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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

"Why, yes, Jason, I remember your name, you're still fresh meat. So, you might as well get used to that. That was my name for MY first two years here." She looked at him, then turned and walked off, swiftly making way to the Hephaestus cabin. "HELLO? ....I know you kids don't like me, but it's not MY fault Fred wrecked the Forge! ...Can somebody just fix my heater please?"
The oldest brother came out and stared at the unpopular Hades girl, "No one likes your freak of a dog... let alone you. You know what, I got an idea. How about you bother our freak brother." He slammed the door shut in her face, not waiting for a response. Behind the door, there was brief laughter and snickering towards Helena.

"Haha wonder if she knows he doesn't sleep here anymore." Said a younger boy.

A lighter girlish voice replied, "It's because you two keep treating him badly and forced him to sleep somewhere else. At least he's in the Forge, where its warm."

The oldest had a deeper voice shouted out, "Well it's his own damned fault. I'm not going to sit here and be denied the power our father has. What made him so damn special. I could've used that fire to do great things. All he does is burn things to the ground. He's useless."

There was silence and then the oldest said, "Go to sleep. It's late." Some shuffling and words of agreement were swapped and finally silence ended the night in the Hespaestus Cabin.
"You know, I'm right here. I can here you snickering in there, I'm not deaf."

She stared at the door, then sighed and walked off, wrapping her retrieved leather jacket around her. Hey, why not go talk to said kid. He might be more use, ANNND he's a social outcast like me! I might help him prove himself by helping me fix my heater. Sure... She trudged over to Forge, her boots scraping faint lines in the dirt, and walked right in. Almost immediately, she could see him.
Mason laid on the bed sprawled out holding the photo of Aphrodite in his hand. His face hanging off his bed, still wearing his welding goggles over his head. Grease smeared lines highlighted by the Forge's light. Still knocked out, He didn't budge from his position.
Helena stared at the grease stained boy, an snatched the picture of Aphrodit right from his unconscious hand... She kicked his bench, causing it to shake horribly and dump the son of Hephaestus on the floor. "We're you up all night oogling Aphrodite?" She inquired, still looking at the picture.
Mason hit the floor and abruptly shouted out, "-- sorry dad, she was the one pouring honey on my waffles...." He wiped the drool on his face off and looked up. His welding goggles fell over his eyes and he saw a dark figure in the shadowy background. He smiled widely and asked, "You got waffles for me, Helena? You can put. . . . . " His jaw dropped when he noticed the picture and shoved his glasses up. He just sat there caught red handed.
Helena stared at the no doubt graphic picture of either a statue or a girl in costume, because nothing could actually shape up to the beauty of Aphrodite, and a smiled cracked across her face as she repressed frantic laughter. Her face got red from the effort, and eventually it burst out, raucous laughter, which she snapped her jaws shut again, suppressing it again. "Oh my gods- You- Seriously? Do you actually think this is Aphrodite? Oh boy- Just- Here." She shoved the picture back in his hands, still holding back laughter, "You can keep your fetish picture, or whatever this is, and I'll completely forget about it, at the small price of fixing my heater..."
Mason sat there in embarrassment then it soured as she laughed at his picture of what was kinda his step mother or goddess mother, whichever was less creepy to like. "Only thing I have to as an attraction at the moment. No need to kill my spirit, bruja...." he mumbled as he pet his picture of the statuette of Aphrodite. He didn't care if everyone knew about this or that. He was already playing behind the scenes with the kids thinking him a fire hazard.

Mason looked up at her and smiled. He stood up as he brushed himself off, "It's alright, Helena. I'm glad you kept Fred outside this time. The others still hold that grudge. " He walked past her and grabbed his pack and strapped it on making sure the tools were in their places. He asked her quietly, "Was the heater the only thing you needed fixed? I'll help with anything else for some waffles."
"Yeah, my heater is either nonexistant or broken. I'd to have one of those, and have it work as well."

She looked him up and down, then shook her head. "Just- Please, come fix my heater..."
Mason cleaned off his face with a rag. He looked at her and smiled wide, his eyes looking as if they were shut, "Lead the way, Helena. Also. . . You like waffles right?" He just kept smiling. His mind was starting to think of reasons why her heater, if she had one, was broken.
".... Please stop smiling like that. It's kinda creepy." She looked at him, then lead the way back to her Cabin. Fred, meanwhile ran over to to Mason and began to sniff him in the usual doggy manner, then licked his face happily. "Fred, stop.." The hellhound whimpered and plodded forward, and straight into the cabin.
His smile faded a bit, 'I thought smiling was what girls liked... hmm gotta read up on that later... ' He followed her out the Forge and to her cabin, what she called a shed. The hellhound was nice though he didn't really like getting slobber all over his hands. He wiped his hands off on his cargo pants and followed her inside.

He walked in and it was a bit cooler in there than outside. He rubbed his arms and said, "Should've reminded me to being a sweater. It's colder than balls in here. " He looked for the heater hidden in the back, feeling the walls and searching for it in the darkness. "Hey, mind turning the lights on? Kinda dark in here. " he said unaware of his goggles being over his eyes.
"Theres a light switch?" She stared at him for a second, letting her sarcasm out then flipped the lights on, squinting her eyes till they adjusted.. "Dude, what are these goggles for?" She walked over, stood in front of him and pushed the goggles up onto his forehead. "Do you wear those things everywhere?"
"My eyes! So bright!" He shut his eyes as she lifted the goggles letting the light pierce through his pupils. He rubbed his eyes and strained them till they were adjusted. " These things protect my eyes from arc weld flashes. You'll go blind staring into those things without proper protection." He said smiling again and noticing her old worn excuse for a heater.

He walked over to it and touched it, sensing a broken valve under the radiator's water input. He smiled again at her, "And I use them now at all times since my fire abilities also produce the same amount of heat weld metal together. I don't wanna go blind. " He pushed his goggles over his eyes and he laid on his back to fix the metal valve. His finger went alight to a white heat, "You should look away. Don't want you having to look like Ray Charles for the rest of your life." He told her before beginning to weld. 'It would be a waste of such beautiful eyes. . .' he muttered under the scorching heat his finger emanated.[/b]
"Yeah, I can guess..." She looked away from his hands and blinked a few times, rubbbing her face, then sitting on her sleeping bag. running her fingers through Fred's overlong and unkempt fur.... What the heck is an arc weld flash..? She shook her head and mumbled something to Fred, then yawned and wrapped he jacket tighter around her..
Mason welded the valve back into working condition and connected some hoses together to increase the effectiveness of the heater. He smiled and lifted his goggles to look over at Helena and smiled again. "Heater is all better. Old radiator type. I'm sorry they don't keep up your cabin. " He shook his hands quelling his flames.
"Yeah well, nobody really likes Hades anyway... I'm not even supposed to exist, so." She shrugged, rubbing Fred behind the ears. The large mastiff shook his hind leg, happily. She sighed once again and flopped on the sleeping bag. "Yeah, nobody expected a Hades child, so, why keep the cabin in good condition? Right?" She laughed sadly, sarcasm dripping from her voice.
"Well, you've been here for what... 6 ish years? I'm sure people would've warmed up to you by now. And if I was here back then I'd be fixing everything up and making sure no one was left in the cold! " He laughed and leaned against the cabin walls. He threw his goggles over to where Helena laid. "Try them out. They should look good on you."
She gave a half-enthusiastic laugh and tossed the goggles back at him. "Haha, no thanks... I don't think steampunk style suits me." She muttered, then looked at him. "Hey, why don't you sleep in here, rather then the Forge? Sure, it's cold, but it'll warm up now, and you don't have to sleep on a bench."
He grinned and caught the goggles, "That's too bad, maybe next time." He placed them in his pack and set his pack aside against the wall by the heater. He looked at her astonished, "You want me to stay here? I mean, the Forge is ok and my bench is kinda uncomfortable for the time being... but sure... ummmmmmmm... " He paused looking around the cabin, "Where should I sleep? "
"We have sleeping bags. Or, they offered me a futon, it's in the corner. I don't really use it much for sleep though." She gestured to the wall opposite her, and yawned. "You don't have to accept my offer if you don't want to, it's not like I'm going to shun you."
The small futon looked a little comfortable and he was feeling the sleep creeping its way back. "Sure. . . Hey. . . Thanks. It's been a while since I've slept in a cabin." he said humbly. "Especially with a. . . " He mumbled softly abruptly ending his sentence with a smile at Helena. He sat on the futon and stared at her eyes for a split second. He blushed softly and plopped down on the futon staring at the ceiling. Slowly closing his eyes...
Jason plopped down on his bed and kicked off his shoes, before rummaging through his bag for a changes of clothes. He pulled out some basketball shorts and an a-shirt. He changed his shirt there but with his back turned as he slipped his shirt off, revealing a well-muscled back, he turned around as he finished putting on his a-shirt. It wasn't tight so much as fitted but still complemented his physique. He walked around a corner and changed his pants. He came back wearing his basktetbell shorts and slipped into his bunk. He got comfortable and looked over to Jaycee. "G'night Jaycee." He closed his eyes and feel into a dreamless sleep.

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The ground suddenly shook and all the lights went out. It became pitch black for all the demigods that were still awake. Then within a minute, the camp was surrounded by darkness. The demigods that were awake could not see the surrounding darkness because the places they were in were already pitch black. The darkness covered the moonlight and the stars, and soon a roll of thunder sounded through the camp. A smell of something burning reached demigods' noses. The darkness disappeared thus letting the moonlight shine. The moonlight revealed to the demigods that their destroyed cabins.
Max was taking his time flying to Camp. He knew he'd be late due to a trip to Canada with his mother, so he relaxed as he flew. "I wonder what new faces will be at camp this time around" he said to himself as he flew past the Empire State Building "I'll be arriving soon better pick up the pace so I can get a few hours of sleep in!" As he approached the camp he knew something was off. The lights around Camp were all turn off, which was unnatural especially for the kids who stayed up most of the night. But there was something in the air that didn't belong, ash. He landed in the forest before the clearing and stared ahead in terror. Camp Half-Blood was being destroyed.

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