Camp Half-Blood Redefined

XxJuliaxX said:
Ryan it's pronounced OH-JEE-JEE-AH and someone should totally go there! By the way, if Cupid shoots Ryan with an arrow, it won't affect him, right? 
Darn it I was going to make a haiku about Ogygia but it's five syllables 
I mean four syllables what why did I write five
IF he does shoot Ryan then it won't effect Cupid ofcourse...or did you mean "him" as in Ryan?
BishopOfKings said:
Did I bring back feels about Leo? Regardless I'm proud of my Haiku
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Be very proud foxx... *cries* 
Lucas: I don't even know why I'm being shot... Wait, is it because of my dad's limerick stage? Please don't hold that tragedy against me!
Lucas: *sighs in relief* So it's just cos Cupid is a douchnugget then?

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