Camp Half-Blood Redefined

I'm sorry to burst your metaphysical bubble, but that's 3 mains Holo... You have to either ditch the new one or kill off either Anthony or Damian


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Ha no Damian's not a main character of mine. He's just my excuse to post when Anthony's stuck waiting for something but Tania's going to get the same amount of attention if not more than Anthony.
Slight change to Shuhei, instead of pyrokinesis which is an ability of Mason's Shuhei will have metal manipulation, since Hephaestus is a metalworker and I dont want them to have the same power thats just boring.
Name: Adelaide Costello

Age: 18

Parents(Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon will only have 3 kids max): Athena

How long have you been at Camp Half-Blood? Only a month

Looks: (Real life picture please, no anime)


Personality: Very quiet and intelligent

Power (Can have up to two):

1. Telepathy

(people have already gone into detail so im not describing)

WOC (Weapon of Choice):


Character sheet changes:

You need to put in your characters human parent

You might want to expand on your characters personality

You need a Bio section

You can have a second power

(Sorry if this seems like a lot of things for you too do, but it helps a make it easier to understand your character...

Also I will say it before Techie, but you should probably read through the rp so you have an understanding of what happened already.)

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Thanks to those of you who joined! Also, if you wanted to join this and didn't post a cs...well it's been open for 6 months..yep.

Alright thanks again for joining awesome people!


Oh and people with one character in the rp still have the option of adding a second character if they want. YOU DON'T NEED TOOOOO!

But you can.​
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/d8a01b76fd2a9c69f438b028d5778863.jpg.e59868bdc4825205bddb70672a3aa4fa.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="28964" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/d8a01b76fd2a9c69f438b028d5778863.jpg.e59868bdc4825205bddb70672a3aa4fa.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Name: Courtney Mendez

Age: 17 years old

Parents: Erebus and Cathleen Mendez

She's never been to camp. Vanessa found her on a retrieval mission, which was why Vanessa was away from camp when it was attacked.

History: Courtney grew up with a whole slew of mixed emotions. After her father's disappearance, her mother raised Courtney in a home of drinking and smoking from the depression she felt after losing the only guy that she had ever really loved. Courtney, however, got used to this rather quickly. When she was little, Courtney, like any young child, was scared of the dark and these strange shadows that would surround her at night. Once, she had left her closet open and formed a portal of some sort, letting these shadow men come out and try to pull her out of bed. They would only disappear when her mother came to scold her for making a lot of noise and not being asleep. Now older, Courtney has learned to accept the shadow men and actually takes comfort in them now. Erebus made himself known to her, once, by opening a portal in her closet and guiding her into Tarterus. Courtney later passed out and was brought back to her room, then left there with only a griffon claw dagger at her side.

Personality: It depends on her mood for the most part, but, if you need someone to watch your back, she's there. She's very sneaky. A quick learner, she's eager for action and is always practicing with her dagger.

Power: Nega-Ergokinesis (Dark Energy Manipulation)

She can create, shape and manipulate dark energy, usually drawn from inter-dimensional or other similar source. (In our case, the hollows that separate the underworld from the mortal world) It can be channeled to a variety of effects, as an absence of light, a solid, gaseous and/or liquid substance that can be shaped/manifested in various ways.

Unlike Umbrakinesis, which draws from the similar source, dark energy focuses on direct, destructive and violently outwards directed aspect of the spectrum. (so it's destructive and very dangerous around friendlies if not focused.)

She can release/use dark energy to attacks of various shapes and/or intensities, either projected, used as a part of melee attacks, etc., from huge rays of pure energy that can knock over or even obliterate dozens of targets, or slightly singe them.

She can absorb and convert one form of energy into another form.

She can create portals using dark energy. With the capacity that the portals are in known areas and remain open as long as the charged amount of dark energy hasn't been spent.

Her one problem is she has to work up her energy in order to properly use her power.

Dagger made of the finest griffon claws

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/aa94c6865dad6307227d355f9e6b7118.jpg.474ef982de5f8ed9c43fe5030002de07.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="28978" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/aa94c6865dad6307227d355f9e6b7118.jpg.474ef982de5f8ed9c43fe5030002de07.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Chad Lupos

Age: 18

Parents(Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon will only have 3 kids max): Lupa and Jack Lupos

How long have you been at Camp Half-Blood? Just joined the group.


History: Chad and his dad are incredibly close. They play video games together, they hang out together, watch movies together, and they can share everything... Except the fact that Chad is the son of Lupa. One night, in a New York full-moon, he felt an incredible pain. He was hot and sweaty, he had a high fever of at least 120 degrees. He was screaming and when his father came into the room, all his father saw was a werewolf. Chad attacked his father and gave his father a scar on his face. After it was all over, his father told him everything. Somehow, Chad was able to control his changings and actually learned how to willingly change. He also trained his human form everyday so he is very strong and fast, but not supernaturally strong. When he was attacked by a minotaur on his way to his home, he panicked and summoned 2 giant wolves that demolished the minotaur. They ran away after he was safe. He applied to go to Princeton to get away from his father so he would be safe, and got accepted, somehow.

Personality: He is very laid back. He doesn't look on the bad side of things. He is usually very optimistic. He just a sweetly! He is very nice even if you don't know him. He easily adapts to change. He will do his own thing if he thinks he is right.

Power (Can have up to two): He's a fricken werewolf! In his werewolf form, he is a better fighter, doesn't feel pain, absolutely reckless, supernaturally strong, fast, and has insane reflexes. He also can summon up to 2 dire wolves. Yes he rides them a lot. :P

WOC (Weapon of Choice): Gauntlets that look like this ---->
But they go up to his elbow and there is no spike on the arms, only on the hands. And they look like fighting tape for regular people.

Other: His eyes are red. Aaaaand, when he meets Courtney, it's love at first sight. :P (Dat destruction doe!)

Hope he is acceptable!!! :D
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