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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

"Inbound at sixty miles an hour. Given location, twelve minutes uninterrupted before they're in the camp itself." She glanced at her group. "Do we fight, or flee?" She had her vote, but she was sure everyone already knew it.
Cupid quickly responded, "Flee!", while Ace responded, "Fight!"

Cupid and Ace looked at each other. Cupid stepped back, "Fighting is good too..."

Ryan looked at them, "I wouldn't exactly call it fleeing, but I think it would be an idea if we leave so that we can arrive at our destination. To prevent future attacks, we can make it seem like they are crazy people who believe in Greek Mythology..."
hearing someone shout his name from behind him made him turn around to see who would be calling him. " huh J what are you doing here! Its been forever! Wait does that mean your the Jason that the scientists saw? Eh i cant stay mad at you." He turned back to the group "Anyways I say Flee, if we get caught here nobody will know that we were captured until they try to check in on us. Also if you have anything SUPER important you should grab it, but make it quick. If we're leaving i don't want them to have any idea where we're going so that they don't follow us."
"Fighting is the worst option. We want them to think we're normal, right? A bunch of teenagers running around with armor and swords and also a GIANT HELLHOUND will kind of set off alarms, right?" Helena piped in, looking around.
"I think they already know something is up. I mean, would they destroy a place wig kids in it on a hunch?" They might, depending on who exactly they were, but she figured they had at least some sort of logical conclusion that brought then to destroy a camp guild with kids.
Cupid said, "They can't make the earth rumble or create super realistic thunder sounds. They can't even access the camp so it wasn't them!"

Ryan thought to himself "For once....Cupid may be right". 
Ace left thought for a moment then came back out with keys in his hand, "I just came back from a quest the other day and got a car along the way. I hate to say it, but I guess we have to go."
"Fleeing is the best option right now. We don't know what high tech gizmo these people have and we can't risk exposing ourselves. We can sneak out through the other part of the jungle without their notice. If we face someone, we make sure that they regret it," Amaya reasoned.
She looked around at her group. "I hope by car, you mean school bus . . . Or there's going to be a lot of personal space intrusion." She pointed out the unlikelihood of fitting their entire group in a single car. She wished she still had the nice Corvette she kept in her armory, but after having lent it to someone a few months ago, she hasn't seen it sense. "I've got . . . An SUV?" She hated the thing. It made her feel lame, but now wasn't particularly the time for being picky.

Evelynn gave a nod to Amaya's words. "Either way, we can talk and move at the same time." She started out of the camp, any time they lost standing around certainly wouldn't help their situation.
Ace threw his keys on the ground, "Forgot you can do that. Let's go! Show me the SUV...please."

Ryan looked around and thought "12 people in a 7 seater SUV...eh better than nothing."
Amaya could make out the distinct sound of motorbikes coming closer. She gave a knowing look at her sister, who she was sure also noticed.

"We have to hurry," she said urgently, before everyone fell into a steady run.
Jason listened to everything, suddenly getting annoyed but keeping himself in check, at least for now. "We are...mostly trained fighters and there are more of us, not to mention we all have terrifying powers. If they know about our powers which they seem to there's no reason we can't hit them hard and make them back-off. Even if it's to buy time until we can evacuate properly, if they want to capture us they won't use lethal force. BUT if you think it best to leave let's go." He was clearly pissed about leaving but walked behind Evelynn, following her lead. He remembered about his things and ran into his wrecked cabin to get them. pulling out a single bag that appeared to be hastily packed. He fell into the run next to Max, and kept his eyes forward. "It's my fault, I should've been more careful coming in, I should've noticed a fat cop behind me."
Jay laughed on a motorcycle, "Three sweet minutes until I see people with super powers! Woo!" He said this in a nerdy way and made a scientist want to push him off his bike.
Max turned his head and slowed down so that Jason could fall in next to him. "Hey it's not your fault. It was your first time here you wouldn't have known that the Camp was hided by an illusion. Come on cheer up its been 2 years since i last saw you lets not make our reunion one full of blame." Max smiled at Jason hoping that would've cheered him up a bit and kept running after the others not stopping by his cabin because he still had all the stuff he brought in the backpack he had on. He thought about what Jason said about trying to buy us time. He clutched the glow-stick in his hand harder realizing he no all of us might need to fight to get these guys off our tails.
(Sorry, Just got back from a sleepover.)

Noah woke up to the rumbling and quickly got outside to the camp meeting where he was paired into the group. He felt bad that the elixir he gave Ryan was too powerful. Perhaps he should be a little more lenient on the sleep mushroom next time. However the prospect of cramming into a seven seated SUV with twelve people did not sound promising. Noah didn't care whose fault it was letting the scientist that were coming see the demigods, he just wanted to avoid conflict. "Erm... should we make haste and get going if we are evacuating? WE can talk about the other stuff later. it'll be no fun talking about it when we are captured by whoever is coming."
Evelynn glanced over her shoulder at Jason. "Unfortunately, jumping head long into a fight we know little about isn't always a good plan. A few tesla canons around and most of us would be screwed. We aren't all Zeus's kids." She was hardly happy about leaving a fight unattended, but for now it did seem the better option. She decided to make it her goal to look further into it so if, or rather when, they encountered them again, they would at least know what they were up against. She chewed her lip and fell silent, cursing herself for lacking any survielance equipment. She's be sure to rectify that . . .

A few more steps and they were in the open. "Stand back everyone." She didn't want to end up hitting anyone with the SUV as they were a bit unruly to pull out. She disappeared for a moment and the next moment emerged in a black Lexus LX, already cranked and hot. "Come on, no time for talking, let's get to the action! Or away from it, as the case maybe!" Once everyone jammed theirselves inside, she put the petal to the metal and sped off, as fast as the over encumbered SUV could manage. "Soo, Florida, right?" She tossed Alec a GPS. "Type in the address."
Amaya wasn't sure if she heard right. Her half sister apparently thought that war wasn't the solution to every single problem. One of the things she understood staying with the Ares kids, is that they loved fighting. War was the answer to every freaking question on planet earth. Most convenient example, Ace.

All of them quickly got into the car, or more like a piece of tin. She had a sarcastic comment ready, but she didn't want to set off an Ares kid. Another thing she learnt, never make them angry. And judging by her previous observations of her sister, yeah she had a temper almost similar to Amaya's.
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Jason, just nodded as both of Max then Evelynn's comments. "I guess you're right, It would be better to avoid getting creamed. And Max it's good to see you again bro. When we aren't running for our lives, I got some stuff to tell you."
Alec climbed into the SUV and started typing in his dad's address.

Helena trudged up the hill with a lumpy pillowcase in tow. Fred the hellhound followed her to the top, where she stopped him. "Fred, you know where Alec lives. You've taken him there before. Go there now." She said to him, putting her pillowcase down and removing the rope for his neck and stuffing it in her pocket. "Go on. Go." The daughter of Hades pointed the hellhound's muzzle towards the nearest shadow, and he sadly loped off and disappeared into the shade.
Ryan got in the car and looked around him as the other demigods got into the car, "I've never been so squished in my entire life" He mumbled.

The scientists reached the camp and were in awe. Jay said, "That stuff wasn't there yesterday!"

A weird thing was happening...the camp was actually now visible to the scientists.

The scientists quickly got off their bikes and looked through the destroyed structures.
Alec looked down the road. "Let's go, let's go! They're here!" He punched the number into the GPS then grabbed Helena and shoved her into the car. "Come on, let's go, go, go!"

"NO- Wait! I don't do CARS!"
Noah disliked the crampedness of the SUV, He especially disliked having ones arse on top of him. It was better than being at camp though and risk getting captured by those scientists. What puzzled Noah was the fact of regular humans being able to enter the camp. 
Noah looked over to see Ryan, along with the parts of other bodies. "Hey Ryan.....erm....how are you feeling?"
Jay ran around examining all the items and structures, "Ha! They're real! WOO!...However it looks to me like they have ran from the destruction. We need to find them wherever they are! They have cool powers....THEY CAN BE ANYWHERE" He looked at the captain and the captain nodded, "Report to head quarters...we are about to go global."

Ryan looked at Noah, "I feel squished. How about you?"
"Damn it Helena, you do cars, or so help me, I will pull this SUV over! You understand me?!" To say Evelynn had road rage was putting it lightly. As she pulled onto the interstate she cut off another car and began to curse them out with her window roll down, daring them to try that again and flipping them the bird. "Uhh . . ." She glanced back at Helena. "Please tell me by 'I don't do cars' you actually meant that cars weren't you preffered method of travel . . . Please don't puke in my car." With hardly a pause she yelled out. "Where's my horse power!" and sobbed silently into the steering wheel, serving in between lanes of traffic.
Max hated this idea of having everyone try to fit into the SUV, it was so cramped in there that he swore someone was sitting on his legs. What made it worse was what Helena said before getting in the car, having a person who doesn't 'do cars' inside a very cramped space just screams Car ride from Hell, and the fact that we have to ride like this all to the way to FREAKING FLORIDA made the situation they were in a whole lot worse. "Oh well" he thought "might as well try to get some sleep, after all i haven't had a decent sleep since Canada." Max closed his eyes, tried to ignore the pain and the squishing feeling, and went to sleep.
Noah shifted slightly in his uncomfortable position. "Eh.... same here." Noah replied sighing. "Uh....so how is your....head?" Noah said tediously. He was nervous about asking Ryan about his previous ailment of a Cupid arrow. Noah jumped a bit to hear another camper, perhaps Evelynn, shouting and screaming. Apparently there was considerable road rage in the driver. "I mean...are you feeling normal? No feelings of affection?" Noah asked.

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