Camp Half-Blood (Signups, OOC, and Character Sheets)


Name: (First and last) Sky Wilkinson

Age: 16

Date of Birth: October 23rd

Gender: Female

Mortal Parent: (Human parent) Sam Wilkinson

Immortal Parent: Demeter

Skill: (Does your character have any interesting skills or even powers?) Controls plants at will. Practically her weapon.

Personality: Can be silly at times, but when it comes time to fighting, she is completely absorbed in her work.

History: Close with her father, as he is a gardener at a local store. She joined Camp Half-Blood when she was twelve. She has no other siblings.

Appearance: (Description and image; anime or normal photo is fine)


Cabin: 4

Weaknesses: Dry places. Fire is her worst enemy

Weapon of Choice: (Imagine is encouraged.) The plants around her. If energized enough, then she can sprout plants/flowers from hands.

Other: (Anything you want people to know about your character?) Naw
Name: Taylor Sibaki

Age: 17

Date of Birth: November 22, 1990

Mortal Parent: Jayce Sibaki

Immortal Parent: Hades

Skill: Can hear a conversation from very far distances, and major agility when it comes to a fight, as well as fighting with fear.

Personality: Cute, sweetheart, loving, caring... Otherwise cruel, harsh, unmerciful, and skillful.

History: Born in hell. Who knew, eh? But born regularly. Hades left her mother after she gave birth, and left Jayce to care for Taylor.


Cabin: Hades

Weaknesses: Deceiving of the mind, or a rather a demonic prescence of a demon, or another child of Hades, or a child of Zeus.

Weapon of Choice: Twin Hell Blades

Name: Leigham Aer


Date of Birth:May 23, 1996


Mortal Parent: Arianna Aer

Immortal Parent: Apollo

Skill: Excellent Archer and Singer.

Personality: Leigham is very outgoing, almost flirtacious as some would put it. He always keeps a smile unless serious. He could care less for a fight unless he wants to. He is friendly to most.

History:Leigham Aer was born to Arianna Aer. He was always a gifted child. His mother started him out in archery at a young age which he excelled to the dislikes of most veteran archers. He was popular in school due to his kind personality and some times was even used for it despite never realizing. He love to participate in talent shows by singing. He loved to hear music. One day, He was curious to how he was good at two talents. So He approached his mother who explained to him about his father and gave him the bow his father had hid for him. He was shocked, but relieved to know of his father. The day of his seventeenth birthday, Leigham was sent to Camp Half-Blood by his mother to experience and meet others like him. He was excited about meeting those at camp.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/uua6Rmm2Aoosyp99gqTMGdxlo1_400.jpg.1cfbee7634e824e97c8e433f7653815e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="820" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/uua6Rmm2Aoosyp99gqTMGdxlo1_400.jpg.1cfbee7634e824e97c8e433f7653815e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Cabin: Apollo

Weaknesses: His own Kindness. He can be too kind at times.

Weapon of Choice: Typhoon, The bow left by his father.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/zbow.jpg.262bbdaa4b4f2fac018eafd3202e75a9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="821" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/zbow.jpg.262bbdaa4b4f2fac018eafd3202e75a9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other: Leigham is kind to all :) . "Ichor will run like a river."



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Accepted, Magnus The Exiled 
Accepted, Shadowslaughter I'm so sorry! I didn't see your character until now! 
Name: Callisto Athans

Age: She appears sixteen or seventeen but is actually generations old.

Date of Birth: June 12th

Gender: Female

Mortal Parent: Johnson Athans

Immortal Parent: Athena

Skill: Amazingly good at hunting, fighting and enjoys reading books. Her best skill is a skill to call for wolves to fight along her side.

Personality: She stays away from males and can be quiet. She does a lot of unexpected things. However, she can be nice and fierce.

History: At the age of ten, Callisto made her way to camp with the help of a fellow demigod. She lived for a while in Cabin Athena and then Artemis came and requested her to join the huntresses. She agreed and has been the lead of the hunt for generations.


She has long blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She also wears two braids that lead to the back of her head and connect, decorated in beads. She wears a circlet with a beautiful blue gem. She is sometimes found wearing a beautifully white chiton with her upper right arm adorned in a band made of gold with greek scriptions.


Weakness: Men.

Weapon of Choice: An intricate bow crafted and made by Artemis. It has hidden powers to it and is coated in greek words and quotes.


Name: Alkatine

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Species: Naiad

Personality: Sweet and charming. Very helpful and anice.


Name: Mara Lightwell

Age: 12

Date of Birth: December 16, 2001

Gender: Female

Mortal Parent: Tessa Lightwell

Immortal Parent: Zues

Skill: She can summon large bolts of lightning, but not and infinite amount

Personality: Mara is slightly tempermental but is really shy, making her more of a loner. (Meaning she has no friends, unless someone can break through that tight barrier she's placed around herself)

History: When Mara was 8, she watched her whole family get slaughtered by monsters. She hadn't known why but she fled the scene as the only survivor, having been somehow able to escape from the monsters. While she ran, she ran into two others like her, Demigods as they said. As they got closer to Camp Half Blood, the monsters that had slaughtered her family had caught up with them and killed her two friends before they could make it past the boundary. She had been devastated. As she watched them die, she vowed that she'd never develop any close ties with anyone, so that she'd never again feel the pain that she experienced the day she made it to Camp Half Blood.



Cabin: Zues

Weaknesses: Her failure to develop any sort of relationship with anyone, and she finds it hard to fight side by side with anyone

Weapon of Choice: Zephyr, her sword (in the picture) Given to her by Zues

Ichor will run like a river
Are you still accepting? if so,


Name: Nathaniel Hawkins

Age: 16

Date of Birth: 05/19/1996

Gender: Males

Mortal Parent: Steve Hawkins

Immortal Parent: Athena

Skill: Very good with math and strategy!!

Personality: solitary except with cabinmates, not very social and very focused and self possessed with what he is doing. but calculating, especially when fighting.

History: came to camp just recently, lived out in the country where he lived a small life with little interaction to the outside world,-

always working on one project or another.

Appearance: 5'8", thin, with spiky black hair and brown eyes.

Cabin: 6

Weaknesses: he hates when he see's something (building or item) that has been built wrong or is breaking down, and he hates math that has not been solved!

Weapon of Choice: mechanical sowrd handle with telescoping blade, press a button and the blade comes out

Other: ichor will run like a river

Name: (First and last) Alex Dinerva

Age: 17

Date of Birth: April 30th

Gender: Female

Mortal Parent: (Human parent) Michelle Dinerva

Immortal Parent: Ares

Skill: (Does your character have any interesting skills or even powers?): She can shape shift~ (Like Frank in The Heros Of Olympus ;D)

Personality: Like the common Ares child she is bitter, blunt and usually loud and obnoxious

History: She was born with ADD, but can usually control it. She was led to camp by her father, strange enough. He always visited her and her family from time to time, she was one of the few that got to know Ares, but she did not know that he was a god until she found her powers. Her mother passed away, and she now lives full time at camp.


Cabin: Ares~

Weaknesses: Love

Weapon of Choice: Sword given to her by Ares.

Other: She has a short temper! xD
Name:Blake Griffin


Date of Birth:October 19th


Mortal Parent:Sarah Griffin

Immortal Parent:Zeus

Skills:Blake is able to communicate through his mind..He is also skilled with the spear,but an expert at hand-to-hand combat.He is a very brave and courageous guy,always acting up as the son of Zeus.

Personality:Blake is mute so cannot really act or talk a certain way so stays to himself.

History:He lived a normal life really until his 12th birthday when the monsters began coming.When a monster attacked him and just before his mother got there and his father who saw his and her distress stopped the monster it took his speech and his mothers life,and so he was led to camp through his guardian and since has stayed,training and perfecting his skills.



Weaknesses:Cannot talk

Weapon of choice:

Other:He hates being around loud people or things.

Name: (First and last) Lana Evans

Age: 17

Date of Birth: May 25

Gender: Female

Mortal Parent: (Human parent)

Melody Evans

Immortal Parent: Poseidon

Skill: (Does your character have any interesting skills or even powers?): She can be heeled by water and heal others with water

Personality: Shy at first, Nice, caring, loves helping people.

History: She grow up in California with her mom and step dad and three step brothers, She was always left out at school, and one day her mother told her about her father and sent her to the camp.


Cabin: 3

Weaknesses: letting people in.

Weapon of Choice: Spear that once it touches the water it turns into a trident.

Other: People take advanteg of her<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/image.jpg.3d0ef6601ee5b9f24e797263934850a4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1123" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/image.jpg.3d0ef6601ee5b9f24e797263934850a4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Elysse Laeuren

Age: 13

Date of Birth: January 7, 1997

Gender: Female

Mortal Parent: Thomas Laeuren

Immortal Parent: Aphrodite

Skill: Elysse is an amazing dancer, singer, and runner. She can also speak to ash and poplar trees as well as control the growth of most flowers.

Personality: Elysse is competitive but not overbearing. She has a tendency to be bossy and sometimes pushy, but loves hanging around the art shop with many of her friends from the Hephaustus cabin. (Is it OK if she is bisexual?)

And she hates being a child of Aphrodite, too. She doesn't really do love, she just... lives her life how she can. She tries to hide her French and stays away from the flowers by the Demeter cabin.

History: Her father is a rich track athlete. He is actually a son of Nike, and very handsome. He actually trained with Usain Bolt, another child of Nike. He attracted the attention of the goddess after not only beating his friend, but he helped him afterwards as a sign of sportsmanship. Elysse had been sent to the camp at age eight, at first going only for summers, but she now attends year round, excepting major holidays.


Elysse is darker skinned, being that her father is Jamaican, and has beautiful curly brown hair with dyed red ends. She is skinny but very strong, with toned legs and long, wiry muscle. Her eyes are a strange yellowish color, almost gold, and slitted, like a cat's.

Cabin: Aphrodite

Weaknesses: She is embarrassed easily, and has a few secrets that would humiliate her.

Weapon of Choice: She has a very special set of spiked running cleats. The spikes are celestial bronze and poisonous. She also carries a few caltrop spikes to throw.

Other: two things-

One- She is bisexual

Two- Ichor will run like the river (forget how to do italics...)


Name: Tanner

Species: Centaur (Miami division)

Age: Fairly young, only about 23


Name: Kelvin

Species: Capricorn

Age. 3

Skill: Can make anyone touching its horns breathe underwater

Other: Was raised from a kid by Elysse
Accepted! :3 @AnnaEstes

Your character appears to fall more or less under the catagory of Apollo or Aphrodite (which in fact is surprisingly vacant) as well as Iris (also vacant). Would you rather that? It is just a suggestion. Plus, we need to attempt to fill empty cabins. Check the first page of the thread and I have listed every camper under their cabin. I do not care about sexual orientation so go right ahead! :3 Nopestar 
Name: Ichor

Species: Horse

Gender: Male

Age: One

Owner: Victorique Banesworth

Other: Ichor is a clever and cunning horse. He was turned immortal when Victorique was young becasue she wept about the fact that he was slowly dying from the wound given by a monster. Her mother fixed the horse and gave it back as a gift.

Skill: Immortality and will attack if someone is a threat.




Name: Pyre

Species: Fire Horse

Gender: Female

Age: Two

Owner: Callisto Athans

Other: Pyre, the white horse found Callisto in the woods won day and fell in love with her and so did Callisto. They have been together for two years. Pyre only shows when she is called.

Skill: On que, Pyre becomes a fiery horse, made up completely of searing flames and molten lava. She normally sticks to this appearance. Victorique is the only person who will not get burned if she touches the horse.


How about if I change her to Aphrodite? She'll still be a runner, and all, but she won't be a typical, drama queen Aphrodite kid. I'll have to change her up a bit too...
I'm just gonna add a animal for Alex..)

Name: Nickle

Species: Shadow Pegasus

Gender: Male

Age: Two

Owner: Alex Dinerva

Other: Nickle is a Pegasus made strictly out of shadows, he is transparent to the touch with anyone besides Alex. Alex found him on a previous quest when she was 9, he learned to trust her and she found that she, but nobody else could actually touch Nickle, he's been hers since.

(Im gonna add an animal for Blake)

Name:Blake Jr




Owner:Blake Griffin

Other:Blake Jr is like any other phoenix but unlike most he is able to grow and become twice or even triple his normal size.The bird is also very smart and will do anything to protect Blake.He has also adopted the habit of never cawing,after his master who never talks.


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