Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Name: Karryn O'chere

Age: 18

Parents: Dionysus and Sherrie O'chere

How long have you been at Camp Half-Blood? Since she was 12

Appearance: she's often seen in goggles, a medical mask, and always wears thick, temperature resistant, brown cloth lab gloves that come up to her elbows. She's rarely seen as she is in the picture below


History: Let us bring you back, 18 years, to a college science lab. It was a hot summer's night down in Columbia, SC. No one was allowed in the labs after hours without permission, but that didn't stop a rebellious Sherrie Lin O'chere. Her goal? Sabotage the labs of friends who threw her under the bus for booze they pilfered from her truck. She would have gotten away with it, that was if Darren -the alias Dionysus chose- hadn't caught her in the act. Sherrie always hated Darren. He was their chemistry teacher with an astounding knowledge for winemaking. With so much knowledge imparted on their class each session, how could Sherrie possibly hate him? She had no true reason, no solid resolve. She simply didn't like him. When he caught her in his lab, he gave her an ultimatum: get reported to the dean, be kicked out of college and essentially charged with endangerment, or return everything back to the way it was and go out for dinner with him. Sherrie begrudgingly chose the latter.

Let us bring you 8 years forward from then. Karryn Lotus O'chere has moved to yet another school. Again. She didn't mean to cause trouble, but the other kids were bullying her. It started off as just a thought, as it always does, 'I want to make them pay', and its that thought that always caused her to turn others mad. This time around, it was bad, classmates beating other classmates with books, children breaking windows, students attacking and biting teachers and right in the middle of the fray, with a look of pride, horror, and triumph is little Karryn fighting her assailants. As usual, she becomes the bully who lied about being the victim, and the ringleader for unruly behavior. Its always been this way for her until finally her mom withdrew her from school altogether a year later and homeschooled her within the vineyard they sharecropped on.

At home she was taught every subject at highschool level. That is every subject but chemistry, which Karryn had a natural affinity and comprehension for. In chemistry, Karryn was simply untameable. Her mother taught her the basics of it all and Karryn took those basics and built off of them. She would still get in trouble with the children of other sharecroppers and of the main house. She never understood why until she was 12

On her 12th birthday when her mother proposed to send her to a camp full of other kids like her, Karryn was told that she was a demi-god. She laughed about it at first, believing her mother was simply joking. However, when she was brought to the camp and greeted by things only spoken about in mythology and fairytales, she knew and she believed. She's been attending the camp ever since

Personality: She's witty and charismatic despite being a natural trouble maker. She loves imparting her chemical wisdoms upon others, and can always be seen working with the fruits of the camp. She's really friendly, and enjoys having a good time as well as pranking others with her strange concoctions. In a fight however, she's a no holes barred, all or nothing, go for the throat kind of girl who will not hesitate to drive others mad.

Power (Can have up to two):


  • Can manipulate the emotions of those she's has touched whether its human or animal. The longer its been since she's made physical contact with the being, the weaker her influence is
  • She can sense someone based off of their emotional wavelength (empathetic scent) they let off. It only works for people she has been in contact with.
  • With years of practice she is able to understand the overall well-being and conditions of plants, as well as fully interpret their emotions and communicate with them


Due to her high aptitude in chemistry, she can-

  • Make potions that can temporarily stun, relieve pain, knock out, blind, or quicken growth or healing. These all last temporarily with wear off times that may vary from as little as a few seconds to as long as a day. She hasn't worked out the kinks in her experiments yet
  • Make pretty darn good plant fertilizer because even though she can communicate with plants, she has no green thumb to speak of

WOC (Weapon of Choice): A bamboo longbow with grapes and vines etched in it. The bamboo is painted jade green and the etchings are inlayed with gold. (Arrows and quiver included)

Other: She likes to drink although she'll only do it during festivities and she's always wandering off to concoct something.
RyanJXavier said:


Thanks to those of you who joined! Also, if you wanted to join this and didn't post a cs...well it's been open for 6 months..yep.

Alright thanks again for joining awesome people!


Oh and people with one character in the rp still have the option of adding a second character if they want. YOU DON'T NEED TOOOOO!

But you can.​
It says it here
Oh Techie give her a Chance Ryan might accept a late application, and with the detail she has put in I 100% support that.

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