Camp Half-Blood Redefined

I'm sorry :c I offer free huggles and pats on the head. You can also maybe have it fixed if your insurance covers it? Also, that's a good idea. Maybe you should have run the person who ran your phone over. How did it get on the road anyway? Did it embark on a runaway escape deliberately for the purpose of leaving its owner? Were you walking across the street at the time or were you just standing at the side when it escaped your pocket? Perhaps you could give your phone a lesson about not running away from you. It must be a very naughty phone. Shouldn't the driver have swerved away when he/she saw your phone running across the street? Maybe you should put a leash on your phone so you can keep it in check. Also remember to put it in your pocket whenever near the road and seal it with duct tape so you don't hear its screams. When you get your replacement, make sure you keep it under the standard restrictions required for phones because they have a tendency to flee from its torturous life when it feels that it is being controlled too often. They also have a tendency to believe they can fly out of your unprotected pocket whenever they obtain the opportunity. This is a very dangerous habit and you should have a serious talk with your phone about its nonexistent ability to fly.

Adelina: I see . . . And how does this explain how you know my name?

Step 1. Phone fell from pocket.

Step 2. Lands in middle of a pathway.

Step 3. Goes under tire of a Ranger( All-terrain Vehicle)

Step 4. I cry. Day ruined. 
@Soul OMU Stalking. I picked that up along the way somewhere. Lol
Yes you can RP PepperJack too! Although Ryper was really adorable until it got weird xD !

Hey this should be the PepperJack ship's logo:


I tried finding one for Ryper too but it wasn't as good. I'll keep looking

Wait we need a logo for Hellfire
Harry: Well he told me that you were a child of athena, and children of Athena are smart unlike many of the people here. I was looking for a good conversation, but if your not in the mood I can go back to sleep.

Jack:*walks up to pepper* Hey I remembered that you liked my pet, so I made you this. Its not much but... *Hands Pepper a metal rose thats petals move so it looks like its always flowing in the wind*
Mason: *hides in cell and mimics his brother Jack* Here's a metal rose, though I'm actually better at creating rocky things... *Lifts shirt and points* Like my abs! HO HO HO! *Makes faces to mock his younger brother's features*
"Power (Can have up to two):


-can make weapons and machines very well

- does not have most aspects of Technokinesis such as:

  • sensing machines, mechanics, or metal.
  • identifying machinery type and use by touch.
  • sensing faults in metal ore.

-isn't really better at one or the other but is equally balanced at each

rock control:

-has the ability to control most aspects of stone

-he can move stones around with his powers

-he can change the shape of rock(this is currently only able to be done in small ways as he is still learning to use his stone powers)

-he can make machines from stone with only his hands"

Perhaps you should read it techie :P
Mason: *turns around with his stupid mocking facing* I'm showing everyone my rock hard abs bro, der der der. *stops laughing and face palms himself* Stupid... 

soupninja said:
"Power (Can have up to two):

-can make weapons and machines very well

- does not have most aspects of Technokinesis such as:

  • sensing machines, mechanics, or metal.
  • identifying machinery type and use by touch.
  • sensing faults in metal ore.

-isn't really better at one or the other but is equally balanced at each

rock control:

-has the ability to control most aspects of stone

-he can move stones around with his powers

-he can change the shape of rock(this is currently only able to be done in small ways as he is still learning to use his stone powers)

-he can make machines from stone with only his hands"

Perhaps you should read it techie :P
Says nothing about controlling metal. :) only building machines and weapons

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