Camp Half-Blood: Collision of Worlds

Cassia: That's poor reasoning to begin with, considering you antagonized me in the first place, but it doesn't even change the fact that you started the fight. You've got your pride of not being a chicken, sure, fine, whatever. But what, I'm not supposed to defend MY pride when you stand next to me and insult me? Talk about hypocrisy. *Huffs and crosses arrms*
Felix: I never antagonized me to begin with I was just teasing and here you go taking it offensively cause you got a stick up your ass. And don't go telling me about your pride yes sure I did teased you about somethings but that does NOT mean you try to kill someone. How is that you getting your pride wounded people tease and play with people all the time but they never try to kill them over it? just admit it your a big stick in the mud.
Cassia: No. You're just an guy that doesn't realize when people have already had a bad day. No one on edge takes teasing well, intentions be damned. And I may not be a barrel of laughs, but I'm not sure that's the same as being a stick in the mud.
Felix: How the hell am I exposed to know that your on edge huh you tell me that!

Rory: SHUT THE FUCK UP BOTH OF YOU!! *breaths to calm down* Now it was both of yours faults. Felix you shouldn't have been teasing her you know that she is not one who takes that very well. And Cassia you shouldn't be trying to be a jerk to everybody you see and kill anybody who gets on your nerves.

Felix: Ok sorry mother.

Rory: Shut it Felix!

Felix: I know Amanda give me a sec will yah.
Cassia: Oh come on! I don't try, it comes naturally . . . Besides, if I wasn't, I wouldn't be Cassia. It's kinda in my character description. *Points to CS*
Felix: I'm so scared Amanda! *fakes being scared*

Rory: Yeah and there is something else called character development start doing that and you'll be just fine. Just develop in the right way not turn into more of a jerk.
Cassia: Oh yeah. Excuse me if I feel like my personality doing a complete one eighty in the span of a day is out of place. I mean, I only punched Aria in the face ONCE. That seems like progress to me.
Felix: OWW That hurt woman! Why would you hurt your own half-brother! *says as he sits down on ground pouting*

Rory: Oh and trying kill Felix is such great progress! *claps sarcastically* And I never said for you to be all rainbow and sunshine. Wait, you know what your not even worth it.*leaves*
Cassia: He attacked me! Ugh. Men. Why am I bi again?

Evy: Probably cause you're easy.

Cassia: Yeah . . . Too bad you're not easy to get along with . . .

Evy: Says the one who has managed to get one literally everyone, but two people's bad sides in the length of one day.

Cassia: . . . Hey, that's a pretty good record!

Evy: *Facepalm*
Dark Dragon: I'm a guy you numskull! Night Dragon is the girl.

Night Dragon: He's right I'm a girl he's a guy.

Felix: *still pouting*

Dark Dragon: Man up Felix!

Felix: Yeah says the guy who crys himself to sleep evernight.*continues pounting*

Dark Dragon: I don't do that!
Dusk: *Writes down note in journal* Pretty sure he's at least a valley girl in a man's body then. Just in denial.

Twilight: You should try jackets made from flayed human skin. Surprisingly warm.

Dawn: *Bear hugs Spirit and Ghost, because hugs*
Dusk: *Pulls out second journal, exact duplicate of first, and writes in it again* Feel free to yank this one and burn it too. I've got a thousand more. *Grins smugly*

Dawn: *Shrugs* What?

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