Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Ryan: *tackled Zach down* How could you?! Don't you know what happens when she looks at someone under Cupid's spell? *Clenches teeth* If you weren't related to her...gah. *Sits down on the ground and relaxes*

Cupid: *Casually skipping around*

Ace: *comes out of hiding* Raiko where was that shooting place you were talking about?
Zachary:how was I to know!? I've only been around one Demi god and that happens to be my water loving sister Pepps! I didn't know that your mess making arrow shooting friend had that power! Just knock her out!nap so what does me having to do with being related to her matter...?

Pepper:*walks over* 

TechEwok said:
Please refrain from the one-liners. They are hard on the eyes.
Sorry, on my IPhone so I can't tell.
Ryan: *sighs* It's fine...his name is Cupid for a reason though. Knock her out? I don't want to knock her out. I'm not going to hurt her. I thought you were a nice brother.
Zachary:I am and if you don't, I will. That way we have more time to figure out how to keep her from jumping you.*looks at Pepper*sorry Pepps.*slams the bud of his baseball bat into her temple*

Pepper:*crumples to the floor*unconscious*has a bit of a bruise now*
I feel like I'm dying inside and now I have to wait till Tuesday to watch the VMAs *cries*
Ryan: Zach! Why'd you do that? *Gets some ice and puts it on her temple* It's not worth hitting someone you know?

Cupid: *laughs* Ryan would know. He's pretty experienced at this arrow stuff.

Ryan: Quiet Romeo.
(Sorry, had to fix my last message. xD meant to say if rather not see.)

Zachary:hey, it fits. He calls Pepper Pepsi, she'll probably call him Rye-bread.

Ryan: Rye-bread..

Cupid: That's the best you can do? Seriously, mortals. What about Ryanasaurus Rex!

Ryan: No Cupid no.

Ace: Ry Ry!

Cupid: Ryzilla!

Ace: Rykilla!

Cupid: Ryonce!

Ace: Ry-Z!

Cupid: Ryminem!

Ace: Rylliam!

Ryan: Stop please stop.

Jethro: Baby Ry Ry...

Cupid: AAAAHHH! What the heck are you doing here?! *Knocks Jethro out of ooc* Ryan Bryan Flyin' not Cryin'!

Ace: Ryry Ricky Roro!

Ryan: I'm done.
Cupid vs Griffon

Interviewer: Romeo how do you feel about this upcoming showdown?

Cupid: It's on B*tch! IT'S ABOUT TO GO DOOOWN!

Ryan: *blinks a couple of times* I'm not part of a meal.

Cupid: Now you are *winks*

Bird: Ka kaw!

Cupid: Shut it you worthless piece of air pollution! *Fires arrow at the bird*
Kayden: "Ryanasaurus Rex! Baby Ry Ry... Ryan Bryan Flyin' not Cryin'!" Are personally my favorites =)
Ryan: *Looks at Kayden* I don't even know you!


Ryan: *plays audio recording of Cupid's famous screams* *DIE B*TCH DIE, STUPID PIECE OF AIR POLLUTION* *Lifts Cupid up and throws him across the galaxy*

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