Camp Half-Blood: Collision of Worlds

NUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!! I have just been hella busy I love this one don't let it die

Ariadne:*squeezes Cassia* Bunker 9 is NOT a SEX DUNGEON it's my workshop. Now behave or I'll sic Scorpio on you.
Felix: It doesn't matter either it's not like Cassia would do anything in there she has no heart. I've experienced that first hand when she attacked me when the only thing I wanted to do was talk to her.
Maybe.. I was going to have what i wanted to happen with the bombs that were placed on the cabin, big house, Thalia's tree and the arches blow up after the manticore shit calms down..
Cassia: You attacked me you ass! *coughsexdungeoncough*

See, Soul? People don't want it to die so we just need to kick it up a bit. I think Kai's suggestion might be the best. Timeskip and have people heal up and then insert the plot twist.
Felix: I'm not gonna just run away with my tail between my legs and besides your the one who pointed FUCKING javelins at me and tried to kill me!!! So exuse me if I attacked when you pionted weapons at me I. Am. No.Chicken. You got that through your little thick headed skull!! *mutters* Gosh you act like a stubborn and cranky grandma with a stick up their ass.
Jason: So a demigod girl has betrayed the camp...oh this b*tch is going down!!

Kai: Bryn Now you read the overview and if you like the story go to the signup sheets then create your character. @Bryn Zelda Adler

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