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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

The camp was invisible to all the non-demigods. The only thing any other person could see was the gate, but the scientists were all too tired to notice. Zeus saw the incident and informed the other gods.

Ryan stuttered, "I'm fine..." No he wasn't! He had intense anger for Cupid and intense love for Evelynn at the same time.
Noah's eyebrow cocked at Ryan's response. Anyone could tell that Ryan looked conflicted. Perhaps some drama? Noah strummed a soft major chord. "Are you sure?" Noah asked. He seriously doubted if Ryan was fine. Noah continued to pluck a few notes. "You know... they say music soothes the soul." Noah says shyly. Perhaps something like a lullaby could ease Ryan.
"Uh..... I think he was named Zack, or is it Zach? deosn't matter. you guys were just strolling on the beach, like a couple." Jason snickered then calmed down. "I wonder what dad thinks of us right now? Think he's proud or just.....meh."
Ryan's feelings for Evelynn kep growing and his frustration increased, not due to Noah's playing, but due to the time zone he was under for the spell.

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Couple?!? What the fudge? "I'd think he'd be proud. Now c'mon big brother! Sleep awaits!" Jaycee said. She'd deal with Romeo and Zach later. W-wait! Zach? Zach as in Zach Cosmos? Oh that would be nice. T-to be together. Jaycee thought.
Noah slowly stopped playing as he noticed Ryan still looking frustrated, if not getting worse. "Um.... I'm sure you are not OK. I understand if you don't want to talk about it, but uh.... what happened? I've never seen anyone....so..... conflicted." Noah said tentatively. Thoughts of stepping away occurred in his head. An angry Zeus demigod is not exactly the best person to be by.
Ryan's feelings overcame the anger and he blurted out, "I love Evelynn!" His mind snapped and he continued, "Have you seen her? Where is she? Isn't she awesome? She likes to read and I just love her! Where is she? Got any tips bro?" Ryan asked all of these questions back to back, definitely he was not being himself at all.

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"Uh ok." He said dumbly as he was dragged away by his little sister. He fumbled with his feet, before righting himself and matching her pace. "Oh by the way the brecelets did turn out to be a gift, I'll show you when we get to the cabin, I used them to kill a cyclops."

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Noah jumped as Ryan quickly asked so many questions and his mood swung from frustration to compassion. Two very fiery feelings. Suddenly an idea popped into his head. Sudden and extreme emotions for someone. "By any chance... have you encountered Cupid...or gotten hit non-fatally by an arrow?"
Ryan responded, "I don't know! Where is she?! The queen of my life! The love of my dreams! Where Noah, where?!"

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Jason chuckled brushing her hands away, "I'm fine, even though I'm new I still got the skills. Like I said I'll show you when we get to the cabin." speaking of which was now within sight, as they got closer he noticed two figures in front of the Zeus cabin. "What do you think is goin on there?"

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"Uh....uh, oh um....." Noah stuttered taken by surprise of Ryan's fiery compassion for the other camper. Noah had no idea where she could be though. "Uhh... one second please." Noah said as he knelt over and opened up his satchel that he constantly carries with him. Inside were various assortments of medicine and plants of the like. Perhaps it would be best if Ryan relaxed for a bit. Noah grinds a few plants into a water. "Um...here. Have something to drink... before we find Evelyn." Noah says as he holds a cup of the mixture that would induce sleep. Then he could get some people to help Ryan while he is sedated.
Ryan gently pushed Noah's offer away, "No thank you. I must find her! Quick be my wing man son of Apollo!"

His grammar and overall use of language was just changing, "When I see her I will swing her off her feet and tell her I love her!"

Yep, too evident this was Cupid's doing. Ryan would not even handle this situation like this in reality. No where near!
"Dammit! Ryan!" Jaycee walked towards the two figures. She faced Ryan towards her and stared deeply into his eyes. "Ryan, pay close attention. You don't love Evelynn! Romeo is making you feel like this! This "Love" is a figment of your imagination!" Jaycee didn't like this. She hated the fact that Romeo was forcing this so hard on Ryan. Ryan didn't deserve this.
Noah jumped at the sudden entrance of another character. It was clear that this was the effects of one of Cupid's arrows. Noah frowned at the concept of being Ryan's "wingman" in the search of his love whom he might not even truly love. "Erm... please drink this. It will help! uh...." Noah began to think to himself on how to get Ryan to drink the sleeping elixir. "It can help you find the 'love of your dreams.'' Noah lied.
Mason was heading out the Forge and overheard the commotion and the state of Ryan and poor Noah handling him. The Poseidon kids were with them. 'I don't have time for this...' Mason rushed over there and pulled out Atlas' Burden from his pack. And he lifted it high above his head and swung as hard as he could as he ran by. Aiming for Ryan's head, giving him a good smack on the noggin as he ran past. He placed the book back in his pack as he shuffled past not bothering to stop and say anything.

He made it to the library and shoved the books back where they belonged and the librarian was none the wiser. He stood outside the library and looked out towards Zeus' cabin to see how everyone was faring with the situation.
"Mason!" Jaycee yelled. Mason couldn't hear her considering the fact he was running 234676 miles per hour! He could've said hi but whatever!
Well, that worked better than expected. Vitus thought. During the mixer and ensuing madness he'd opted to fade into the background. But now he was pretty sure he'd been forgotten about. I mean he hadn't slunk off, he had been there and even wandered around outside but no one had spoken to him. Oh well. He shrugged it wasn't like he was really all that social or talkative outside of capture the flag. There was some commotion going on outside the Zeus cabin and Vitus paused briefly debating if it would be worth the trouble to go over there. Deciding it looked rather crowded already he figured he'd continue on his way to bed.
Ryan's mind snapped back to normal and he looked at the other's with confusion, "What's happening?"

It would work hitting his head, but it was the peak of the spell, so Ryan's mind quickly snapped back, "What song should I serenade her with?!"

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Jaycee groaned. "You want to be with her? Drink whatever it is Noah is trying to give you!" Jaycee yelled.
Ryan looked at Jaycee with confusion, "Why are you trying to make me drink it? Look I'll ask the simple question again...where is Evelynn?"

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Mason saw nothing was changing and just shook his head. I'm glad to just have my waffles and my machines... and my picture of Aphrodite.' he smiled as he thought to himself, walking to the Forge again. Mason avoided the cabins and waved to Vitus as he skulked about. He continued to the Forge and placed his gear beside his bunk. Softly sitting in his bed, he pulled out the photograph of Aphrodite and poked it with the tip of his finger. 'You're such a hottie. Rawr...' he softly growled and laid back in bed. He stared up at the ceiling where the Forge's fire casted shadows that danced merrily. He closed his eyes and slept soundly, still covered in grease and muck.

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