Camp Half-Blood Redefined

I just read your profile. Excellent! Not only that, a handful of people want me to accept you. So,.....


Name: Tania London

Age: 17

Parents(Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon will only have 3 kids max): Zeus and Jacqueline London

How long have you been at Camp Half-Blood?

8 years




A Broken Home:

Tania almost followed the path of Luke Castellan to the very letter by running away from home at eight years old, because her mother didn't provide for her. She woke up one night to her mother kicking her and asking why she hadn't completed chores that the woman had just come up with. The next day, Tania was doing research on the internet when her mother gave her a keyboard to the face, which knocked a few of the keys free, including the escape key, which only fueled the sick woman's humor. Tania remembered a lot of pain and misery, but it wouldn't hold her back. She has a fear of being falsely accused due to this part of her life.

The Revelation:

Tania left that night, and learned that her father was Zeus from a Cyclops who actually didn't want to eat her, but instead help. The Cyclops took her to meet Hephaestus, who informed her of who her weapon's previous owners were and what horrors they had caused with it. He then reforged it to give it perfect balance with a weighted tip. She spent a full year at the Mount St. Helens forge. She learned to fight there, with Hephaestus' aid and his automatons. She also learned to be very wary, and later she would realize that it made her paranoid. At twelve years old, Tania realized why she was given the sword, during a very short Iris message with her father. She had been tired, and laid in her bunk watching her dad explain that it was because she wouldn't fall to the temptation of evil that forced Luke Castellan to meet his fate. She felt both honored and burdened, having to carry around the same weapon that was once used by the Titan Lord, Kronos, and his future host, Luke Castellan.

The Lost Quest:

Tania was fourteen years old when her first quest failed and the others in her group died. She had been sent to meet a minor god up north. The trip was easy at first, but as her confidence and ego grew, tragedy struck. She was supposed to lead the Ares kid, Leon and a Hecate girl named Claire. She could hear a horse snort as it charged her. She sliced the air spirit in two and then blacked out from the vacuum it made upon dying. Tania woke to find Claire dead and Leon gravely wounded in his side. She then cancelled the quest and started heading back to camp. They were almost there when a hellhound attacked, trying to kill Tania. It hit Leon, killing him, and leaving Tania to fend it off. She killed it but barely made it back to camp, and when she did arrive, she was scared stiff. She has been scared of any fire related monster or child of Hades ever since. Tania then became cautious when making friends, since she never knew who would live and who would die.

The Jack Emerges:

Tania started spending a lot of time looking for information on Luke Castellan, to learn why he had done what he had and why she shouldn't and couldn't. She is a fan of Aphrodite's children, for helping teach her how to look her best at all times without much effort. She led them on a an extremely successful yet annoying quest for one of their mother's mirrors. Tania did a lot of the fighting, well, actually all of the fighting on the quest, but learned to live with some of the kids from Aphrodite's cabin. She also loves the Apollo kids for teaching her how to shoot. She had used her newly found skill when she had to help kill a manticore who didn't like losing a shooting contest. She hadn't been able to win their lives in the shootout, but, thank the Gods that the Apollo kids came through! She had spent eight years learning from every cabin, so that she seemed like a child of almost every god, even the minor ones. She wasn't as good at her learned skills as the kids who taught her, but, she was okay. She learned how to control the Mist from the Hecate cabin, which was helpful when she had to hunt the Minotaur in the maze, which was covered in it. She once had to fight an Ara, and was cursed to be alone upon her death. It is unknown if the curse is still in affect or not. If it is, it has yet to be checked.

The Nature of The Beast:

Tania loves talking to nymphs, playing games with them and she even invented a very sick and twisted game involving them that has kept the scientists from finding her. The game is called Catch the Tania, where she makes a fog bank roll over the area and lets the scientists wander through it looking for her. If they grab a nymph, then they usually get a knee to the groin, after seeing an extremely pretty face. She then watches the nymphs go all party on him with their lipstick. She loves laughing at all the things that the nymphs draw on others.

The New Definition of Family:

Tania was great friends with Anthony, until his trip to Camp Jupiter, where he came back changed, in a negative way. Before the Camp Jupiter incident the two were inseparable. When she was asked what her definition of family was she replied: "Family are those who fight beside me against all odds and preferences." She has an ever growing perception of her 'family'. Anthony came back depressed and upset. It hurt Tania to see it, so she stopped looking at her friend. She treated Anthony and Damian like brothers. That was, of course, a main reason they were friends.

Personality: She is a very kind and shy girl, but, of course, Tania's kindness has its bounds, just like much of her life. It can only go so far. She tends to like people who are willing to stand up for themselves more than those who always wait for aid from others. She is a head first kind of fighter and loves to play the decoy. She even runs into no win situations to prove they aren't always losing situations. Tania loves making friends and fighting for others but will only go so far to help those who won't help themselves.

Power (Can have up to two): Lightning Manipulation and Mist Manipulation

WOC (Weapon of Choice):Back Biter (Reforged to be carried by one who won't fall to Kronos.)

Other: Fixed and moved up to the front page.
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Ey Ry-guy I dunno if this will happen but in case you'll allow me to scrap or pass off Jerika here's the character I would like to replace her with.

Name:Valencia Novus


New to Camp?:yes, But I'm not a newbie I swear, I can help!

Godly Parent:Nyx and Alexander Novus

Personality: She is a very sweet girl, who like her mother can be kind and gentle. But when enraged Valencia is not one to play with, her wrath is as devastating as a Titan on rampage and ten times more frightening, simply because she can do most of what she says. Valencia carries a deep sadness with her after finding that she is the one reason her father can't find love. She is determined and will not be deterred once her mind is set proving that she is also quite hard headed. Overall Valencia is a pretty normal girlnot falling into the stereotypes of the children of dark goddesses/gods

Bio/History:Valencia has for the past for years been away from her father under her mothers wishes she spent two and a half years with the hunters and two and a half more years with the amazons. Why her mother requested this of her, she doesn't know but she can only assume it was to give her more skills or to make up for not having asuitable mother-figure with her father. See Valencia has been the cause of five different divorces and one death over her lifetime, simply because all of her stepmothers felt threatened by her fathers absolute adoration of her. Her father was a teacher atHarvard and studied nocturnal animals and in his spare time he would study night itself loving the darkness and eventually gaining Nyx's attention. One thing led toanother aaaand BOOM baby Valencia came into existence. From birth until twelve Valencia lived with Alexander until her first monster attack, which killed the one woman who accepted Valencia and truly loved her father. The guilt and shame of this gave Valencia thoughts of running away to avoid hurting her father more which where then encouraged and guided by her mother. Who first guided her to Artemis's hunters. Needless to say they were quite surprised when a twelve year old girl came strolling through their camp with the night goddess herself at her side after living with them for those 2.5 years her mother came for her again guiding her this time to the amazons who weren't surprised to have a former Huntress join them Valencia learned that it actually happens somewhat often almost like an exchange program. Needless to say she became very skilled at archery but to Artemis' dismay and the Amazon's joy Valencia is very skilled with bladed weapons typically twin swords or throwing knives. After her 2.5 years with the Amazon's her mother came for her yet again, making her cross the country by her own means to Camp Half-blood which she found destroyed. Ever since she has been tracking the survivors finally finding a group in Greenland .

Powers: Umbragenesis: Power over Darkness (not shadow) darkness, which she can mold to her liking and even give life if only for a short time longer with practice a.k.a the more experience she has with shaping a certain dark beast the longer she can maintain it. Similar to one who raises the dead to do their bidding.

Black magic;'Nyx being the mother of Hecate has passed down some magical talent to Valencia. Though due to Valencia's intermediate skill she can only do basic spells he preferred one is black fire just because it looks cool when she uses it. She worked on these skills with the many daughters of Hecate within the Amazon's making many friends throughout her journey

Other:Can play two instruments (Violin and piano) and can operate musical equipment with the skill of an average human musician and/or producer. She is a very talented singer, and also has a knack for cooking. She carries these in a satchel on her hip with other supplies and toys given to her by the amazons.

Weapons: As one of a few parting gifts she was given by the Amazons she has a silver and ruby Nightingale pendant which can turn into twin silver swords or a hunters bow and arrow depending on what she wants. It is made from the same silver the hunters use for their bows only fashioned to change into either bow or swords.

( this is what she's wearing.)

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.0d0b573257551446833db107fd703060.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="33336" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.0d0b573257551446833db107fd703060.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



Alternate form activated when she's been enraged:

Her bow: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.640d4403b3e493450d0bc28817853e22.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="33337" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.640d4403b3e493450d0bc28817853e22.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Her weapons when dormant)




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