Camp Half-Blood: Rise of the Titans

The transforming weapon is a good idea.

Considering it's a watch...

I'm sad I didn't get there first xD
I wonder, will the 9-12 spear have some different forms? Like maybe a spear this time and a javelin the next, then maybe a trident after that.
Name: Kit Suros

Age: 17

New to Camp? :No, I have resided at camp for many a good time, building my place in the Saga’s of Ti- Gets gaged

Godly Parent: Hermes


· Kit is very… colorful and treats his life like a storybook, with him as the hero.

· He talks constantly and enjoys sharing stories of his adventures… whether they are fake or true.

· When he needs to he cuts the hero talk and can be a very serious person.

· Has a decently short attention span

Bio/History: Kit was raised by a family of demigods, and grew up dreaming about his own adventures. When he reached 12 his mother gave him the family sword, a katana with a special inscription on the side, and told him of Camp half-blood. He set off along with his brother Owen, another demigod, and made his way to camp.


· Master Thief: Kit can steal almost anything from people… or monsters

· Heroes Skill: Kit’s family members each pass down a skill through his sword: ranging from strength to speed, to defense. (When channeling this power, he must be holding his sword, and this drains him the longer he uses it.)

Other: Once he starts telling one of his stories he wont stop.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/57a8c09ab27b1_OwainPic.jpg.80992a5519923707197e9ccd3b3bf90c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="32336" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/57a8c09ab27b1_OwainPic.jpg.80992a5519923707197e9ccd3b3bf90c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

He dresses just like this.


Name: Owen Rydien

Age: 17

New to Camp? : No

Godly Parent: Apollo


· Owen is calm and very Patient

· He is a very sheltered person. Not very outspoken

· Feels invisible.

Bio/History: Owen grew up in the same house as Kit… but he was adopted. A Cyclops who was “working” at the hospital killed his mother shortly after his birth. Kit’s Stepfather a doctor at the hospital (also a demigod) stepped in and killed the Cyclops taking the newly born Owen home to raise him. As he grew up he learned to accept his life as is and also how to put up with Kit’s stories. He traveled to Camp Half-Blood with Kit when they were 12.


· Solar Arrows: Owen can generate arrows of light to use against his enemies. (He can control how fatal the arrows are. Also if he is in a dark place he can still generate the arrows, but its taxes his body.)

· Plague Bugs: Owen’s jacket contains a giant tunnel system of insects that can Lethally poison enemies. (They will only attack monsters, not people. Also the poison can be cured if given quick attention)

Other: He carries a bow that splits into two blades.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/Shino.jpg.718f796575d78082bd7824dd63e73a55.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="32342" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/Shino.jpg.718f796575d78082bd7824dd63e73a55.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Remove the headband)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/Bow.jpg.484f98fb630ef0974c3ecb956fac73ff.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="32339" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/Bow.jpg.484f98fb630ef0974c3ecb956fac73ff.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(His Bow)



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Name: Adrien Crowe

Age: 17

New to Camp: No

Godly Parent: Ares

Personality: Adrien is a charmer, and -even though she wont admit it- loves a good fight, or just causing trouble. She tends to come off as pushy and forceful. Adrien can get pretty intense or passionate about a subject, and typically snaps at the slightest contradiction against her.

Bio/History: Adrien grew up in a small little town in Chiswick, England from the age of 8 to 13 when her mum married her step-dad Shawn. Her mother never really talked much about her father, and pretended that anything to do with had nothing to exist. All throughout her childhood growing up, she would get kicked out of schools or sent home for her bad temper. Adrien always denied the accusations against her, saying that she didn't have a bad temper, the other kids were just asking for it when they started toying with her. At the age of 14 her mom finally accepted the fact that her daughter was different than other kids, and sent her to the camp Adrien's father had told her about when her daughter had been born.

Powers: Odikinesis -the ability to manipulate feelings and emotions of war (such as hate and rage)

Telumkinesis -the ability to manipulate weaponry (can conjure weapons, and manipulate some)

Other: Adrien likes to take photos of the camp and campers for a memory scrapbook of hers.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/8576-Pretty-Brunette-www.WallpaperMotion.com_.jpg.2333993ea15af27fbd16bfebdea1bd95.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="32349" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/8576-Pretty-Brunette-www.WallpaperMotion.com_.jpg.2333993ea15af27fbd16bfebdea1bd95.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> 
Name: Addison Collins

Age: 16

New to Camp: No

Godly Parent: Hephaestus

Personality: Addison it a bit on the geeky side -when it comes to forging. She's got a skilled and handy set of hands, and a nice sense of humor. Her and Adrien are associated with each other, but don't really know whether to count the other as a friend or not. Addie is better at making things than she is at using them. She likes a good joke to lighten the mood.

Bio/History: Addie spent her life growing up on a small ranch with her mother and her siblings. When she had her first monster attack, her mother freaked momentarily and hid her in their Bomb Shelter. Afterwards her mother was terrified for her baby's safety and began searching for every possible way to keep her daughter safe. When she heard about the camp, Camp Half-Blood Addie was sent their immediately for her own protection and has been there since she was 8.

Powers: Technokinesis -the ability to either manipulate, control, and communicate with machinery

Pyrokinesis -the ability to control fire well as being completely immune to being burned by fire

Other: She has a special pair of pants -that she wears in the forge or while tinkering- that can hold multiple things in her pockets, but there's a limit on the size.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/Ombre-hair-color-.jpg.f1e88029d5d796b57d94114234d5dadb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="32352" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/Ombre-hair-color-.jpg.f1e88029d5d796b57d94114234d5dadb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Sebastian Young

Age: 18

New to camp: Yes and no...dont question me.

Godly parent: Thanatos

Personality: Sebastian is a very...odd young man, he has always demanded his respect but doesnt always reciprocate, many snide comments leave his lips and he has stopped caring for the consequence. Of course, that's on the outside. On the inside Sebastian is very sweet to those he loves though he faces endless frustration sure the fact that he ties reach out SOMETHING goes HORRIBLY wrong. Last time it resulted in his mother's gruesome death. This has resulted in him taking up a new perception of things pushing everyone he can away so that they don't get hurt. This is currently the only way he knows to show any affection to those he cares about.

History: Sebastian should never have been born... at least that's what has started believing, Sebastian lived a relatively normal life for a child who could control shadows since preschool. He has always seen spirits and was well aware of his heritage after some conversations with the dead. Living only as far as Cleveland his whole life Sebastian isn't quite used to the big city despite the months of wandering to find a clue. Sebastian has been wamdering New York city for a few weeks after losing his mother in Cleveland. He had been coming home from school early again since his religion teacher had kicked him out of class again. Technically he was supposed to go to the office but they had gotten used to him just leaving. When he returned his mother was waiting at the door as usual she was smiling at the sight of her son. Though as soon as Sebastian got closer to her he sensed something was off there was a darkness behind her eyes. He acted as if he hadn't sensed it but was still ready when the eidolon attacked. The malicious spirit had inhabited his mother around midday, weakening her spirit for two hours before Sebastian came home. In an effort to keep her alive he used his ethereal form and possessed her fighting off the eidolon and eventually tearing it apart, but human bodies weren't meant to hold three spirits and the weakest was the first to be cast out which was his mother. He tried to save her multi-tasking between fending off the eidolon and holding his mother spirit in her body only to feel her let go. In a rage he destroyed the Eidolon and left her body. He called the ambulance before disappearing into the shadows too emotionally unstable to deal with all the processes of burial. He shadow travelled all the from Cleveland to New York passing out on a bench in Central Park, where he still lays.

Powers. Erebokiness ( control over shadows. At its strongest it extends to the astral force of darkness.) Shadow travel, Ethereal form (can't use to attack the living, only observe, if he wishes to attack he comes out of his ethereal form unless fighting off spirits. Because of this his spirit form is dangerous since any ghost the group may encounter will focus on him if they are in combat.)

Others: As a spoil of war from defeating the Eidolon which was particularly powerful Thanatos gifted Sebastian with an enchanted Stygian iron sword which using the eidolon's crystallized spirit as a power source exudes living shadows for Sebastian to manipulate. When the eidolon's soul is at the point of extinguishing the blades enchantment shifts to that of a soul trap refueling the eidolon so that it can continue exuding shadows.

Another other: Sebastian is bisexual

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/image.jpg.bbe20b9324a6eebac44ab87fa9e921f2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="32364" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/image.jpg.bbe20b9324a6eebac44ab87fa9e921f2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Weapon:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/image.jpg.2f639c6a147f40717c76d3d9f1db90ec.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="32365" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/image.jpg.2f639c6a147f40717c76d3d9f1db90ec.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Blade turns into Sebastian's chain necklace (Refer to appearance pic)



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Name: Tomas Guarantor

Age: 15

New to Camp?: no

Godly Parent: None

Personality: He is very stubborn and calm but also a little flirtatious. He loves nature and as such will do anything to keep it safe. He is rather calm and collected in battle but can easily become stern when he needs to be. He is also very clever and logical and claims to be the satyr version of Sherlock Homes.

Bio/History: He was born on the grounds of camp by a satyr and a cloud nymph. He studies the history of satyrs and their exploits to learn what to model himself after. He thus spent a lot of his younger years learning from Grover Underwood and Coach Hedge. He is an experienced guardian and is a very curious satyr since he tends to hide as little as possible.

Powers: Can control plants by song and send monsters into a panic sometimes.

Weapon: a pan flute and a staff.



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Name: Masako Collins

Age: 18

New to Camp?: Sure (Yes)

Godly Parent: Nemesis (No I swear if you copy this I will hunt you down and kick your ass find your own damn Gods)


  • Tough
  • Aggressive
  • Fair
  • Pays attention to people
  • Observer

Bio/History: Masako and her father was a kind and caring man with good luck. He was so lucky that he caught the attention of the Yakuza. Masako's father was killed by a powerful Yakuza, with vengeance in her heart her mother came to her. Like her brother she was given the choice to control the worlds balance for her eye. However, she also gave her other eye for invulnerability. She trained her body and mind to be able to control her powers. She spent her time with her mother leaning how to judge people and use her senses. She has become a killing machine and a spirit of vengeance and retribution.

Powers: Telekinesis, Luck balance (she will provide bad luck to anyone with too much good luck. She may also be able to provide good luck to anyone with too much bad luck)

Other: She is much more fair than tough. She always believes in in the good in people no matter what.






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Name: Celestia Silverstone

Age: 16

New to Camp?: No; she has been a camper for approximately a year and a half.

Godly Parent: Khione


  • Fierce
  • Hot-tempered
  • Talkative
  • Creative
  • Rebellious
  • Slightly flirtatious
  • Opinionated
  • Judgmental
  • Competitive

Bio/History: Celestia was raised with awareness that she her mother was the goddess of snow. Knowing that she was a demigod brought monsters after her at an earlier age, and she began to detest her mother and everything she knew about her, but her father did not. Her father would speak of Khione often, and it seemed as though he was the only one who Khione acted softly towards. He would say that her harshness was more of a shell, that if you got to know her then you would find gentleness, like a hard chocolate shell with warm, rich molasses in the very center.

However, the more Celestia heard about her mother, the more she resented her. The increasingly frequent monster attacks did nothing to help. She knew nothing about her mom. She wanted more than just stories. At the age of eleven, in frustrated indignation, she decided to erase every sign, every memory of her absent mother. Every photo of Khione that her father had taken was tossed with rage into the trash. And her hair. Her hair was black, just like her mother's. It almost mirrored the flow of ebony hair that she saw in the pictures. Anger boiling inside her, she dyed her hair pink. It was one of the colors that she most despised. Every month, she would dye it again.

Shortly before Celestia turned fifteen, she was urged by a monitoring satyr to come to Camp Half-Blood after a Hydra was found in her high school in pursuit of Celestia and burned a large portion of it to ashes. It was then that she finally found a place where she was comfortable - comfortable except the nagging reminder that her mother was Khione .. but it was still relieving to know that there were others like her.


  • The ability to coat anything with a layer of ice. The thickness of the ice depends on her energy.
  • She emanates an aura of coldness depending on her emotions.
  • She is insusceptible to cold.



Hmm, fierce and cold feelings, but mainly to her mother. I can see those Khione traits in her. Man, dying her hair pink though...can't imagine how Khione must feel. Anyways, I don't see much error and I accept the CS. I just think the hot-tempered trait is a bit off putting for a daughter of the goddess of snow.
Name: Skylar Bloom

Age: 16 and a half

New to Camp?: No, this is her third year at camp.

Godly Parent: Hermes


  • Gentle
  • Bubbly
  • Gullible
  • Easily distracted
  • Peaceful
  • Self-esteem has its highs and lows
  • Imaginative
  • Thoughtful
  • Easily intimidated, but she tries to hide it.
  • Easily manipulated

Bio/History: She accumulated quite a few friends in her early years, but it was in middle school when one of her best friends began to take advantage of her generosity and willingness to help anyone with any problem that they might suffer from. This friend, whose name was Devon, had meant a lot to her as a companion, and they had a mutual relationship between each other - until sixth grade. It was not a secret that Skylar was a bit of an oddball, and her grades, due to her ADHD and dyslexia, were far lower than the normal student's. Peculiar things seemed to happen around her often. Devon, the flawless blonde girl, gradually formed a clique with a few of her and Skylar's long-term friends, and over time they gradually began to make fun of Skylar behind her back. Skylar frequently got in trouble on Devon's behalf, Devon growing into a troublemaker and blaming Skylar for everything that she did, and Skylar felt obligated to take the blame for Devon's actions.

In seventh grade, Devon began to ask Skylar to steal things for her as well. It began with only a nice, elaborate pen that one of their classmates possessed and by eighth grade, Skylar was swiping people's jewelry. Every time she stole the property of someone else, a heap of guilt would be added to her shoulders, but having a friend that actually valued her was something that she experienced with no one else. Devon never knew how she managed to steal so easily and so much. But it was when Skylar was asked to steal a very wealthy girl's house keys at the end of eighth grade that she finally snapped. She realized that Devon was not a genuine friend, and that she was merely using her. She realized that having Devon as her friend did not make her happy. If anything, it made her the exact opposite of what she wanted to be.

Feeling betrayed, she decided to do her best to compensate for the many items she had stolen. She began to steal as much money as she could find both in Devon's backpack as well as in her room. Within two days she had collected about seven hundred dollars. At school the next day, she teleported seventy dollars into the backpacks of each of the people she had stolen from. After school was when Devon noticed how much of her money had disappeared. She called the police and instantly blamed it on Skylar. Her family was wealthy enough to afford a good lawyer; Skylar's mom was not. Her mother seemed very disappointed in Skylar getting into that situation, but at last she decided to send her daughter to Camp Half-Blood, where she could actually find herself.


  • The ability to teleport items within a ten-foot radius to another location also within that ten-foot radius. The items she teleports cannot weigh more than ten pounds.
  • The ability to turn invisible at will for a half hour. Her clothing becomes invisible along with her body.



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