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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

While everything happened, Helena slipped away from the party and wandered off, after Alec left for the night. She was not the dancing type, but she was a night owl, and she didn't need any sleep yet. So wander into the woods she went. Eventually she found the Sound. When she sat in the sand she felt at ease, like nothing could bother her. She sat and wrapped her arms around her legs and sighed. This night was beautiful, watching the stars bounce with the waves off the Sound.
The information about Camp Half-Blood reached the scientists, "Impossible!" One said.

"Don't you see? This could be what we were all waiting for! Super Powers!" The second responded.

Some scientists suited up in their bullet proof and fire proof suits. They each grabbed their guns, "Let's capture them!" "That's what we were planning!" "Guys quit it! Let's go!"

Ryan passed the Ares cabin and thought of the letter he slipped in, "....No! I forgot to put my name!"
Alec, on his way back to his cabin, went to the only bathroom and decided to wash his face off. After splashing his face with water, he shook his hair out and looked up at his reflection. He stared for a while, suddenly the world started to dance in front of his eyes. "No.... not this again... No!" He tried to look away, but he couldn't look away from the mirror, his vision flooded with horrible visions... Mortals invaded the camp! This wasn't possible! Half-bloods, all dead, or crying, bodies! Bloody battles! And the one he felt so deeply for, dying he couldn't do anything about it!

On the outside, the Aphrodite boy simply continued to stare at the mirror, unblinking. He only swayed slightly, locked in a vision he could not break free of...
Evelynn squinted at the pages in an attempt to continue to read. It had gotten darker as the day went on and she was too lazy to turn on the lights. With a sigh she set her bookmark in place and the book back in her bag to be safe from the careless hands of the other Ares children. She felt wide awake, but from the sounds of it, things were starting to die down at the mix. Not wanting to lose her freedom away from the rest of her family, she slid her feet back into her shoes and headed for the door. Her hand rested on the door knob and she bent down to pick up a piece of paper. She started to open it but quickly stuffed it into her pocket as she heard the noisy Ares children heading for the cabin. She'd read it later.

She took a quick exit out into the yard and around the side of the cabin, using her vision to avoid incoming 'enemy' units and retreat from the camp grounds. Once she was sure she had escaped successfully, she took the paper out and peered at it. At least the moonlight helped. Violets . . . Roses . . . Was this a love letter? She looked down at the bottom and noticed the lack of signature, it wasn't addressed to anyone either. How careless. She folded the note back up and resumed her wandering. She'd figure it out later.

The soft give of sand pulled her from her thoughts. It seemed she had gone to the Sound, a place she rarely visited due to being generally too loud and unruly for its likes. A quick look around located another camp goer not far off. Helena, it seemed, was out for a midnight stroll as well. Evelynn approached the girl and spoke softly, hoping not to disturb her too much. "Heya. How was the mix?" She asked quietly.
Jason, sat staring at the water and the reflections on it starting to remember old memories, like controlling the water in his bathtub, or keeping him and his mother dry during a rainstorm, even to staying underwater for thirty minutes at a time when he first went to the beach. he realized that he must have more control that he gave himself credit for at this point. He was feeling pretty gloomy, this was not at all how he imagined this place. though he was surprised that the hepheastus kids hadn't come after him yet, he was okay with it sorta losing his will to fight for now. Jason hated feeling down and decided it wouldn't do he walked onto, yes onto the water deciding to go nuts with the water works. He ran out until he was about fifty feet off the shore then dove in. Somehow he could see even the darkest parts of the sound he dove deep, thenturned shooting back up, he focused on creating a sort of barrier around him where the water would push him up and bend to his will. He rocketed out of the water and shot about four stories into the air, his hands weren't tingling but he heard a roar in his ears thats sounded like a waterfall crashing down on top of you. He ignored it and used the water, he had built up to cushion his fall he landed towards the edge of the water, willing it to swirl around him, he touched down gently. then flopped onto the sand, feeling exhausted but excited due to the adrenaline. He listened to the roar die down until all he heard was the lapping of the waves.
"I don't do parties... I'm not the partying type." The daughter of Hades muttering, resting her chin on her knees as she stared at the Sound. "You a night owl, too?" She glanced up at Evelynn, then back at the water. She watched the stars dance on the water, a velvety black in the night air. ".... Did you see Alec go back to his cabin?"
"I have trouble sleeping." Evelynn admitted to the girl and plopped down in the sand next to her, leaning back on her arms and looking out at the water. She didn't tell many people such things, but she figured if anyone could relate, it was Helena. "I think he was in the bathroom. His coordinates were round about there at least . . . But I wasn't at the mix either, so I'm not one hundred percent sure."

She looked over to the girl after her sentence. "Should I go fetch him so you can confess your undying love for him?" She asked teasingly but she wasn't sure it was a good time to be lighthearted. Hades kids asking about seeing someone didn't seem like a good thing to her. "Is everything all right?" She asked in a concerned tone."
Ryan heard the Ares kids coming. He looked around and just went to the Zeus cabin, "Oh well" He said as Cupid's spell started to fade. Ryan felt the breeze blow again.
Noah was wandering around the edge of Camp, close to the ocean. He enjoyed the serenity of the night ocean while he plucked a tune out on the lyre and thought to himself. As he strolled around Camp, Noah began playing Greensleeves. He heard abnormal crashing and roaring of water from the beach and began to walk over there still playing his lyre.
"Where's Jason?" Jaycee asked. Thankfully, Romeo's spell was wearing off. She walked out of her cabin. Maybe Ryan would know. Jay walked towards Ryan's cabin. "Ry!" She knocked on the door. "Open up!"
"I.... I don't know. I just get this horrible chilling feeling..." She couldn't explain how she felt... she just had that sort of empathy with Alec. He was her closest friend. "Wait... Bathroom? As in, with mirrors? Oh god, he might be having one of those visions he has! Is it the public bathroom, or the one in his cabin?"
"Have you seen Jason? Last time I saw him he looked mad at me. I haven't been able to remember anything all day. I have no idea what's been going on with me." Jaycee explained.
Ryan shrugged his shoulders and responded, " Maybe in the Poseidon cabin or near the water. You might have been shot with one of Cupid's spells. He casts different types on different people....I think yours is the one where you experience that semi-lengthy burst of emotions then fade eh?'
Evelynn blinked at the sudden forcefullness of Helena's words and gave a decidedly useful, "Uhhh . . ." Before pulling her thoughts properly together. "It was the public one." She nodded. "He wasn't close enough to his cabin for it to be the other." She had no idea about mirrors, she hadn't been in the boys restroom, but it did seem like a logical assumption. "Does he have some problem with mirrors?" She asked, noting the obvious worry in the girl's voice. She stood up and offered her hand to Helena in case it was as she seemed to fear.

((I do believe it's the public, right? Since he was on his way to the cabin?))
Jaycee felt anger fill her. "Again. I'm going to kill him!" She thanked Ryan and turned around. "Stupid Cupid. Arrows. Asshole. He will die!" She mumbled, going to search by the water. Jay found Jason and sat next to him. She didn't talk for awhile. "S-sorry about drowning you earlier. Are you mad at me?" She asked him.
Ryan entered the Zeus cabin and cleaned himself up, "At least Jaycee's faded....Why does Cupid need to make a customized 'Ryan Spell'?" He sat on his bed and looked outside the window. His eyes were fixed on the full moon. Ryan saw the Ares girl's face on the moon. He smacked his head a few times, "...weird. Why? Out! OUT!" Ryan was at that point of Cupid's spell where he could try to resist his thoughts, but still fail. He was about to experience the burst of love he temporarily felt for the girl, "Frickin Cupid!!!!!" Ryan lied down on his bed and turned face down.

His love for the Ares girl would be so great at that moment, then afterwards it would continue to fade away. Ryan gripped the pillow and put it on top of his head, "No...". He tried to stop his thoughts, but they kept flowing to his mind, "CUPID!"

Ryan got up and marched out of the Zeus cabin.
Jason just laughed, "Hardly, I knew you were just rying to help, but I do have surprising control over my power, fyi." He gave her a playful look that signified that he didnt take it personally. He turned his head back to the water, "This camp, it's so....odd. I thoight everyone would at least try to get along but it's just like high school."

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"I never made it to high school. I dropped out in the 7th grade. But there's not killing in high school. That may happen to a certain cupid child tomorrow!" Romeo came back to her mind. "Did you see me with anyone today?"
Noah saw another camper by the water. Probably a son of Poseidon. He also saw that he was joined by another camper and decided to walk back to camp. He still plucked out more tunes on his lyre as he walked around. It was getting dark but Noah only felt a little tired. Lost in his own thoughts, he didn't notice an irritated Zeus demigod march out his cabin and walked into him. (@RyanJXavier ) Noah toppled onto the floor with his lyre playing dissonant and discordant sounds.
The scientists arrived at the gate of Camp Half-Blood, but could not see it. They bent down and examined the soil. They put the soil in a mineral tracker, "This soil has increased minerals and other stuff." The scientists looked at each other, "We will have to come back tomorrow it is too late." They left and went back to their head quarters. 
Ryan clenched his fists, looked down at Noah, and helped him up, while the thoughts about Evelynn still kept running endlessly through his head, "Are...are you okay?" He attempted to have a short check up on him while the thoughts kept towering over one another.
Jason looked at Jaycee, "Yeah I saw you with some guy, you both looked pretty happy to be around each other, though I kinda ignored it. Just wondering, how has a place like this not been found, already I never saw this sound let alone this area on a map before."
Noah looked up to see who he walked into. He noticed it was Ryan, who seemed a bit...tense. "Oh, I'm okay. Sorry about running into you." Noah said tentatively while dusting dirt off him and checking his lyre. Noah was thankful that his lyre was damaged at all. Noah took another look at Ryan. "Are... you okay?" He asked. The Zeus demigod did seem off-put.
Mason heard a beep as the terminal indicated the completion of the transfer of data. He got up off his bunk and went to the terminal where his bracers were. Slowly, he examined the bracers and hoped they were finished and he unplugged the bracers from the terminal and put them on. He tapped on the screen located on his right bracer and called up the map of Camp Half-Blood. It flickered for a moment then a slight transparent image grew from out the screen and displayed the three dimensional view of the camp. Mason's smile grew wider until it hit both ears, 'SUCCESS! I'm a genius! Suck it everyone else.' he muttered when he closed the map. He made sure both books were in a sack before gathering them up to put them back. He turned everything off and nodded when he was satisfied with his work. Mason walked out of the Forge and ran to the library hoping that no one would notice him.
"No one ever comes here. They'll pass around sometimes but never sit and think by the water," Jaycee started to play with the water. "So back to this guy. What did he look like? Did you know him? Did we talk to anyone else?" Jaycee asked Jason.

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