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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: Rise of the Titans

I'll be fine. *hides back in his box of misery.* techie should be in charge anyways. I'm obviously not good at making or running anything.
Holo... did you not hear a thing a said? Also you're doing fine, it's just... people have interactions they want to do before the timeskip and they might not have time to do them...
You said that I was irritating you because relationships were popping up to fast. You also said I didn't have to be perfect. I know they need time that's why I'm not doing the time skip for a whole day. I should just shut my trap and wait until everybody else is ready.
Holo said:
You said that I was irritating you because relationships were popping up to fast. You also said I didn't have to be perfect. I know they need time that's why I'm not doing the time skip for a whole day. I should just shut my trap and wait until everybody else is ready.
Well you said you were going to slow down with it, which is okay with me now and you don't have to be perfect, am i perfect? No i'm not. Is Techie perfect? No, he isn't. Is Kitty or Jarpy perfect? No they aren't. Eye of the beholder and that's fine, but if something happens we will tell you if we need more time...
*looks at soul.* why do people always tell at me. Even when I'm not doing anything wrong people tell at me. I said I was upset a roleplay was closing down and the owner flipped out on me. I'm trying to be good running this and all of a sudden I'm getting people mad at me. *shakes.*
Shhh... some people just get upset when things don't go there way... and end up taking it out on people close to them or near them at the time... It isn't your fault... and you're doing a great job...
Holo said:
*looks down again.* ok.
I lashed out at you and i'm sorry... i guess it was just with what happened on thursday along with today when i had some bad food and got sick... along with the stress of school and my personal demons... I lashed out at Light too a bit in an old rp i was running but had to drop because it became too much of a 1X1 rp between two other rpers...
My phone is dumb. It tries to autocorrect things because sometimes I misspell them and the phone then eventually thinks that's what I want.

I'm probably going to hit the hay soon too, night~

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