Camp Half-Blood Redefined

OK cierras character left the room as she mentioned she may do. She wasn't in my group as I was new. Helena teleported into the room and answered after I knocked

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Mm.. I thought they were in the same group though o_O

RyanJXavier said:
He's going to be with Jess at the hotel. They both escaped from a scientists attack on their group...the rest of their group got captured.
@Cierra111 @soupninja
Oh and one more thing! Can I have some pie? (By the way, this is not a yes or no question) 
Don't worry, Adelina was already planning to strangle him if you refer to her third-to-last post
I am so confused! xD

If they got split up, then how would they organize staying in the same hotel room, or the same hotel at all? And how would one travel by boat in a Brazilian city?

*gratefully accepts the two pies* THANK YOU!!!!!!!!! *looks at pie hungrily and takes a bite of each delicious pie before turning around and retrieving a large jar of Chiron-made history teacher jelly with a red bow on top and whipping around, displaying it as a prize to Her Majesty Overlord Queen Empress Lady Royal Madame Dusk the Awesome*
They don't know each other, though, right? Or how would they? 
Hrrrm, I just assumed that they were in the same group, captured, managed to escape, and booked a hotel together, and probably would have stayed there for at least a night by now. And I would suspect that they have no relation to our group as of yet (because we never mentioned that we knew them before). Hmmmmm
*Gasps in disbelief* Truly!? For me? You shouldn't have! *Accepts jelly in awed reverence* We shall share the first helping. *Hugs Julia with incomprehensible love*
I just think it would make the most sense if they just booked a hotel together after escaping and stayed in the same room for at least a night and then everyone else comes to Curitiba and encounters them there, right? Are we okay with going with the simplest way? Unless we're able to make the complicated way make sense?

*hugs Her Majesty Overlord Queen Empress Lady Royal Madame Dusk the Awesome back, tears of joy filling my eyes* Our love is indestructible, my dear. You deserved every ounce of the gloriously made jelly. For you and only you. 
But how would the group know them at all? How would they know anything about them . . . ? 
Sorry if I'm being difficult xD I am difficult when I'm confused

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