God - Athena

Father - Mortal - Jason


The sword above was givin to her by a head Counselor at the camp, it was given to them by her mother as present when she got there. But it's different from most swords, with a gental touch of her daughter, the owls wings can be folded and instead of it being a near dagger, it turns into a full on sword.


This should was yes, her mother's as well, but was gives to her by her father, unknown to her at the time, it was given to her as a bracelet, with the squeezing of both sides it transforms into a shield.


View attachment 186040

Since her mother is represented by the Owl, it's only natural she is as well is represented by the Owl. And her team when they do 4 teams, she is the caption of the Owl team, and on 1 on 1 she is still caption of the team due to her, you know.

((I'll edit it here and there)). But other then that it is done!

So cuteee!~ <3
Yup! We're still accepting. Though, if you plan to have a child claimed by any of the said gods above, please contact the first claimers. ^^ Welcome!
I now have 250 posts! Yay! One problem, the site takes a bit to update. And I'm going to the dentists a little later.. So sorry to say, You guys have to wait a bit more :P ..



Name: Marsaili Ealasaid MacIlleDhonaghart

Age: Eighteen

Gender: Female


Marsaili was born on March 16, 1998 to Merida Anabla MacIlleDhonaghart in Edinburgh, Scotland. Growing up, she did a lot of uprooting and moving around due to her mother's job as a foreign service worker, more so than the average child should endure. However, she rather enjoyed travelling the world, immersing herself in the different cultures, languages, and sceneries she encountered in each country, making lifelong friends along the way. It was when she was fourteen years old that she and her mother decided to finally settle down in New York, America. When she asked her mother about it, the Scottish woman simply smiled warmly at her and told her that she would find out soon enough when the time was right, and she did.


Marsaili happened to come across Camp Half-Blood by chance. It was during one of the many successful heists she had committed, a habit that she couldn't quite get rid of since she was young, that she had swiftly dashed into a nearby forest to avoid capture. She was planning on leaving once the commotion she caused had settled to go to a nearby pawn shop for some extra cash in exchange for the goods she had stolen, another habit of hers that most would find shocking for a girl her age. It was there that she encountered a Fury, one that began to chase her as soon as she caught their attention. Luckily for her, with a bit of quick thinking, she managed to outrun the monster, but in turn, came across the camp for the first time.


Marsaili is a very eccentric and quirky young woman. She is cheerful, outgoing, and upbeat, generally exhibiting a positive attitude most of the time, while on bad days she is temper-mental and easily irritable, though this rarely occurs. Possessing a friendly demeanor, she is easy to talk to and tends to be playful and mischievous, as a lot of the Hermes kids end up being. She enjoys spending time with the other campers, even if they don't feel the same about her, and will always be willing to lend them a helping hand. Beware, however, for behind her bubbly façade, she is first and foremost a thief, so it would be best to keep one eye open when you sleep, and keep your valuables somewhere safe.


- Hermes; Father; Greek God of Roads, Speed, Messengers, Commerce, Travel, Thieves, Merchants, Athletes, and Mail Deliverers.

- Merida Anabla MacIlleDhonaghart; Mother

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Yes it is.  Please go to the below and fill out a joining form.  @Nikki Rodgers

Guys here is the link to the RP:

@AI10100 @Kuroko @Neastlarsson @Dark_one @Maiza Avaro @Jinx @Anyone Online @Metalgeardude @Pyromancer88

Gods that have been taken (please message the claimer of the god if you want to make a child of that particular god or goddess that has been claimed.  Hades and Poseidon claimers are no longer accepting other children.):








Yes it is.  Poseidon and Hades are no longer accepting applicants and there is a list of gods/goddess who have been claimed.  Just go to the link to the forum and request to join.   Once you have been accepted, submit a joining application with the title containing the Name, God or Goddess, and the age of the character in the title and wait for acceptance.

Those who have submitted a character here, just submit it over on the forum and you are good to go. @A Mysterious Figure

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