Camp Half-Blood: Rise of the Titans

Hmm I was debating whether to give her a limit or not. However, Annabeth could wear her cap for however long as she wanted. But that's a magic item, so hmm ... I think I will either give her a limit of a half hour or restrict her invisibility to just her own body (meaning she won't be able to make her clothing invisible). I think I'll choose the former :P

So would a limit of a half hour work, but she is able to make invisible anything that she's making direct contact with? (if she stops touching it, it will not remain invisible).
I think the limit of half an hour is good. The only other thing besides her that becomes invisible is the clothes she was currently wearing. We can't have campers running around camp naked. If Skylar changes clothes while invisible, the old clothes stay hidden, while the new ones remain visible.
*victory dance* Okay I'm going to get to the character sheet now..


Name: Helena Imuuno

Age: 17

New to Camp?: Ha! F*** no. I've been here for the past seven years!

Godly Parent: Hades

Personality: She puts herself as cold and harsh and bitchy on the outside, but she has her cute little quirks if you break past her distrust. She can be sarcastic, sweet if she wants to be, and actually quite friendly if she likes you. She is depressed and lonely, but nobody knows about that except her siblings.


My brain is pretty f***ed up. I have seen some sh*t. Lemme start at the very beginning of my f***ed up life.

You see, I was born in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, to a young Sharon Tamias, in late October. And... She was killed in a car crash. Drunk driver, car flipped, mom dead. I was found hanging unconscious in my car seat and considering my father was Hades and had just conveniently disappeared a month after I was born, I was shoved into the adoption system. After being shoved through many foster homes... after having gone from Michigan, to Washington, Oregon, Colorado and ending up in Texas living with good old Gordon Imuuno and his wife, Marilyn, who was at the time three months pregnant. They had a beautiful little boy named Jake. It was such a happy life... Until the monsters began to attack when I was ten. At which point I gave everything I couldn't take with me to the family and left for the place known as Camp Half Blood.

Powers: She has shown all signs of basic Hades child abilities; Raising, summoning and communicating with the dead, including;

  • Osteokinesis- Bone Manipulation (Dominant ability)

Raising skeletons is not the extent of this ability. She is capable of bending bone whether it is connected to a living person or just loose bones. Using this ability she is capable of turning her entire body into a weapon or killing someone by way of mutilation.

  • Terrakinesis- Manipulation of earthly materials such as minerals and soil (minor ability)

This ability is very self explanatory. Ripping things from the ground, causing earthquakes. This ability rarely surfaces, as it is minor compared to her Osteokinesis. Only surfaces when she is really very angry.

Other: She has a bracelet that transforms into a Stygian Iron sword. She has a pet hellhound.

Image: Jet black hair with striking blue eyes.

Name: Jamie Davidson

Age: 17

New to Camp?: Yes...

Godly Parent: Hermes

Personality: He is quirky and happy, but tends to be shy and timid around strangers, though he will quickly warm up to you if you try.

Bio/History: Well... uhhh.... Where should I start?

Start with where you grew up or something, I don't know.

Oh... errr.... okay... Welp. I grew up on a horse ranch in Virginia with my mom. We bred star race horses, and I loved every one of them. Everything was fine except the occasional weird who showed up at my door, shouting about Greek mythology. Never thought anything of it, until I found Helena in the horse fields. Hooo, boy, she looked horrible. Starving, dehydrated, passed out in a pile of grass clippings. Once she woke up, me and my mom helped her recover, and she told us that she had "walked" from Texas all the way to Virginia, which I could not believe, because first of all thats crazy.

Thank you.

And second, she couldn't possibly be from Texas, she doesn't have the accent.

I never picked it up, sorry.

That night, another creep showed up at our door, and this one tried to kill me and my mom. Helena made a filet out of that guy. And then she told me it was a Cyclops. And she explained who she really was, and who I was. And my mom confirmed it. Like, thanks mom. I would have loved to know that my father was a GOD. So, now she's dragged me across the country, and forgot to mention that we'RE BEING CHASED BY CANNIBAL LEDERHOSEN!

Laestyrgonians, Jamie.

Whatever! Still terrifyin!


I call it "HOUDINI-ISM"!

  • Houdini-ism- There is no lock that he can't unlock. Any locks just magically open for him the moment he touches them. Which can be bad when your mother is in the bathroom and you walk in on her. He can escape anything. Anything.

Other: He likes to play the guitar and is a master of a bow and hunting knife.

Image: Brown hair with brown eyes and additional lip piercing


Name: Alec Grant

Age: 17

New to Camp?: Nope!

Godly Parent: Aphrodite

Personality: Alec is a very happy guy. Friendly to any and all. He loves to have fun and make people smile and laugh. He is also a very hard worker to depend on when the going gets tough.


My dad is a self made billionaire. Like, so much money that he doesn't know what to do with it.

My dad is Darren Grant. He owns several apartment buildings in Florida, and the rooms in those buildings are given to people with nowhere else to go. He's given hundreds of homeless people jobs, and helped them turn their life around. He donates to charities all around the world. I think thats how he managed to get Aphrodite's attention.

Enter me, right? My dad has always instilled this feeling that I have to work for my reward. So while I was kind of spoiled, I know how to grateful for the things I have. Other people aren't as well off as others, and I'm completely aware of it.

But thats not what we're talking about. The monster attacks started when I was eight. The first monster that attacked me was an
empousai. She was the school guidance counselor. I think she tried to seduce me to my death, but it uhhh, it didn't work. And I had to bludgeon her to death with a paper weight. I got kicked out that school. The next monster was when I was 13.... I really liked this guy. His name was Daniel. He was tall dark and handsome, and I was struggling with the things I was feeling for a GUY. So I told my dad... And he was so supportive. Hell, the next day he went out and bought a t-shirt that said, "I love my gay son" and it had a rainbow on it and everything, and it was utterly adorable.

My dad is awesome.

But anyway, that guy I liked? He was a Cyclops. He wanted to eat me. So I had to run from him. And it was like, OW. My heart. But once I got home dad explained to me who I was, and he sent me to Long Island to find Camp Half-Blood. And I did. so here I am, in my gay glory. Now come give the gay boy a hug!


  • Charmspeak

You know, Charmspeak. Talking people into doing things just by using the power of the voice. Of course, charmspeak doesn't always work.

  • Mirror visions

If he looks into a reflective surface and can see things far away, or in the future/past. Usually he passes out afterwards, which depending where he's standing, can be very bad.

It's kind of complicated.

Other: He keeps his Celestial bronze knife at his hip at all times.

Image: Blonde hair and blue eyes.


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Alright accepted. While that is a good ability, you can add fast speed/running if you like. With the drain of energy drawback of course.

Daniel (Tyde) Jones

Age: 16

New to Camp?: Yes (But has lived on his own with M.J. for about 6 years)

Godly Parent: Poseidon, and Katherine Jones(A daughter of Zeus).

Personality: Chill, Calm, Layed-back, adaptable, strategic, kind, shy around new people, out-going and fun when alone or with people he trusts.

Bio/History: Daniel lived with is single-mom Katherine Jones peacefully in their apartment building, they didn't have much but they were happy. Daniel even made a friend, M.J.(Michele Justin). M.J. was in the exact same living situation so their parents were natural friends. I know what your thinking, 'It won't last.' Well your right. A demon like creature broke into their apartment and killed Daniel's mother while he was having a sleepover at M.J.'s apartment. M.J. and her Mom took Daniel into their home, But Daniel changed. M.J. promised to help him pull through, but Daniel just felt like dieing. Daniel unofficially changed his name to Tyde when M.J. had nicknamed him this after a trip to beach when Daniel had flawlessly rode a surfboard for his first time. Daniel lived with her and her family for the next few years. The wounds of the past slowly started to heal especially when M.J. was there to be his friend. Daniel's life was peaceful, he went to school, had friends, and his relationship with M.J. had begone to grow. But just like before his life was snatched away from him, Monsters raided their home killing M.J.'s family. Daniel and M.J. barely got out alive, they lived on the streets running and hiding from monsters for the next year. They were heading to a place called Camp Half-Blood, M.J.'s Mother's last words were to head there. However Daniel and M.J. got split up, Daniel can only hope that shes heading to camp to meet him there.

Powers: Water manipulation(This includes multiplying water molecules and changing its state to a gas or solid.), Water rejuvenation (This included Healing, enhanced skills and reflexes, breathing underwater, etc.), and finally The ability to Electrify water.

Weapons: His powers, a Compressed air propelled water gun (Lol), a Bracelet that turns into a Sword-Trident Hybrid.

Equipment: a bag full of essentials and what-not, His magic shoes given to him by the Cyclopes in Poseidon's palace (His shoes turn into a Red and white jet-powered surfboard.), and A Large water canteen.

Other: Hates Seafood.

Theme Song: [media]

P.S. If anyone (Preferably a girl) wants to make an app for M.J.(Michele Justin) you can. If you do Daniel will reunite with her but if not then M.J. will have died making a 'tragic-drama-based-back-story' for Daniel. > :)

P.P.S. Tell me If I need to change anything.

I'm gonna try and find a Theme song for my app.

I like it. Cool story. Rare to find a demigod to last long enough to start a family. Rarer that she did it with Poseidon. I don't have any qualms with that. Certainly unique. If Nico has any problems she'll let you know. It is pretty accepted, but do know that the electrifying water ability will take a huge toll on his body. Something that the water rule nation won't help with.

I also really like your picture.
Thank You, and of course using his lightning is like a last resort. A lot of times he cant even do it on purpose it just.. happens. So thanks again. Yea Its on eof my favorite pictures, Not even kidding xD .
Name: Jethro A. Hudson


New to Camp?: Yes

Godly Parent:Ares


  • Quiet
  • Serious
  • Loyal
  • Calm
  • Caring
  • Leader
  • Guarded

Bio/History: Jethro was born to a military mother and raised in a military life style. Because his mother was constantly on deployment, Jethro was sent to a military school at the age of 6, where he excelled in classroom training and P.T. He spent ten years in the military academy until one day his mom suddenly appeared at the school and pulled him out. As they were driving away, Jethro's mother finally told him the truth about his identity. Jethro was shocked but for some reason knew she was telling the truth. It wasn't until they were far away out in the middle of nowhere that they were attacked. Only Jethro knows what attacked them but he refuses to tell anyone. In the attack, Jethro's mother was killed but he survived after discovering within himself a hidden ability. He managed to escape and spent the next two years on the run, learning as much as he could about monsters and the world of the Gods....that is...until he found the camp.

Powers: Can summon any weapon at will. [if used constantly or if adding magical properties to the weapon his ability to do so burns out and must recharge,]

Other:Not a very trusting person but once his trust is earned, he is loyal to a fault.

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Name: Olivia Thomas

Age: 16

Gender: Female

New to Camp?: Yes

Personality: she's very quiet and doesn't talk much. She often shy away from over enthusiastic people. She often hides in the background and hates being in the spotlight. She likes wandering around at night and usually keeps her head down while avoiding mostly everyone that she can. She's nothing like her father since he is incredibly lazy and irresponsible. She is quite responsible and isn't lazy at all.


Hypnokinesis -- has the power to put people to sleep, put them into a trance, can manipulate dreams and visions. Has the ability to induce perpetual insomnia which can kill someone in a few days. She can make someone not tired make them feel like they haven't slept in days. She can project visions and astral projection/dream travel. She can also recover memories.

Shapeshifting -- can change her appearance to be anything she wants or look like anything she wants.


Can't stay in a dream to long or else she'll get trapped and can't project someone in too long or they get trapped.

Can't Hold a different form to long or else she gets stuck like that.



Child of: Hypno

Weapon of Choice: a sword made of Styigan iron.



Name: Elizabeth Bennett

Age: 17

Gender: Female

New to Camp?: Yes

Personality: she's very quiet and often stays away from others, she's very shy and doesn't talk above a whisper. She has a very soft and gentle voice but when she gets upset her voice goes cold and hollow. Her reason for trying to stay away from others is because she's scared of freezing them or causing them to get unintentionally cold. She doesn't have many friends and is only friends with Damian because she couldn't say no.


Cryokinesis -- she has the ability to create blizzards, hailstorms and massive snowstorms, but she can frost, freeze and cool anything due to her icy touch. The temperature seems to drop a bit whenever she's around. She can project ice and snow out of her hands.

Snow Cloak -- it's like Invisibility but she can hide herself in anything that has to do with ice or snow. She can conceal herself in it and watch her opponents, this also means she is immune to the cold.

Aerokinesis -- she has the ability to control air and wind but her ability isn't as strong as her father's or as any son of Zeus.


She tends to get fevers quicker if it's too hot because of her naturally cool body heat.

She will get tired of she uses her powers for too long such as her wind attacks and holding up a blizzard.

She can't be out in the sun for more then a few minutes since the heat/sun weakens her and causes her to get sunburned really easy and causes her to pass out as well.

Her powers are weakened in the heat.




Child of: Boreas

Weapon of Choice: a Staff that is covered in frost.

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@Soul OMU I accept the last two. Just remember the Boreas one abilities are weak. Don't expect them to take down a monster with a single ability. The first CS, Hypnos one, should drop the flight ability. First, I don't know how a demigod can have wings, let alone a child of Hypnos. The second CS, child of Thanatos, is a bit overpowered. A child of a god with wings don't get wings. Remember, they get some attributes from the godly parent, not all. Plus, the killing whatever touches the blade is a it dangerous and OP.

@ModernRanger Accepted. Is there a limit to how many weapons he can control at once? Also please look over the CS for typing errors.
Noah is it okay if I scrap Niwa and make new characters, one girl and one boy?
Sure? Has she had any major interactions with other people? As so not to cause confusion.

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