Camp Half-Blood (Signups, OOC, and Character Sheets)

I'll post now... 

Name: Gary Stockholmes

Age: 10

Date of Birth: February 3, 2002

Gender: Male

Mortal Parent: Lucius Stockholmes

Immortal Parent: Iris

Skill: The boy can control colors. He specializes in clothing changes, but an leech color from a person, a much worse fate than you'd imagine.

Personality: Gary is outgoing, but naive. He lacks a sense of humor, and shows major symptoms of Asbergers.He still loves rainbows, and laughs in delight at vibrant colors. he isn't violent, but do not provoke him!

History: Lucius, Gary's father, was an animal activist. He specialized in large paintings that he gave, non-profit to major museums to spread the word. Iris met him as a museum worker, and they fell in love. Gary was raised on the road with protesters. But monsters chased them when they reached Los Angeles, so Iris brought her son to Camp Halfblood to be raised.

Appearance: Gary is very small, and on the tubbier side. He has very pale, almost iridescent, blond hair. His eyes don't seem to have a color, always shifting around.He has very pale sking with a spattering of freckles across his nose.

Cabin: Iris

Weaknesses: He can't harm many other people. he has an affinity for feeling emotions, or rather, seeing them, and he can't stand to see fear, or hurt, or even disappointment.

Weapon of Choice: When he absolutely has to, Gary has a diamond cutlass. Diamond being one of the most pure, colorful gems.

Other: Ichor will run like the river


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