Camp Half-Blood (Signups, OOC, and Character Sheets)

Name: Venicia Sworde

Age: 17

Date of Birth: March 13, 1995

Gender: Female

Mortal Parent: Jessica Sworde

Immortal Parent: Zeus

Skill: Unknown (Have to figure out one)

Personality: Venicia is a hot headed and tempermental girl with a big attitude and a foolish mind. She can easily get annoyed by the slightest of things and if its you that has managed to annoy her, you better run. She tends to get in a lot of fights due to her bad temper. If you ever manage not to annoy her and start a friendship with her, you've got a kind and protective friend for life.

History: Due to an incident on a quest about 4 years ago, she doesn't remember anything except for the things that people reminded her and objects that she had that triggered some memories.



Cabin: Zeus

Weaknesses: Battle strategizing; tends to run into a battle or fight without thinking

Weapon of Choice: Icos, a gift from her Father, Zeus (Sword in the picture; object that tends to trigger memories, especially in battle)

Name: Mr. Masin

Age: One hundred and eight but looks around thirty five.

Date of Birth: Unknown.

Gender: Male

Species: Centaur

Cabin: He stays in the big house since he is Camp Director.

Skill: Can shoot anything down with an arrow.

Personality: Mr. Masin can be very grumpy with certain people but he adores Victorique, who is basically now his daughter.

Apperance: Long light brown hair, deep green eyes and tanned skin.


History: He was always a friend of the goddess Artemis and when the position of Camp Director came up after Mr. D left, she offered to show Zeus this wonderful replacement. The god of gods agreed and he then begun his career at Camp Half-Blood.

Weakness: Chocolate cake and sweets.

Weapon of Choice: Bow and quiver.


Other: He is very protective over all campers but is reluctant to admit it.


Name: Victorique Banesworth

Age: Seventeen

Date of Birth: May 19th

Gender: Female

Mortal Parent: James Banesworth (deceased)

Immortal Parent: Nike

Skill: Victorique is very skilled in all things, mainly. She wins every time, normally. It's rare for her to lose. She is also an empath, meaning she can feel what other people feel as well as invoke emotions into others unwillingly.


She has fiery red eyes that glow so bright that they illuminate the darkness. She has long tresses of red hair with a slight blackish tint. Her skin is very fair and she is very lofty yet slender.


Personality: Victorique is a dangerously devious girl that can crack a few jokes and make people laugh every once in a while, but she can also be callous, gloomy, dark, and crazed too. Good and bad rages like a emotional fiery duel in the very abyss of her mind, the dispute sometimes confusing her. She is most clever and courageous when faced with danger. She would try to take a hydra on by herself without help to save the camp. She surely wouldn't hesitate to murder someone or something, and usually feels little remorse in doing so. She believes that her emotions are foolish and do not matter and tries her best to make everyone else find happiness before she allows herself to rejoice. Victorique is a very eerie female and she dislikes too much company. In fact, crowds bother her. If you anger her, you could lose an eye.

History: When her father died, Victorique was taken to camp by her grandmother who knew that she was a demigod because of her father's stories of his immortant girlfriend. He had left the directions to her and in the middle of the night, the grandmother dropped the redheaded five year old in front of the doors to Camp Half-Blood. Mr. Masin basically became her adoptive father and she has always trained very hard at camp. Relationships and friendships came right after her training. Her years of experiences have put her on quite a few quests.

Cabin: Nike's Cabin

Weaknesses: Swimming, thunder and lightning and doctors.

Weapon of Choice:

She owns quite a few.


Other: She dislikes people. 
Nikki Rodgers, I just posted my first two. One important one comes along soon. And you can start it any way you wish.

Momizi_Inubarashi, accepted. You may start to rp.
Name: Vincent Dorian


Date of Birth: December 12, 1994


Mortal Parent: Isabella Dorian

Immortal Parent:Hades

Skill: Vincent is intelligent and very tactical. He can reanimate the dead if necessary.

Personality: Vincent is shy but sweet. He is calm in his actions and very strategic when it comes to making his move. He is use to being the outcast, a trait he shares with his father.

History:Vincent was born the offspring of Isabella and Hades. Isabella kept him very confined and even had him watched at public school for she knew he would be sought after due to his father's legacy. His mother was completely against him going to Camp half-blood. One day, Vincent was returning from his high school when he seen a dead cat. He felt sorry for the animal and wanted to help the creature. This is where he discovered his powers over the dead, he brought the cat back to life giving it a second chance, but this led to the problems that would soon follow. That night at the strike of midnight, His home was attacked by an orc which killed his mother but with her final words she ordered that he went to camp Half-Blood. He barely escaped the Orc and made it to camp Half-blood.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/tumblr_lieevrunml1qcfa53o1_500.jpg.32101108579526013ca4d99673d513b2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="555" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/tumblr_lieevrunml1qcfa53o1_500.jpg.32101108579526013ca4d99673d513b2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Weaknesses:His strategic mind often leaves him in a stale mate when it comes to acting.

Weapon of Choice: Flail. <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/18649.jpg.622ba632c329d342516fe6b11e9cda03.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="556" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/18649.jpg.622ba632c329d342516fe6b11e9cda03.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other: He is very shy, but easy to get along with.

Ichor will run like a river.



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Name: Celia Languison

Age: 18

Date of Birth: August 31, 1994 - Virgo

Gender: Female

Mortal Parent: Darion Languison

Immortal Parent: Hecate

Skill: When faced with a decision, Celia can see where every path will result for a short distance. She also has a natural affinity for magic. On rare occasions and with her mother's blessing, she can communicate with departed spirits.

Personality: Celia is very no-nonsense. She does not like to be trifled with and rarely concerns herself with what she deems as "trivial matters." However, if one gets close to her, she is fiercely protective of him and will protect him will all her ability.

History: At a very young age, Celia discovered her true parentage, or rather, it was revealed to her. One night, while out catching fireflies with the neighbourhood children, a strange transparent symbol of a three faced moon appeared over her head. Her father immediately took her home, and that night, under the full moon, she met her mother for the first time. She thought her mother to be the most beautiful woman in the world, tall and slim, with curling brown hair and eyes as silver as the moon framed behind dark lashes. Her mother - who revealed herself to be the Goddess Hecate, presented her with a dagger, saying that some day, that weapon would save her life.

After her mother left, her father told her everything. He had once been a very committed pagan, and one of his patrons had been Hecate. His devotion and looks caught her attention, so she came to Earth to see him. He knew immediately that it was the goddess. Though she could not spend long times with him due to her responsibilities, the two found themselves falling in love. Months later, Hecate discovered that she was with child and hid away until the babe, Celia, was born. Darion was overjoyed when his patron and lover returned, but she told him that she could no longer come back and that he must hide his worship from their daughter until the proper time.

The next day, the first monster attacked. Being just a child, Celia had no idea how to defend herself. Luckily, her father knew some basic magic and managed to ward off the beast just long enough to give them time to escape. The two journeyed to Camp Half-Blood, where Celia has been living for the past eleven years. She has not heard from her mother or father since and continuously worries.

Appearance: Celia inherited her mother's grey eyes which seem to glow silver under the moonlight. Her chestnut brown hair hangs just a ways past her collarbones. Thick and wavy, she has given up on ever taming it, just either pulling it back into a ponytail or letting it fall freely. Not one for bothering with fashion, Celia wears what is available. She prefers to wear loose tshirts, knee-length shorts, and flats all in neutral colours.


Cabin: Twenty

Weaknesses: Celia would do anything to find her father, even if it means putting herself or those around her at risk. She can also hold a grudge forever and is very reluctant to forgive and forget. Physically, Celia does not have great strength or speed since her specialty is magic.

Weapon of Choice: The dagger that her mother gave her ten years ago is still the only weapon Celia will use, trusting in her mother's prophecy. The blade is a pure silver, thin and etched with curving patterns. The hilt is three part, each side with an image of a woman painted black: a Maiden, a Mother, and a Crone, each symbolising a part of her mother. With her left hand, Celia will perform signs while chanting to use her magic.

Other: Ichor will run like a river.

(I can add a male later if we need more men. Right now, though, my brain's really tired ugh.)
There is going to be two oracles. ^^ You may be one, yes. The other one comes later and is rp'd by me.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/images-68.jpeg.1eac81634fccfad456b930c18d9a5575.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="558" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/images-68.jpeg.1eac81634fccfad456b930c18d9a5575.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Cynthia Rodgers

Nickname: CeCe

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Date of Birth: April 22

Mortal Parent: Kinard & Suszen Rodgers

Godly Parent: None

Species: Oracle

Skill: On rare occasion's she can predict the future.

Personality: Sweet, Kind, Caring, Creepy, Odd, Wierd, Outgoing

Cbain: ( ? The Big House? )

Weakness: After using her power's she tends to grow incrediably weak, she usially passes out.

Weapon of Choice: Spear

Other: It is a rare occasion that she has her visions

Highly Unorthodox This good?

Name: Cynthia



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Name: Ambre Colderon

Age: 15

Date of Birth: December 24, 1998

Gender: Female

Mortal Parent: Selina Colderon

Immortal Parent: Ares

Skill: Can summon fire, also has extremely sensitive senses (Sound, Sight, etc)

Personality: Ambre is a fiery and energetic girl who seems opposite to most kin of Ares. While most are tempermental and fight alot, she is more calm and prefers to stay out of the fighting, unless it is of importance for her to fight.

History: Ambre unfortunately does not remember anything, since she was on the same quest as Venicia and developed amnesia as well. She barely remembers anything and and some objects trigger her memories.



Cabin: Ares

Weaknesses: Fighting, because she isn't very strong, and her own personal feelings

Weapon of Choice: Forza, a gift given to her by Hephaestus. (Look above in the picture)

Name: Arkantos Arvanitis

Age: Nineteen

Date of Birth: March 16th

Gender: Male

Mortal Parent: Jakard Arvanitis

Immortal Parent: Nemesis

Skill: He has the ability to summon ice and manipulates it. He also plays the guitar.

Personality: He is a calm and composed boy with very calm traits. However, he can be remorseless and vengeful. He can also be easily tempered and snaps and lashes at those who say the wrong thing.

History: He had a normal family life but met up with Victorique and she became his first friend at camp. They went on a few quests together.

Appearance: Arkantos has white hair, which is his natural and dark eyes that seem to twinkle deviously.


Cabin: Nemesis

Weaknesses: Kittens

Weapon of Choice:


Other: He normally keeps to himself and adores poetry. You can sometimes catch him reading out loud.


Name: Arges

Species: Hydra

Age: Ancient


Name: Aetos Aerin


Date of Birth:May 23,1995


Mortal Parent: Lydia Aerin

Immortal Parent:Ares

Skill: Increased strength, Battle tactics and small control over fire.

Personality: Aetos is brave and courageous but also brutal. He enjoys the vigor of battle and rushes in always believing he will be on top but he also has a gentle side to those he show.

History:Aetos was always the guy getting in trouble at school. He never backed down from a fight. He never knew much of his father. He only lived with his mother who was constantly disappointed in him. Aetos was usually cold towards others and feared because he would injure those who fought him without care, but he also had a nice side. One day at school, he beat a group of bullies for picking on a kid who did nothing wrong. Aetos always felt different and never understood where his strength came from. After his mother could no longer deal with the pain of him constantly being in trouble at school, she sent him off to camp half blood. He arrived at camp half blood ten years ago, He was sadly the only male at the time in the House of Ares. He respected his father and thrived to be just like him.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/gaspard42.jpg.f6029b6705eb365d70b9f99dad511591.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="617" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/gaspard42.jpg.f6029b6705eb365d70b9f99dad511591.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Cabin: Ares

Weaknesses: He is rash which causes him to fall in traps easily. He lets his anger get the best of him.

Weapon of Choice: Dragon Mace.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Dragonmace.png.f1b70abb8ff8332acf1b75b934cabad4.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="618" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Dragonmace.png.f1b70abb8ff8332acf1b75b934cabad4.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other: Stay on his good side.



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Name: Valkyron Gallagher

Age: 16

Date of Birth: September 20th 1996

Gender: Male

Mortal Parent: Lucia Gallagher

Immortal Parent: Hades

Skill: A slick, brutal fighting style. His sadistic habits make him a worthy adversary in battle. He has no specific powers so to speak, except how he excels in melee combat. He doesn't exactly appear to be burly, and strong. But, with a weapon in his hands, he transforms completely.

Personality: Quiet, and secluded. He prefers his own company and rarely talks unless necessary. The only time he removes himself from the anti-social bubble he has created for himself, is while fighting.

History: He grew up in New York. His Mother worked in an off-licence and they never had much money between them. Valkyron quickly got into the wrong crowd. He was involved in petty offences at first, stealing, getting into fights. But, soon his sadist personality got him into much worse. A turf fight with a rival gang turn nasty, as a Minotaur promptly showed up and attacked him. Hurt, and alone. He fled and was drawn toward Long island for reasons unknown to him. Where he remains running.

Appearance: ((The image in my avatar. My laptop wouldn't allow me to upload it into the post))

Valkyron is slim, rather tall at a decent height of Six foot. He is rarely seen without a hood up, and has a distinctive scar on his lip that he refuses to talk about. His arms are thin, and scrawny. He wears a grey hoodie most of the time, and dark jeans. Fingerless gloves and black trainers. If his hood is down, his hair would be unkempt and wild. Black, and hanging down just above his shoulders.

Cabin: Hades

Weaknesses: His refusal to rely on his allies. He trusts no-one, and remains alone most of the time. His lack of social skills has hindered him many times, and will probably in the future as well.

Weapon of Choice: A glaive, Sleek and thin. The outside edges of the double blade are jagged and spiked. An unusual weapon for anyone of his stature, but the sheer brutality of the weapon matches his rather disturbed mindset.

Other: Nothing really + "Ichor will run like a river" I suppose :3
Name:Joss Alexander Carter


Date of Birth:October 11


Mortal Parent:Justine Carter

Immortal Parent:Apollo

Skill:He is a master martial artist,training in regions around the world to perfect the most deadliest of fighting styles.He also has the mindset of a child of Athena,of course not as brilliant and fast learning but more understanding and thinkative.

Personality:He is a very cautious person,seeing as though he can trust noone he is very untrusting and tends to stick to himself,he will though soften up in time and ultimately begin to talk and interact with people.

History:When Joss was born his mother knew he would grow up with problems.He grew up very healthy and very fun-loving,always outside and being active,singing,or playing the multitude of instruments he had.When the time came and he became of the age when monsters attacked he began archery classes and in no more than a month graduated with flying colors.When the first monsters attacked he threw himself into the fight,saving himself and his family.After his first encounter he trained everyday,spending less and less time with friends before he became completely anti-social.

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/57a8bd9c6f6a5_untitled1.png.183b8edce99920adfaa1fb74d6b6a881.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="646" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/57a8bd9c6f6a5_untitled1.png.183b8edce99920adfaa1fb74d6b6a881.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Weaknesses:His deep love for friends and family and self pride.He will throw himself into the path of anything if it means saving a life.He depends on himself,choosing to stay alone and die if it means keeping himself tall and proud.

Weapon of Choice: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/imagesCAKFTV98.jpg.b1a0289225473b3e105cd7d7550aacee.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="647" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/imagesCAKFTV98.jpg.b1a0289225473b3e105cd7d7550aacee.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other: His favorite quote is,"Like the sun shoots rays and warms the earth,my bow shoots the arrows that haunt your grave.

Name:Justice Carter


Date of Birth:May 2nd


Mortal Parent:Justine Carter

Immortal Parent:Apollo

Skill:He is very dangerous with a gun,even though his most preferred weapon is a bow he will use a gun,and trust me he will not miss.

Personality:He is very quiet and conservative,choosing to stay to himself,even if you earn his trust.

History:Justice was born as the center of attention to his family,but he ignored them completely and always stayed closed to his big brother Joss.When the time came for him to start getting attacked by monsters his brother had already began defending them against their family.So one day when Joss was out a monster attacked,nothing big but it was a problem.His mom had a gun for emergencies and grabbing it Justice put a bullet straight through its heart.When his brother got home and his mother told him what happened Joss immediately took Justice under his wing and began training him.

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/57a8bd9c74e58_untitled2.png.de9441b010edf8c01d9bba893b40e94c.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="648" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/57a8bd9c74e58_untitled2.png.de9441b010edf8c01d9bba893b40e94c.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Weaknesses:Justice is very scatter brained,meaning even though he is very smart he has so much on his mind he will forget important things,or will get side tracked in battle.

Weapon of Choice:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/57a8bd9c76c8a_untitled4.png.eb0a77600924d52276e24e6d03c46722.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="649" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/57a8bd9c76c8a_untitled4.png.eb0a77600924d52276e24e6d03c46722.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/imagesCAZONAE7.jpg.dc74225c6557aee7995fa11b4dc9a768.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="650" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/imagesCAZONAE7.jpg.dc74225c6557aee7995fa11b4dc9a768.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other:He loves listening to music.



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