Camp Half-Blood: Rise of the Titans

StarrySkyofLostSouls said:
Name: Ethan Daniels
Age: 11

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Unknown since he's a kid.





Personality: Ethan is a very shy and sweet boy. He's always trying to keep people smiling and keeping their spirits lifted despite the situation they face. He is very pure despite being traded to be a mercenary. His biological father is, Isaac, who had trained and adopted all the other orphaned kids. Ethan doesn't made having so many siblings who arent blood related and loves when they are all together.

Powers: Umbrakinesis -- he can shadow travel and make portals out of shadows at will. However he doesn't have much control over it yet and tends to shadow travel to the wrong place or when he is in trouble or tired.

Night Empowerment -- he gets stronger and is more energetic during the night. It makes him faster and his eyes light up even more then usual. He can use the night to make himself stronger and faster so that he is able to fight better.

Starburst -- this is his own ability which allows him to create beautiful and bright fireworks out of shadows and little orbs of light that he can make. They are used like flares in case he is in trouble.

Weaknesses: he is normally very tired during the day and can't control his shadow travelling skills that well.

Godly parent: Nyx

Other: his rank is Theta, he also loves fireworks and skateboarding.


Weapon of choice: The daggers.
Yay! Carly has another stepsibling!

Right? Erebus and Nyx are married?
Name: Jasmine Gratis

Age: 8

New to Camp?: no

Godly Parent: Selene







Bio/History: She's half vampire due to her mother being Selene and as such had spent most of her life doing things that aren't normal. She's learned everything to do with tarot and can accurately predict the future by calling on the wisdom of the moon.

Powers: uses energy from the moon.

Vampiric speed and strength.

Can accurately predict most events that will happen during the night.

Other: She is lethal to humans and monsters alike due to her half breed status. She doesn't need a weapon and can heal from almost anything.


Name:Gavriil Aristides


New to Camp?:yes

Godly Parent:Khione











Severe (serious)

(He does not play well with others)


Born and raised in Khione's court she and her brothers trained him relentlessly from the time he could walk physically and mentally. He was put in innumerable do or die situations which led him to develop his powers more than any demigod now being able to create ice contracts in seconds now as opposed to before where a wall or dome would take him minutes. Of course larger or more complex constructs take more time. He also spent a great deal of time with his father learning martial though never really had the chance or desire to learn much about him all he knows is that the man had a passion for the frigid weather which somehow attracted his mother. He is now arriving at camp half blood after being sent off by his mother.


Cryogenesis- The ability to create, shape, weaponize, and otherwise use ice, he makes constructs and even genetarates freak blizzards at will.

Ultimate Freeze- the ability to drop anything to absolute zero, a phenomena that is naturally impossible he can even freeze fire. (Extremely strenuous and can only be used a limited amount of times before it starts backfiring on Gavriil.)

Ice Embodiment- He can become ice, which boosts his other ability and helps him to preserve himself.


Gavrill does not feel temperature, nor is he affected by extreme heats or cold.

( This does not mean he can't be burned or harmed by hot items this only means he doesn't feel the temperature he can still sustain damage

Image:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/image.jpg.a3f0b3281a4c7bfc573c544e09b0e030.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="41698" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/image.jpg.a3f0b3281a4c7bfc573c544e09b0e030.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Weapon: He need a weapon since he can create everything short of a firearm from his incredibly durable ice.



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Name: Charlie Vitiosus

Age: 19

New to Camp?: No

Godly Parent: Eris

Personality: Can be bulleted.

she's cold, quiet and calculative. She pushes everyone she cares about away and keeps her distance from everyone. She's really just afraid of losing the people she cares about again. She does have a soft and kind side of you manage to get passed her icy exterior, she is also very harsh and realistic. She can be mysterious and mischievous due to her mother's side, so she is childish and playful as well.


Not much to tell except she lives on her own since her dad wasn't well enough to take care of her as a child and no one wanted her when she was put into the foster homes. She eventually heard about the camp from some other demigods who were passing through the town she lived in. She soon found out from a note who her mother was and what powers she possessed. With that she caused all sorts of trouble and mayhem before she was found by Chiron.

Powers: Please only have three powers or less. Make sure it is nothing over-powered.

Seeds of Distrust -- She is able to plan metaphorical seeds into the minds of others to cause them to become insanely suspicious of others and become distrustful of their peers.

Chaos Manipulation -- She can control all the chaotic forces in the universe, allowing them to manipulate probability or manipulate and even shatter reality. They are able to change, mutate, destroy or otherwise manipulate any matter, space/time, living beings, organizations or minds and spirits.




Image: May be realistic, anime, drawing, or thorough description.



Name: Skylar Miel-Flor

Age: 19

New to Camp?: Yes...

Godly Parent: Oh uhm... you know... one of them..

Personality: Can be bulleted.

Skylar, or Sky, as some call her, is very sweet and gentle to everyone. She's caring and enjoys helping others immensely, she hates being the center of attention. She's loyal and trustworthy, but often trusts others too easily. She believes that everyone has good inside them, even if they are cruel on the outside. She also believes that she has the ability to bring out the good in anyone else, if she tries hard enough, but this in many cases is untrue. Nevertheless, she tries anyway. She is very artistic and imaginative, but usually keeps to herself about her inner feelings, because she's often ashamed of them. She will do anything for someone close to her and is very passionate about what she loves. As well as this, she can be described as rather particular and fussy, wanting everything to be the exact way she prefers it to be, and tends to get upset when it is not. Overall, she is a caring, lovable, and artistic individual but can also tend to overreact and be melodramatic.


Sky had always been close with her sister, Ilya, she was never one to abandon her friends. She usually tried to keep a happy attitude when she found out her sister was losing her sight and when she started to get bullied because someone had to keep the energy and spirits up. She knew her sister hated what had happened to her and wished she could help her, but knew there was nothing she could do except support her. Eventually when the twins would out, Skylar was less then happy about it... She didn't need another thing to make her different... Especially something like being the daughter of a Greek Titan... (Prometheus)

However one day when Sky was walking home alone, she was attacked by two men, she managed to beat them by managing to grab the dagger off the guys belt and wounded them before realizing what she had done and fled. She never told her sister what had happened and hid the dagger from her, she didn't want her to know what had almost happened to her. Ilya still doesn't know that her sister had almost be raped and killed by two men/monsters and she won't know unless they come back or if Sky tells her.

Powers: Please only have three powers or less. Make sure it is nothing over-powered.

Clairometry: She has the ability to gain information about an object, person, location, or physical event by touching a source related to it's respective subject. Meaning if she touches something that belongs to the person she is looking for, or is searching for something in a specific place she just needs to be in the last place it was in.

Surveying the Field -- She has the power to inquire the strengths and weaknesses of persons of interests, along with gear or weaponry.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/upload_2015-2-6_21-0-15.png.8afba787f9118a1554e748a348bdb87d.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="41883" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/upload_2015-2-6_21-0-15.png.8afba787f9118a1554e748a348bdb87d.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Image: May be realistic, anime, drawing, or thorough description.



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/upload_2015-2-6_20-59-38.png.c2908c8cdc4b8cd6d859df7eaa7f5b58.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="41882" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/upload_2015-2-6_20-59-38.png.c2908c8cdc4b8cd6d859df7eaa7f5b58.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Noah said:
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New to Camp?:

Godly Parent:

Personality: Can be bulleted.


Powers: Please only have three powers or less. Make sure it is nothing over-powered.


Image: May be realistic, anime, drawing, or thorough description.
Name: Sorrene Lucem

Age: 17

New to Camp?: Yes

Godly Parent: Mania(Lyssa)


•paranoid schizophrenic: very distustful of others



•easily angered

Bio/History: Sorrene was born and grew up in the UK, with her father and brother. She grew up as any normal child should, but she was always a bit…different. She would talk to herself, and held some very strange beliefs that others thought were simply crazy. She was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia at the age of 15, and was hospitalized for a year after attacking her brother and father in a fit of rage with a kitchen knife after they had talked to her about her delusions. Then, her father found out about camp half-blood and promptly sent her there.

Powers: Sorrene has the power to call upon the Maniae, spirits of madness. She also has the power of her own rage, and is incredibly quick, agile and strong while angered at anything.

Other: N/A

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Name: Jayce Meta

Age: 18

New to Camp?: Yep

Godly Parent: Lupa


-Very loyal friend


-Very kind to those who are nice to him

-He tries to help anyone in need of help

-He is very gentle

-If you manage to get him angry... Run.

Bio/History: Jayce was once a very angry boy with rage built up inside of him. He took everything the wrong way and would beat people up whenever they would say something that could be taken in a bad way. He had a hard time growing up with just an adoptive father that didn't care for him much. Jayce quickly grew the skill of living by himself as a thirteen year old boy. He had dealt with people ignoring him due to his explosive behavior and he liked it that way. Until one day when he was seventeen, his adoptive father had come home drunk and he saw Jayce. Jayce asked his dad to get away from him, but he kept going after him. Jayce quickly let out all of the rage and hatred inside of him and he changed. His skin tore apart and his clothes as well. He went after his father in a blind fury, killing him with his claws and brute strength. Jayce had finally calmed down an hour later, but he still stayed as a wolf. He tried to relax but he couldn't change back to his human form. He left his house immediately and ran to the woods near his house and he stayed there, teaching himself how to be a good person, he treated all of the animals with kindness and he became a nice person without his old explosive behavior, so he set out on a journey to find some purpose in his life, anything. He wandered the woods for weeks until he thought that he heard something........... (Where he shall start out)

Powers: He can read people's feelings, he can call upon other wolves if he is within a mile or two away from them, and he has standar werewolf abilities (Enhanced senses, strength, speed, and endurance.)


Human form:

Other: He may find a way to change back later in the RP.
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Name: Shane Victoria

Age: 18

New to camp?: Been there for a week, so I guess.

Godly parent: Ahklys, Goddess of Misery and suffering.

Personality: Shane keeps to himself. He doesn't really like people, and prefers to be by himself. He is a depressed person who is likely to spread more misery than love. Normally everybody hates him, and that's the way he likes it. By himself is where he feels most comfortable, and he is pretty shy. He is very challenging to work with, but who doesn't love a challenge?

Bio: Shane was once a friendly and happy child, until his 9th birthday. His parents divorced, and he was sent to live with his dad along with his brother, Sean. He abused them and hurt them mentally. Good news: Their dad went to jail. Bad news: Their step-mother was killed. Sent to live in an orphanage, he and Sean stayed by themselves in their room and talked. When he had high school, there was shouting and thoughts of suicide. This was the start of the depression. Okay, after a few years that was over, but he was still depressed. He then heard about Camp Half-Blood, and realizing that he was a demigod, he went there with Sean.


Misery Manipulation- Shane can make you miserable with this. He puts depressed thoughts and misery into your mind, causing sadness.

Toxikinesis- He is immune to poisons most of the time. If they are normal like instant kill or something he usually can. If they are gorgons blood or something that blinds him, then usually he isn't.


Other Pretty nifty with this dagger.


I know I've made someone before... But that was a bad time for me. I will be active.

I am a dolphin.

Also, sent from Atlantis using a shellphone.

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