Camp Half-Blood Redefined

... But I do agree with Soupie! Being proud of stuff is good! I like being proud of stuff! Other people also like being proud of their stuff. So if they like being proud of stuff, they should make something to be proud of! Yay! Win-win situation!

Adelina: *backs away as Mason tackles Helena and observes inquisitively, an amused twinkle in her eye*
Hmm I don't have any waffles, but I have a ... Pancake! 
Where did Pepper get all that water? She threw a wave at the birds, maybe it came from the toilet?
Must keep reading...

Hmm, Adelina will really develop a hatred for Raiko if he ever smokes near her... and definitely if he throws a cigarette on the ground! Or at least I would. Maybe Adelina isn't as disgusted by littering.
TechEwok said:
Mason: Waffles!!!!! *gets out of her embrace* .... *looks around and goes back in the cell*
Jenna: You lost your crush Evy and now you have a crush on a new woman? i hope you knows that's a bit disrespectful.
Hmm yeah where does Jason get his water too?? And would raising the dead be pretty energy-draining?

Adelina: Calm down. And no one said anything about crushes.
Ooh and on that subject, mason doesn't have a crush on Helena. She just happens to be the only living female he talks to.
Max: considering you tend to act like a real life human torch, I'll make sure that both he and I are a decent distance away as to not get turned into ash

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