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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: Rise of the Titans

Holo said:
Anthony: No use specifically made foe my body. Needs a secret name and a wax figurine.
Addison: How in bloody hell do you expect us to figure out your name?
Kitsune: deus ex machina is a thing. NOW BE HEALED BY THE POWER OF COMIC BOOK PLOT FIXER!!!!

Max: oh so it's like some random plot point that appears to solve a situation.

Bishop; yeah... *notices a wax figurine with a paper that has a name written on it* like that. *hands stuff to Anthony* is this it?

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Anthony: yes. *puts the stuff near Helena and whispers the Inari on how to hold the stuff and what to say and how to say it.* I'm only sharing this with you.
Addison: You know, it's really unwise to just keep your name written on a piece of paper, and even more unwise to just leave it laying around.
Anthony: Addison that's just the name so you know who the figure was made for. A human's secret name is made from their past and every moment along the way. It's literally knowing a person's whole life even the things they forgot.

Tania: *appears behind Max.* you're such an ass that you'd be better suited as a son of Jupiter. *walks into her room and locks the door.*
Max: *looks at Alec* oh come on Alec! You don't realize how hard this is for me... *watches Tania storm away* Plus it's quite enjoyable to slap Tania.

Kitsune: you know... I've always wondered... Who's sub and who's Dom?

Max: KIT!!!!

Kitsune: I'm just saying!

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Tania: *sounds of armor clanging and angry groans come from the room.*

Anthony: Helena I need your help. The others on this ship aren't exactly the type of people is trust with my ren max is rude. Alec is probably a little too nice. Addison thinks she's 50. Jason has a hero complex and the others ignore me.
Anthony: You weren't listening at all were you? *smiling weakly.* it's a person's soul Helena. Well part off it. It contains all of their past and secrets. It is also the only way to get a secret name and I only trust you with it. Plus I can feel a bit of magic in your blood.
Bishop: you think I willingly let him see mine...

Kitsune: I'm just brushing up... Plus Bishie's got some great secrets like how he- *frying paned* Owww!

Bishop: don't tell anyone!!!!!!

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Alec: *hides in a dark corner and thinks about what Tania said* .... *sad whimper*

Helena: ... *swallows* that seems like a huge responsibility...
Max: *comforts Alec* hey... It's ok... It here.

Owen: eh that's not the worst thing I've seen.

Bishop: what's the worst

Owen: When Kit googled Menora.

Kit: oh gods don't bring that up!

Bishop: why is that so bad

Owen: he spelt it Minora.

Bishop: I don't get what your saying *typed it into Google* it's just a candlehol- *slams computer closed. Face is bright red.* I'm gonna go die now.

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