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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: Rise of the Titans

BishopOfKings said:
Max had never expected for a frying pan to be so helpful on the quest. With a flash of bronze light, Max smacked Alec lightly with Violet's Celestial Bronze Frying Pan. The thing tended to fly to whoever needed it when Violet wasn't using it, and it did nothing but give a small headache to demigods. "Stop asking or I'll hit you again." Max said as he stood up and walked to the door. "I'm gonna go get some air... We should get moving soon... Maybe 30-ish minutes." He tossed the frying pan onto Violets bed and walked out the door...

... Once upon a time, Max enjoyed the snow, but now it was something he detested. He remembered the day... He thought it was a miracle, a sign that the world was giving him a great sign... Oh how was he wrong. It was a warm day in San Francisco, and he was out with his girlfriend. They'd hurried out into the city to get a few supplies for the hike that he Allie, Erik, and his girlfriend where going to take... But fate had other plans. Max thought she was a child of Aphrodite and he loved her. They had left the store when it started to snow... It brought back Memories of their first kiss. Max was so happy, but that's when he was stabbed. He didn't feel the blade enter, but he felt it leave along with all his strength. He fell to the ground holding his stomach, while she laughed. He looked at her as she changed. Her face became twisted and sadistic... Wings sprouted from her back. She looked demonically beautiful as she lifted off... Leaving him with one message. "Enjoy the suffering." Then Sam dropped the dagger... It was Celestial Bronze. He laid there in pain as he felt the wound grow as he started slipping away...

... Max flashed back into reality as a chubby black 6th grade kid on skis nearly plowed into him. The kid shouted some choice words at him... And Something about crackers, but Max got the message. He looked around and realized he had walked all the way to the ski slopes. He looked up at the peak of the mountain and touched his back where his wound was... And do was the dagger that stabbed him. After being stabbed he promised that he would be the one to kill Sam. He saw a flash of lightning over the mountain. "That can't be good." He said as he hurried back towards the hotel room.

@Silent Justice



Erik had been watching Valencia closely as she talked to the little kid. He walked over. "Hey." He said as he stood near the two people who looked like they were getting ready to leave. "I was watching you earlier... And man you've got skills..." He looked at the little kid. "This your brother?"

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira




Owen was used to the cold but nothing compared to the cold of the guy Owen passed. The blue haired dude emanated harsh cold, not the cold of Elizabeth, something more ice like. He clenched his hand and let out a tiny bit of solar energy as he passed Gavriil, and continued on. He decided to go to the arena... He needed to get his mind off of the cold feeling. He hurried over and caught sight of Valencia again "Hey... Busy causing explosions again?"

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira




Auron found Bridget quite easily thanks to the Light sprite. The second he got close to where the girl was the sprite always appeared and showed him the way to her. The thing was annoying, but it was useful. "Bridget." He said as he walked up to the girl straightening his metal bracelets he'd created. Bridget had given him the idea of wearing some of his metal on him rather than keep it all in the pouches on his back. While he detested shameless flare, the idea was ingenious and it meant Auron could attack faster. He'd made three, one gold, one bronze, and one silver; which he wore all on his left arm. "Bridge... It's about time to go." He said as he walked up next to her. He'd asked her if she'd go on the quest to kill the drakon yesterday and she had agreed. "I hope you're ready, and if you're not... Well I've gotta go find Donovan, and no doubt he is probably being hunted by his own siblings."


@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira



Kit stood watching as the island of Delos approached. He guessed they were about 5 minutes away from the little island that floated in front of them. He hurried over to where the intercom was and picked up the mic. He heard a few creaks. Usually he had Addison translate for him, but Kit was getting the feeling the dragon head was growing to like him. "Don't know what you're saying, but I'm just getting everyone up here." He said before clicked the intercom button. "Helllloooo everyone. This is Kit calling to tell y'all's that we be getting close to Delos, everyone should be getting up on deck." And he turned off the intercom. "There we go." He said as Felix creaked again. "I still don't get what you're saying, but hopefully you're saying good luck... I'll get Addison to translate later. We've got an island to explore!"


@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira





Allie sat on the rail watching Delos grow closer. She had been staring into space when Kit's announcement had jolted her out of her thoughts. She sat there waiting for everyone to come above deck.

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StarrySkyofLostSouls said:
Lia takes a deep breath as she lowers her head and slowly opens her eyes, her eyes are glowing faintly, they are surrounded by a pitch black glow before slowly melting to a magenta-violet on the edges and a tint of turquoise. "Did it work...?" she said softly as she couldn't tell how it turned out and wanted to make sure it looked okay so she wouldn't have to hide her tattoos.

Ethan blinks as he watches another guy come over to talk to his sister once she released him from the hug and huffed a bit as her focused turned to the guys and started to look around when he saw some curls near the beach and sneaked off from his sister to make his way down to the shore where Jezabell was, Jezabell currently picking up a stone to see if it would be good for skipping. "Whatcha doing?" Ethan said suddenly startling the girl causing her to flick the stone and shooting it hard and hitting Gavrill upside the head despite him being by the arena, her eyes widen as she looked nervous and bit her lip. "Crap! Oh my gosh... you can't sneak up on people who aren't paying attention... god he's going to kill me isn't he?" Ethan shrugs and looks towards Gavrill. "Maybe, we'll see."


Evelyn shrugs lightly as she stretches her arms before getting up on the branch and starts to walk along it carefully, has her arms in her hoodie pockets as she does. "Hm... Interesting." she said as she vanished from view before appearing at the base of the tree nearby him, leaning against it casually while watching him with her starry eyes.

(@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira)

Looking at the wolf still he turned his gaze up to Helena as a voice rang out over the loud speakers he poked Helena's bicep, "Let's go, looks like we're needed on deck." He stood up and walked towards the door before glancing back at Helena. "Well are you coming?"


Gavriil's head turn only slightly when the rock hit him he looked over at the source and saw a girl sitting next to a young boy both looking at him with a mix of fear and anxiety. Gavriil was clearly not happy he held up his hand and a lance formed a few inches above the open palm. He flicked his wrist forward and the lance soared forward towards the girl, he was ready to stop it before it speared her his hand poised to just turn it into a snowball.


Raising an eyebrow he made an orb of light appear in his hand then turned it into a beam as he pointed his finger at the surface of the water it sizzled for a minute throwing off some steam he changed the intensity of the light turning it white and throwing a rainbow up over the lake the light refracting off of the surface.
[QUOTE="Kai'zen Makaira]Jason
Looking at the wolf still he turned his gaze up to Helena as a voice rang out over the loud speakers he poked Helena's bicep, "Let's go, looks like we're needed on deck." He stood up and walked towards the door before glancing back at Helena. "Well are you coming?"


Gavriil's head turn only slightly when the rock hit him he looked over at the source and saw a girl sitting next to a young boy both looking at him with a mix of fear and anxiety. Gavriil was clearly not happy he held up his hand and a lance formed a few inches above the open palm. He flicked his wrist forward and the lance soared forward towards the girl, he was ready to stop it before it speared her his hand poised to just turn it into a snowball.


Raising an eyebrow he made an orb of light appear in his hand then turned it into a beam as he pointed his finger at the surface of the water it sizzled for a minute throwing off some steam he changed the intensity of the light turning it white and throwing a rainbow up over the lake the light refracting off of the surface.

Jezabell put her hands up and her necklace turns into her bow before slashing at the snowball with her bow. "I-I'm sorry! I-I didn't mean to hit you, it was an accident I swear." she said as her eyes glowed a faint pink. Ethan watching and tilts his head as watches them, looking between Jezabell and Gavriil.


Evelyn darts back a bit, narrowing her eyes at the light a bit and shadows her eyes a bit as she steps further into the darkness. "...Interesting... anyways... I think people might be looking for you... Not your sisters but they are... but two other people... or so their shadows say..." she said while crossing her arms as she leans back.

StarrySkyofLostSouls said:
Jezabell put her hands up and her necklace turns into her bow before slashing at the snowball with her bow. "I-I'm sorry! I-I didn't mean to hit you, it was an accident I swear." she said as her eyes glowed a faint pink. Ethan watching and tilts his head as watches them, looking between Jezabell and Gavriil.

Evelyn darts back a bit, narrowing her eyes at the light a bit and shadows her eyes a bit as she steps further into the darkness. "...Interesting... anyways... I think people might be looking for you... Not your sisters but they are... but two other people... or so their shadows say..." she said while crossing her arms as she leans back.

Drawing his cold into himself he looked away from the girl, "It's fine, I came to fight but won't battle and unwilling opponent I want someone as into it as I am." Gavriil scanned the group and realized the dark-haired girl wasn't where she was before, in all actuality she seemed to have disappeared until he looked back over and saw her melting from her brother's shadow and hugging him fussing over him like his mother he walked over towards the girl who hit him with a rock. "How did that happen exactly."


Closing his hand seeing her somewhat pained reaction the light died and he looked at the girl oddly, "O-Okay, I'll see you around then....right?" Donovan stood and dusted himself off as he spoke.
[QUOTE="Kai'zen Makaira]Gac

Drawing his cold into himself he looked away from the girl, "It's fine, I came to fight but won't battle and unwilling opponent I want someone as into it as I am." Gavriil scanned the group and realized the dark-haired girl wasn't where she was before, in all actuality she seemed to have disappeared until he looked back over and saw her melting from her brother's shadow and hugging him fussing over him like his mother he walked over towards the girl who hit him with a rock. "How did that happen exactly."


Closing his hand seeing her somewhat pained reaction the light died and he looked at the girl oddly, "O-Okay, I'll see you around then....right?" Donovan stood and dusted himself off as he spoke.

Ethan laughs a bit as he feels her behind him and hugs her back, letting her fuss over him and make sure he's okay. "I'm fine Val-Val~ It's just snow~" he said while smiling brightly at her. "Well... he startled me by appearing beside me while I was picking up a rock to see if it was smooth enough to skip over the water... And because of that I misthrew the rock and it went in your direction.. I really am sorry about that..." she said while rubbing her arm.


Evelyn staying in the shadows, holding one of her arms. "Yeah... If you come back alive that is Sunny." she said with a small grin before melting into the ground and appearing beside him out of his shadow. "See you when you get back.." she said as she slunk off calmly and confidently.
Helena looked up at Jason, then shook her head slightly, "I think I'll stay down here and nurse my bleeding nose, thanks. If they need me, they can come get me themselves.... Thanks for, uhh, thanks for caring, Jason." She said, waving a bloodstained hand at him, then realized her hands were covered in blood and sighed, got up, and walked off down the hall to the bathroom, opening the door and closing it behind her. "I have no intention of having a run in a tray Apollo... I'm sick of haikus.."

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
Growing steadily more frustrated in her lack of ability to find a half asleep demigod, she huffed and headed for the Hypnos cabin. Even if she had to shake one of the others awake, knock them out again, before shaking them even more violently awake, she'd get her answers. Realistically, she'd more than likely return empty handed and apologize before finding someplace other than the depressing medical tent to be, but the thought of the first idea at least marginally improved her mood. Stepping up to the Hypnos cabin she gave a few knocks and waited. No one answered. That was rather unsurprising, considering from what Olivia told her most of them just slept all the time. She gave another, harder knock and then simply opened the door impatiently. She regretted it immediately. While her thinking was still sharp she recognized the cloud of gold as Olivia's dream sand and tried to flee, but it was too late. She felt her mind grow sluggish and her legs turn to jelly as she tried to back peddle. It only took a few more moments before she collapsed, letting out a whimpering "No . . .", and falling backwards, hitting her head on the ground beneath her as sleep violently claimed her.

((@StarrySkyofLostSouls ))
Synaria said:
Growing steadily more frustrated in her lack of ability to find a half asleep demigod, she huffed and headed for the Hypnos cabin. Even if she had to shake one of the others awake, knock them out again, before shaking them even more violently awake, she'd get her answers. Realistically, she'd more than likely return empty handed and apologize before finding someplace other than the depressing medical tent to be, but the thought of the first idea at least marginally improved her mood. Stepping up to the Hypnos cabin she gave a few knocks and waited. No one answered. That was rather unsurprising, considering from what Olivia told her most of them just slept all the time. She gave another, harder knock and then simply opened the door impatiently. She regretted it immediately. While her thinking was still sharp she recognized the cloud of gold as Olivia's dream sand and tried to flee, but it was too late. She felt her mind grow sluggish and her legs turn to jelly as she tried to back peddle. It only took a few more moments before she collapsed, letting out a whimpering "No . . .", and falling backwards, hitting her head on the ground beneath her as sleep violently claimed her.
((@StarrySkyofLostSouls ))
Olivia curls up as her golden dream sand swirls around her and Ayslinn, replacing the dark sand that is there for the time being so that Ayslinn doesn't get nightmares since Olivia is much stronger and has had more time to practice her powers over her hypnokinesis and dream sand manipulation. Olivia pops into Ayslinn's dreams, looking around as she wanders, humming softly as things start to change and become brighter.

StarrySkyofLostSouls said:
Ethan laughs a bit as he feels her behind him and hugs her back, letting her fuss over him and make sure he's okay. "I'm fine Val-Val~ It's just snow~" he said while smiling brightly at her. "Well... he startled me by appearing beside me while I was picking up a rock to see if it was smooth enough to skip over the water... And because of that I misthrew the rock and it went in your direction.. I really am sorry about that..." she said while rubbing her arm.

Evelyn staying in the shadows, holding one of her arms. "Yeah... If you come back alive that is Sunny." she said with a small grin before melting into the ground and appearing beside him out of his shadow. "See you when you get back.." she said as she slunk off calmly and confidently.

"Good just stay back okay?" Giving her brother one last squeeze she let him go still clutching her gem her pitch black flames roared out of the spaces between her fingers splitting and reforming into her bow she walked towards Erik and Owen casting a sideways look at Gavriil, "So since we're all here and some of of us seem to be itching for a fight how about a free for all match or even a team match, you know smash bros style?"


Watching the Girl who accidentally attacked him he waved it off, "It's alright you clearly didn't mean it, but I like the sound of that battle." A dangerous look flashed across Gavriil's face, "I would be....interested in this fight, that's why we're in the arena." He looked back at the girl in the sand, "My name is Gavriil, what is yours stone thrower."


Nodding he hopped back up on Tracker, "Let's go find whoever is looking for us. Tracker nodded and walked to the main camp moseying through leisurely Donovan swaying to the movements on his back, he looked around clearly pretty mellow not even worried about the pack of huntresses heading towards him some trying to stop them the rest ready to give him a smack down.


Looking back at Helena nodding with a smile he stepped aside when she ran past him and started heading back above the deck taking his time he came out into the windy deck to see Allie at the helm he walked over and stood beside her putting his hand on the rails he stared ahead at the floating island of Delos seemingly unfazed. "hey."
StarrySkyofLostSouls said:
Skylar went behind Ilya and quickly pulled her wrappings up to cover Ilya's eyes. "S-Sorry about her, w-we didn't mean to startle you.." she said softly while dropping her hands after she finished retying Ilya's wrappings, she quickly dropped her eyes to the ground, lacing her hands in front of her as she stared at the grass and dirt under her. Her hair drapped in front of her to hide her face as she avoiding eye contact.
Charlie gripped her sword tightly as she raced through the forest, she had been told that getting to camp would be a breeze but so far it had been a pain. She had been wandering the forest for a while now and still hadn't found the camp, she growled to herself as she continued to run through the forest. Currently being chased by a minotaur, and some hellhounds, making a bit of noise as she is running through the forest, rustling the undergrowth.
Sorrene stopped screaming as the girl covered up the other's eyes, and the memories faded away. She was left sniveling and crying, a complete wreck.

"Kill them. Kill them. Kill all of them. Kill them, kill them…"
the voices whispered to her, and she could feel the rage boiling up inside. This time, she didn't choose to ignore them, instead standing up and beginning to walk towards the two girls, scowling. She ran up to them and grabbed the one with the wrappings over her eyes. "What did you just do to me!? TELL ME!!" She screamed, throttling the girl.



( xD I don't think that's going to end well...)

Skylar quickly jumped back, her dagger appearing as she puts her hand on where the hilt would be. "Hey it wasn't her fault! She can't help with what she was born with... She didn't mean to make you see what you did, it was an accident..." she said softly while watching the other girl cautiously while looking at her sister worriedly.

(@TechEwok, @queenhistoria, we need to wait for Tech.)

"I didn't ask if you were sorry I already told you it was alright I blocked the rock with ice anyways, I asked you what your name was." Gavriil looked slightly annoyed wondering why this girl was so stuck on the rock thing.
[QUOTE="Kai'zen Makaira]Gavriil
"I didn't ask if you were sorry I already told you it was alright I blocked the rock with ice anyways, I asked you what your name was." Gavriil looked slightly annoyed wondering why this girl was so stuck on the rock thing.

Jezabell blinks and looks at him. "Huh? oh sorry... I'm Jezabell." she said while looking at him, her eyes turn pink for a moment before returning to their natural colour. "I better be off since most people would rather not be near an Aphrodite girl.." she said as she started to walk off, holding her arm as she walks off, rubbing it lightly as she does.

Watching as Jezabell walked away he had one question, "What makes you think I don't want you around, or anyone else for that matter?" This was the first time any of his questions actually sounded like one. He held his hand up furthering his questioning, "Do you honestly think that would matter to me and why should you care, the only opinion you should be concerned with is your own, if someone doesn't like you that's their problem you don't have to mold your life around the co ferns and opinions of others."
[QUOTE="Kai'zen Makaira]Gavriil
Watching as Jezabell walked away he had one question, "What makes you think I don't want you around, or anyone else for that matter?" This was the first time any of his questions actually sounded like one. He held his hand up furthering his questioning, "Do you honestly think that would matter to me and why should you care, the only opinion you should be concerned with is your own, if someone doesn't like you that's their problem you don't have to mold your life around the co ferns and opinions of others."

Jezabell stops and looks at him. "...I'm a curse, why would anyone want to be around someone who can control how they feel? Who can make them feel something that isn't there." she said while looking at her, her eyes change a faint red before flashing back. "It's hard to just listen to just your own opinion when so many different ones are thrown at you and are there to put you down and make you feel worse." she said while looking at him.

"It's only a curse if you let it be besides with your logic no one would want me around for various reasons, besides their opinions will only get you if you let them, you can choose not acknowledge mine if you wish." Gavriil shrugged, "It's all up to you."
Jezabell looks down for a moment as she seems to be thinking before glancing back up. "...thanks.. And I never got your name..." She said while watching him briefly before glancing at the others, memorizing their faces for later.

"My name is Gavriil, I am a son of Khione, no cd to meet you Jezabell daughter of Aphrodite." Gavriil put his right hand out for her to shake if she wished, if she took it she would find that despite the cold he radiates he is actually quite warm to the touch something that he himself isn't really aware of.
[QUOTE="Kai'zen Makaira]Gavriil
"My name is Gavriil, I am a son of Khione, no cd to meet you Jezabell daughter of Aphrodite." Gavriil put his right hand out for her to shake if she wished, if she took it she would find that despite the cold he radiates he is actually quite warm to the touch something that he himself isn't really aware of.

Jezabell smiles a bit and takes his head and shakes it lightly, hands are soft but do have scars and a bit of callouses on them. "Nice to meet you as well Gavriil. And I figured you had something to do with ice and snow, since you did throw a snowball at me." she said while looking a bit amused while taking her hand back after shaking it.
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StarrySkyofLostSouls said:
Olivia curls up as her golden dream sand swirls around her and Ayslinn, replacing the dark sand that is there for the time being so that Ayslinn doesn't get nightmares since Olivia is much stronger and has had more time to practice her powers over her hypnokinesis and dream sand manipulation. Olivia pops into Ayslinn's dreams, looking around as she wanders, humming softly as things start to change and become brighter.
The humming sent shivers down Ayslinn's spine. It seemed it was the butcher this time. She clenched her eyes shut tightly and curled up on herself, shivering in fear at what was to come. Several moments stretched by and the only thing that came was the ever constant humming. No pain, no stomping of boots, no sawing . . . Slowly, almost pleadingly so, Ayslinn lifted her head and cracked an eye open. She almost immediately sank back upon herself as she saw a figure moving about her, but paused. It was certainly not the hulking figure of the butcher, that much she was sure. The humming was certainly much more feminine and . . . happier. A word she hadn't used in regards to her dreams for some time. She repeated her action, following with opening her other eye as well and was shocked to see the state of her dreamscape. She looked around in awe as the darkness seemed to melt away. Gone were the chains and blood, gone were the shadows and the noises, gone were the inescapable terrors, everything was so changed it hardly seemed like her dream at all. She focused her attention on the only other figure in the area her features momentarily contorting in confusion. "Olivia?" The memory of how she'd ended up in her dreams came back to her and she sagged in relief, holding a hand to her chest in an attempt to calm her heart. "Oh thank the gods it's you, Olivia."

((@StarrySkyofLostSouls ))
Synaria said:
The humming sent shivers down Ayslinn's spine. It seemed it was the butcher this time. She clenched her eyes shut tightly and curled up on herself, shivering in fear at what was to come. Several moments stretched by and the only thing that came was the ever constant humming. No pain, no stomping of boots, no sawing . . . Slowly, almost pleadingly so, Ayslinn lifted her head and cracked an eye open. She almost immediately sank back upon herself as she saw a figure moving about her, but paused. It was certainly not the hulking figure of the butcher, that much she was sure. The humming was certainly much more feminine and . . . happier. A word she hadn't used in regards to her dreams for some time. She repeated her action, following with opening her other eye as well and was shocked to see the state of her dreamscape. She looked around in awe as the darkness seemed to melt away. Gone were the chains and blood, gone were the shadows and the noises, gone were the inescapable terrors, everything was so changed it hardly seemed like her dream at all. She focused her attention on the only other figure in the area her features momentarily contorting in confusion. "Olivia?" The memory of how she'd ended up in her dreams came back to her and she sagged in relief, holding a hand to her chest in an attempt to calm her heart. "Oh thank the gods it's you, Olivia."
((@StarrySkyofLostSouls ))
Olivia turned around and smiled brightly. "Hello Ayslinn. Isn't it lovely here? And it's nice to see you here. However I didn't peg you for a sleeper like this because of your... Father, but I guess that's why I'm here to help?" She said while stopping twirling and lacing her hands behind her back, in a lovely dark blue dress.

Helena sighed and sank down on the toilet, holding her nose until it stopped.

Delos island. The island of the twin archers, Artemis and Apollo. Two of her godly friends, one she admires most of all, the other... well, she puts up with him. If I hear another crappy haiku from that one, I swear I will slice my own head off! she thought, rinsing the towel off in the sink and wiping the blood off her face. She could feel her crazy bone magic fixing up the cartilage in her nose already, so she supposed her had no reason to stick around down below decks, so once she thoroughly washed out the bloodied towel and hung it up, she made her way up onto the deck of the ship. She could see Jason with his ex-girlfriend (is she an ex? Everybody thought she was dead? Does that count as a break up? Gods, relationships are so confusing..) and she felt a twang in her chest. What was it? She had no idea, but looking at the pair made her... irritated? No, she was irritated always. Sad? Thats pretty common too, depression and all.


She stared at the two for a little longer, that feeling swelling inside her move, before she gruffly shook her head and looked away. Who has time to be jealous?! Besides, I have nothing to be jealous of! That guy is clearly still hung up on his girlfriend he thought was dead, and you know, now they've met again, and he's probably as happy as he can be! ...but still... I get the feeling it won't work out....

With that, she slipped off of the ship and landed down on a sandy beach.

"Delos... I never imagined it would look so... Postcard-esque." She mumbled, looking at it from the beach. The sound of the waves lapping at the shore were soothing to her, so when she turned and looked out at the vast ocean, she felt drawn in by the big vast blue. She found herself sitting in the sand and running her fingers through it. She found a shark tooth in her sifting and played with it for a while, then continued to dig through the sand with more purpose. She had a goal. A stupid, pointless goal, but a goal none the less.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
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StarrySkyofLostSouls said:
Jezabell smiles a bit and takes his head and shakes it lightly, hands are soft but do have scars and a bit of callouses on them. "Nice to meet you as well Gavriil. And I figured you had something to do with ice and snow, since you did throw a snowball at me." she said while looking a bit amused while taking her hand back after shaking it.

"Technically it was an ice lance then I turned it into a snowball. Just so you wouldn't get impaled." Gavriil released jezabell's hand and but his back into his pocket, his facial expression allowing some amusement to be shown.
[QUOTE="Kai'zen Makaira]Gavriil
"Technically it was an ice lance then I turned it into a snowball. Just so you wouldn't get impaled." Gavriil released jezabell's hand and but his back into his pocket, his facial expression allowing some amusement to be shown.

Jezabell smiles a bit. "Same thing. You were going to hit me back with ice and snow." She said while crossing her arms, her gold bangles jingle lightly as she moves.

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