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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: Rise of the Titans

Jayce continued slowly towards Charlie, still with the wind knocke out of him from the hellhoun's tackle. He trudged along the forest path walking over a fallen tree and smelling every little plant in the forest. He continued to walk until the girl came in view. He picked up his pace when he saw her get attack by the hell hound but slowed down when she killed it. He slowly walked up from behind her and said, "You ok?" He fell to the ground to make it look like he was smaller than he actually was. He didnt want to intimidate her after all. He had just met her. Kind of.

Trundle said:
Jayce continued slowly towards Charlie, still with the wind knocke out of him from the hellhoun's tackle. He trudged along the forest path walking over a fallen tree and smelling every little plant in the forest. He continued to walk until the girl came in view. He picked up his pace when he saw her get attack by the hell hound but slowed down when she killed it. He slowly walked up from behind her and said, "You ok?" He fell to the ground to make it look like he was smaller than he actually was. He didnt want to intimidate her after all. He had just met her. Kind of.
Jayce stood up to his full height of about seven feet and showed Charlie te dagger in his right paw, just how it was. He waited for her to grab it and he tried to have some small talk so he asked her, "Wht are you doing in these woods and why were those monster chasing you?"
Charlie steps closer and doesn't seem to notice the height difference as she takes the dagger carefully before sheathing it. "Well... Some of us are just special then most... Behind me is the entrance to a place called Camp Half-Blood... At least that's what it says on the sign on the arch..." She said while pointing to it.

Jayce scratched his head. "Hmm." He said as he pondered about what she was saying. Still ignoring the fact that she was calling him special, he started to walk closer to the entrance of the camp, very curious about what was inside. He started to wander in without think, hoping no one would attack him for being... Different.

Jayce scratched his head. "Hmm." He said as he pondered about what she was saying. Still ignoring the fact that she was calling him special, he started to walk closer to the entrance of the camp, very curious about what was inside. He started to wander in without think, hoping no one would attack him for being... Different.
Charlie follows after him. "And by special I didn't mean because of your appearance, however you may startle some people... Just saying. And... This camp is full of people who are different... Greeks im assuming since the writing was greek..." She said while shrugging and letting her daggers turn back into her necklace. "...half blood... A term used for those with two different kinds of blood... Greek god...?"
Jayce still hated the word 'special'. He cocked his head when she asked him what a Greek God was. "A Greek God is a mythological deity that the Greeks used to believe in. Wait. Are you saying that they are real? Like those monsters? Wow. A lot makes sense right now." He continued closer to a random cabin within the camp.
Trundle said:
Jayce still hated the word 'special'. He cocked his head when she asked him what a Greek God was. "A Greek God is a mythological deity that the Greeks used to believe in. Wait. Are you saying that they are real? Like those monsters? Wow. A lot makes sense right now." He continued closer to a random cabin within the camp.
Charlie gives him a look. "Of course it does... Those things hunt is because of our blood... Or so some riddle told me so..."
Jayce turned around and let his red eyes look at hers. "Then what about me? Why am I like this?" He accidentally rose his voice and growled while he spoke. He needed to know why he was who he was.
Trundle said:
Jayce turned around and let his red eyes look at hers. "Then what about me? Why am I like this?" He accidentally rose his voice and growled while he spoke. He needed to know why he was who he was.
Charlie thinks deeply. "Give me a minute to think about the gods or goddesses I know that are... Wolf like." She said while not flinching at his growl. "...there isn't any I can think of... Except... Maybe... Wait Lupa is a Roman goddess..." She said while blinking and looking at him.
Jayce sighed. "So that's why I..." He mumbled off saying random things about wolves and the moon. "Anyways. You're saying that I am a Demi-god right? So how come I'm. You know. A werewolf?" He sat down on the ground and scratched the back of his ear. He tilted his head towards his foot that was scratching his ear and started to breath heavily. When finished he straightened up and acted like nothing happened.
Charlie looks amused. "Do you not know what Lupa means or who she is? She's a wolf... a giant she-wolf at that. That's probably why you look like a werewolf... you might have gotten stuck during a transformation." she said while shrugging. "I don't know unfortunately since I've never met a Son of Lupa." she said while walking towards the big house, figuring it was a good place to start.

Jayce shrugged. "Well ya. Lupo in Italian is wolf so that makes sense. But how did you know that I got stuck after a transformation? Maybe I was just born this way." He wondered who this girl was. Maybe she knew something he didnt. He narrowed his red eyes and walked up to the doors of the big cabin. He knocked in the door to see if anyone was inside. He wondered how no body notice him and what they would do if they did see him.
Charlie smiles a bit coyly as she waits by the cabin. "I'm just saying it's a possibility... but you just confirmed it for me." she said while crossing her arms as she leans against the wall by the door of the Big House.
Aysinn gave a nod. It made sense. Why would one's dreams remain static, after all. Even with her nightmares constantly plaguing her dreams she always imagined dreams to be a place of adventure, not a stagnant thing you could predict and control. Still, she wished she could have a bit more control over her own dreams so that they weren't quite so horrible. She could only hope that Olivia could actually help her. "I really don't care what it looks like. So long as it's different from what it usually is." She smiled at Olivia, finding the warm smile shining back at her more comforting than anything else in her dreams.

((@StarrySkyofLostSouls ))
2 hours later. (This skip doesn't affect those in the main quest. )

Jonathan stood in front of the small grocery store and scowled. "This looks like a very bad idea." He said staring at the sign that said Gorgon groceries. He drew his axe and stepped inside to see a Gorgon offering regular humans small corn dogs.

Jasmine was exposing herself to sunlight on the beach to try and build up an immunity. "I can't fail."

Malaki was gently brushing lilac's hair with extreme skill. "I used to help my mom with this when she came to visit."

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira

Shane was depressed, he was angry. But the best part? He was alone. Most people preferred company, but not him. In the arena he was alone, and training. He was hacking and slashing at the dummy. He didn't know where his brother was, his one true friend. The arena was his second favorite place, first being the forest. A lot of people didn't go there, which was good. He finally stopped mutilating the dummy and sat down against the wall, sheathing his dagger. He thought about his crappy life. At least the early years were good, he thought, closing his eyes.

I am a dolphin.

Also, sent from Atlantis using a shellphone.
Holo said:
2 hours later. (This skip doesn't affect those in the main quest. )
Jonathan stood in front of the small grocery store and scowled. "This looks like a very bad idea." He said staring at the sign that said Gorgon groceries. He drew his axe and stepped inside to see a Gorgon offering regular humans small corn dogs.

Jasmine was exposing herself to sunlight on the beach to try and build up an immunity. "I can't fail."

Malaki was gently brushing lilac's hair with extreme skill. "I used to help my mom with this when she came to visit."

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira

(For the small quest you should be tagging @Yuuki Kuran, and posting as Robin..)

Kat has her fingers loaded with throwing knives, her sunglasses hiding her eyes and her glowsticks around her neck. "We don't have much of a choice... We either go in or send in someone as bait.." She said while watching Jonathan through her shades.

(@Holo, @Yuuki Kuran)


Lilac sitting still letting the kid brush her hair, doesn't care to much about her looks since most male satyrs go after nature nymphs. "That's nice I guess.." She said while eating a can calmly while sitting with her legs under her gently.


(Also, @queenhistoria, we tagged you back a while ago for Sorenne with Sky and Ilya..)
StarrySkyofLostSouls said:
(For the small quest you should be tagging @Yuuki Kuran, and posting as Robin..)
Kat has her fingers loaded with throwing knives, her sunglasses hiding her eyes and her glowsticks around her neck. "We don't have much of a choice... We either go in or send in someone as bait.." She said while watching Jonathan through her shades.

(@Holo, @Yuuki Kuran)


Lilac sitting still letting the kid brush her hair, doesn't care to much about her looks since most male satyrs go after nature nymphs. "That's nice I guess.." She said while eating a can calmly while sitting with her legs under her gently.


(Also, @queenhistoria, we tagged you back a while ago for Sorenne with Sky and Ilya..)
((I know but you kinda knocked me out so i can't really do anything))

Looking at Helena's busy hands Jason's face twisted into one of curiosity he marveled at the way she morphed the precious stones and metal to her will so easily. Despite being e sone of one of the big three he always felt that he had a sort of advantage since water was already fluid in most cases and moved he way he desired pretty easily but with stone he found himself in awe of Helena's skill. Besides all that Jason was at a stand still, not knowing what the plan was he looked to Kit, "Well.....You know the plan right? I mean you hopped down here pretty leisurely mind filling me in?"
A young Apollo boy was taking his shift patrolling the borders around the camp when it happened; A loud shrill scream erupted off in the distance near Thalia's Tree. The boy took off like lightning dashing off in the direction of the scream. When he arrived he saw a Chimer with two Hell Hounds beside it on the opposite side of the borders. A girl stood frozen with a petrified look on her face as if she had look into the eyes of Medusa. All was still in the air as the boy stood in front of the girl glaring the beasts down with a cocky grin. What he failed to notice while silently taunting the monsters was that the Golden Fleece was missing, and the borders had been failing to keep monsters out for quite a few days. No one had noticed the missing fleece or that the fields suddenly looked drier, the strawberries weren't as red, and the nymphs weren't as pleasant. The campers had all failed to wonder why monsters kept slipping through the borders or just hadn't cared due to the adrenaline rush and excitement of a fight.

The monsters on the other hand had noticed, but were under strict orders to wait before attacking the camp, but that didn't stop them for causing mayhem every now and then.

The Chimera puffed its chest out at the child of the Sun God in challenge and cocked its head at him with what appeared to be a smug look on its face. It stepped carelessly of the borders with the Hell Hounds in sync. The cocky smile dropped off the boy's face as the creatures leapt towards him.

The girl, who the monsters had forgotten about after the Apollo boy showed up, took of towards the center off camp, not daring to look back as the screams of death flowed from behind her.

He was dead. There was nothing she could do that would change that.

But she could alert the other campers and prevent as many more deaths from happening as possible. "THERE'S BEEN A BREACH! MONSTERS HAVE INVADED THE BORDER! THE FLEECE IS GONE!" The girl continued to scream the message as she ran through the camp as if Hades was on her trail.

The Chimera turned its head towards the sound of yelling. Licking the demigod blood of his chops, he stalked into the camp with the Hell Hounds.
Olivia had been awake for an hour now and had woken up Ayslinn with her, she yawned and stretched as she moved. "I'm glad you got some sleep... if you ever need help, you know where I am..." she said softly while looking at the other girl and smiles tiredly before blinking as she heard screams and looks towards the door and opens it, looking around for the source of the screams. She noticed how many of the other campers looked confused as well and were looking around.

(@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira, @BishopOfKings)


Elizabeth had been near the barrier when she heard the screams and narrowed her eyes as they turned black, her staff appeared and the temperature dropped around her as she started summoning icicles to use as her weapons if she has to fight close combat or long range. She slowly started to move, keeping an eye out for any sights of hostile movement.


McKenzie had been playing cards with some other campers when the screams reached her ears, she quickly looked up and narrowed her eyes as she got up and shuffled her cards before putting them away and tossing her dice into the air and catching them before rolling them around in her hand as she looked around for the source of the screaming when she saw something coming from over the hill.


Lilac's ears flickered as she picked up the screams since her and Malaki were in the forest, she could also hear and smell the monsters and quickly scooped up Malaki. "We need to go.. now." she said as she started running as fast as her legs could carry her ignoring her injury as she headed towards the Big House, figuring it would be the safest place for Malaki at the moment.

(@Trundle, @Holo)


Pepper sighed as she left Karyan with the Apollo kids, they told her that she had fallen into a coma and that there wasn't much else they could do but wait and pray. Pepper felt helpless since she couldn't do anything to help her friend and it didn't help that her friend's last memory of her was her dying. She sighed once more before hearing the screams and looked up and around confused when she saw the girl running towards her.


Sky bit back a sob as she left the girl where the infirmary was and covered her mouth as tears fell down her cheeks, she couldn't believe her twin, Ilya was gone. And it was all her fault, she could have done something... yet she had done nothing and stood by frozen as the hellhound tore into her sister. She didn't even hear the screams until when the girl was nearly in front of where she was.


Isobel sighed as she wandered the forest, Vahlen had left in search of the ore he had come to the camp for. She wouldn't admit it but she was going to miss him since he was one of her only friends and now he was gone, she had a feeling she scared him away with all her magic and stuff. She sat down and hugged her knees, unaware of what's happening since she's pretty far from them.


Evelyn was on her way back to camp when she hear the screams and saw something coming over the hill that definitely wasn't human, she narrowed her eyes and summoned her sword and growled as she recognized the forms of hellhounds coming over the hills and started running towards the hill.


Bridget was with Donovan and Auron getting ready to go when she heard the screams and blinked as she looked towards the girl screaming and her eyes widened when she saw the monsters coming over the hill. She bit her lip and quickly summoned her bow and made light arrows before firing them at the hellhounds and managed to pierce one of them and turn it to dust.

(@BishopOfKings, @Kai&\#039;zen Makaira)


Lia had been hanging out with Sebastian in the forest and was finally making her way back with him when she heard the screams and narrowed her eyes as she whipped her head towards the source and zeroed her gaze in on the monsters coming over the hill. She growled as she summoned her scythe and her eyes glowed faintly as clocks appeared over her, slowly down the monsters slightly making them easier targets for the archers.

(@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira)

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