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Fandom Camp Half Blood: The Children


Name:Ashel Blakely



Bio: raised with an abusive drunk for a father and a mother that was never home due to her job at the morgue Ashel ran away from home at a young age. Upon finding camp half blood he spends most of his days alone in the woods. No one has been able to convince him since his arrival to join the other campers aim anything aside from the capture the flag games which he wins just so he doesn't have to do chores. Shadow teleport comes in handy there. Any time he gets cornered by someone trying to get him to go to the classes he just shadow teleports away, refusing to talk to anyone besides Dionysus and Chiron.

Persoonality:shy, quiet, broken


Done. If you want a real picture I got it

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(I'm just going to copy my characters' apps from the old RP and readjust as necessary)


Name: Nazar Tora Black

Age: 13

Gender: Male

Bio:  He grew up with his mother and stepfather but his stepfather is an abusive jerk towards himself and his younger sister. He saw his friend die in front of him when he was seven-years-old. Ran away at nine and has lived at Camp Halfblood ever since.   It was only when his sister showed up at the camp and Nazar killed the monster, that he learned his mother had died recently.  

Personality: A reserved and quiet individual who can sense when others have died, he often takes trips to the Underworld at night to see his father.  Doesn't have a lot of friends and spends his time making sure his younger sister is taken care of.   He tends to get a temper easily when someone at the camp does something they shouldn't be doing and when Nazar gets angry, it isn't a good sign.  About the only people he really cares for are his dad and his younger sister.   


General: Darkness, Solitude, Books, Spicy Food, Chocolate, Looking at the stars, Outdoors

Hobbies: Reading, poetry, video games

People: compassionate people, outcasts, geeks, people who can carry an intelligent conversation


General: Storms, Strawberries, dogs

Hobbies: Swimming, Card Games

People: His stepfather, bullies, people who are too cowardly to stick up for others, jocks, people who abuse animals and the weak, know-it-alls who have to be right about 'everything'

Parent: Hades

Other: Powers are Umbrakinesis (shadow manipulation which includes teleporting through shadows), Necromancy.  Dad gave him a Stygian Iron sword with some armor.  

*I'll make Emily's sheet if we're allowed to have more than 2 characters on here.  She's also Hades' daughter & Nazar's full sister.*
I kinda remember that they are able to have more than one kid? Or am I wrong?

If you don't allow it, Ares is mine.
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View attachment 185251

Name:Ashel Blakely



Bio: raised with an abusive drunk for a father and a mother that was never home due to her job at the morgue Ashel ran away from home at a young age. Upon finding camp half blood he spends most of his days alone in the woods. No one has been able to convince him since his arrival to join the other campers aim anything aside from the capture the flag games which he wins just so he doesn't have to do chores. Shadow teleport comes in handy there. Any time he gets cornered by someone trying to get him to go to the classes he just shadow teleports away, refusing to talk to anyone besides Dionysus and Chiron.

Persoonality:shy, quiet, broken


If all works out I'll just edit his bio

Name: Emily Ann Black (Nickname is 'Shade' but only her brothers can use this name)

Age: 7

Gender: Female

Bio:  She was born on October 31st 2009 or All Hallows Eve.  The younger sister of Nazar, Emily lived with her older brother, abusive stepfather and their mother; Irene Elizabeth Black.  The abuse got to be too much for her older brother and he ran away at nine, while Emily was just three-years-old.   She and their mother would continue to live with the Black children's' stepfather until Emily's mother died, killed by their stepfather in a drunken rage.  Emily heard a voice telling her to go to New York and she followed it.    Whenever she was close to getting into trouble, she always managed to avoid it...this was her father watching out for her and she made her way to the camp.  However, when Emily was near the camp, a Chimera found her and began to chase her.  Nazar killed the monster and rescued his sister, the teen remembering her despite their years apart.    She now resides with her older brother at Camp Half-Blood year round as they have no other family.

Personality: Like her brother Nazar, Emily can sense the deaths of people around her when they are happening or before they are to happen.  She doesn't have full control of her powers yet, so depends on Nazar to get them to the underworld to visit their father.   Emily likes playing fetch with her father's Cerberus when they visit her father's domain.  She is a curious child who likes to explore her surroundings.   Animals are afraid of her and freak out if she comes near them, unless they are monsters or animals of her father.  Emily's drawings are usually of her brother Nazar or of the world around her.  She's quite a good artist for a child and has opportunity to become one of the greats in the art world.  She has a disliking towards her uncles Zeus and Poseidon along with her demigod cousins, tending to stick close to Nazar when the siblings aren't training.   Around strangers she is shy and hides behind Nazar with who she is very close.


General: Darkness, Thestrals, her father's Cerebus, visiting the Underworld, gardening, being outdoors, pizza, chocolate ice cream, oranges

Hobbies: Learning to control her powers, Drawing, Reading, playing with her father's pets. spending time with her brother, traveling

People: Her older brothers, her father, animal lovers


General: Snakes, People disrespecting her and her siblings because they're Hades' children, Flying, Storms, bananas, seafood

Hobbies: Fighting (unless it is to defend herself or her brothers), Swimming, Capture the Flag

People: "The big meanie who almost killed daddy" (i.e. Luke), Poseidon, Zeus, her cousins from her uncles, bullies, thieves, liars

Parent: Hades

Other: Powers are Geokinesis, Necromancy, Osteokinesis, and shadow travel.







Keith Calor









Keith Calor is not his name.

He has no name.

Keith was found when he was just an infant, by two demigods on a patrol. He was being held by an Erinyes, threatened to be eaten by her. They fought with the old deity and emerged victorious. They thought about taking the baby to his mother but soon found a dead body of a woman, unidentifiable, near the site. Thinking that this woman was the baby's mother, they thought of handing the baby to the police. But something stopped them. A sign from the heavens. Keith wasn't told what it was but the two demigods told him that they knew immediately that he was a demigod. So they took him to Camp Half-Blood to raise and train him. That's why he's so accustomed to living life inside the camp, he's lived there his entire life.


He still doesn't know who his mother was. But it doesn't bother him anymore. He has created multiple things, his most notable being a near-sentient robot that functions as his servant which he named Barry. He's made two more for the camp itself - Blue and Red - he isn't the best in names but they were certainly useful.



Keith, just like any son of Hephaestus, likes to keep to himself and tinker with machinery - although this is much more true to him than the usual Hephaestus kid. He just absolutely loves the sound of hammering any type of metal, the smell of burning it and the soft hum of machinery around him. He could forego social interactions for a month and just spend it inside his room. He actually went on for three weeks inside, not stepping a single foot outside. His cabinmates would be the one to give him his portion of food. The counselors made him promise to not do that again.


He is quite awkward when it comes to talking but he can manage. Although he isn't exactly shy either. He has gotten better in social interactions mainly because he likes making things like prosthetic and the like. Most people who have missing limbs are directed to him if they want something to replace the missing gap. He usually does a good job.


Son of Hephaestus



Being the son of Hephaestus, he brings a lot of things with him in his toolbelt which actually can hold more than it looks like it can - inspired by Leo Valdez's own toolbelt


Mini-celestial bronze plates

Two drones made of celestial bronze

A magical GPS

The things you can see him actually holding

Celestial Bronze sword

He does have Pyrokinesis and Technokinesis


Name:  Syrill "Sy" Maestro

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Bio: Syrill lived with her sibling (@Anyone OnlineI hope you don't mind making him/her older than her.). She was the younger one, so she was always protected. They lived in a luxurious life, as their mother was a successful business woman. They lived in their hotels most of their life, and even went to prestigious schools. Syrill was never *****y, but she learned how to deal with people she didn't trust (A.K.A: Being two faced). When her sibling reached thirteen, he was sent to a boarding school, or so she was told. When time came, she was protected by her mother in fear of losing a child. They ran over the world, until she was finally caught. At first, Syrill was distraught at being caught, but soon she got used to the life. 

Personality: TBR

Parent: Poseidon

Other: General Poseidon Abilities (Check Riordan Wiki). Has two bracelets wrapped around her fore arms.  It has two little blue gems, that when she presses it, it enlarges. The sword is called Okeano (Ocean's Wail in Greek.)

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I'm so in, but give me a while to so my form..... Also question, witch main gods have not been chosen for a parent 
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"It's all down hell from here, unless we're road kill on the way."

Edgar 'Ed' Rubin16Cis, male | Son of Ares

Bio: Born in the middle of winter by a lonely mother Ed came to the world already in a poor state. His mother did her best to give him a childhood he would like, make him grow up to be a faithful and beautiful man. Ed himself had other plans. Pissed at his father for leaving his mother, pissed at his mother for lying about his father, pissed at the school for never letting him learn his way, and most of all pissed at himself for being him. Very young Ed developed anger issues, almost always hitting, kicking or screaming to be heard, to be seen or be understood. One day, at age 14 he stopped talking, stopped being. This was the day his mother finally told him what his father was, and send him of to Camp Half Blood for the first time, mostly to help him find a purpose but also to get some peaceful silence in her house. Spending the summer with his halfsiblings did not help Ed, he came home as silence as he waked. Only giving short answers, never putting effort into anything. His year as 15 was a misery. He change school after being bullied, at the new one he got frozen out. He did not care, he liked it. Never talking and only staring, staring deep into other peoples souls. Standing tall and slowly heighten his head, giving of a small evil, half smile. Only letting those ice cold, ice coloured eyes speak for themselves. This may have been Eds worst trait, the fact that he never backed down. He would keep his smile, fall down and stand up still with a smile on his lips. Hen did never hit back, until he could see the hatred, the irritation, the fear in his opponents eyes. At 16 he has his third year at Camp Half Blood. Known for being a silent punisher, standing up for those who let him and first and foremost a living punching bag. Ed can take a hit, he even likes it. But those who hit him may always be prepared to take one back.

Personality: Ed is silent, he is social and he is protective. He laughs at death, it is nothing that will ever scare him, and he might be considered a masochism because of his willigness to take a hit.

Face Claim: Lucky Blue Smith


Achilles "Arch" Maestro






 Achilles lived with his sister Syrill and his mom. Since he was the older one, he always protected his baby sister. They lived in a luxurious life, as their mother was a successful business woman. They lived in their hotels most of their life, and even went to prestigious schools. Achilles always helped, and saw the better side of people, but he learned that his loved ones came first, and that he would do anything to protect them. When he reached thirteen, he was sent to a boarding school (aka Camp Half Blood), he felt so sad leaving Syrill, but he knew it was better for him to protect her.  Achilles spent every day trying to become the best son of Poseidon he could. He trained with his power 24/7 so he could use them in his time of need. He trained on dual wield. He had a half trident in one hand, and his sword θάλασσα τρόμος (Sea tremor) That was the name for his trident/sword.






It is a chain with a silver trident pendant, sword pendant, and a dagger pendant that he pulls to get the weapon/s he wants.

Thanks, could I claim Athena? If not that's cool , and possibly Apollo, daughter of both?
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Cassidy Lee Nightingale 



Cassidy Lee Nightingale


Cass, Cassie, Night Owl, Owl


16 going on 17



Small Bio:

Her child hood was rather normal, going to public school, living in the suburbs of LA, everything every child had. Though she had a unique talent, her amazing ability to over come any obstacle that was set in her path, be it a sport, a project, anything, is was all based on strategy, how to beat the other team, or show off, by being the best, finding the weak spot in the systems. She was well liked for this, always surrounded by friends, and well liked by teachers. But the day came when she was sent to a 'boarding' school, because she was of age to be sent to camp, and trained. 

((I just put some together, but it dose well, I'll add drama in her history in the rp))


TBR, will add a few main points


Mother - God - Athena

Father - Mortal - Jason



[SIZE= 20px]The sword above was givin to her by a head Counselor at the camp, it was given to them by her mother as present when she got there. But it's different from most swords, with a gental touch of her daughter, the owls wings can be folded and instead of it being a near dagger, it turns into a full on sword.[/SIZE]



[SIZE= 20px]This should was yes, her mother's as well, but was gives to her by her father, unknown to her at the time, it was given to her as a bracelet, with the squeezing of both sides it transforms into a shield.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]Other:[/SIZE]


Since her mother is represented by the Owl, it's only natural she is as well is represented by the Owl. And her team when they do 4 teams, she is the caption of the Owl team, and on 1 on 1 she is still caption of the team due to her, you know.

((I'll edit it here and there)). But other then that it is done!
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