Camp Half-Blood: Collision of Worlds

Kit: Ho! Did I hear Hermes!!!!

Bishop: oh gods

Kit: Ho there cur!!! Thou shalt not disgrace the name of Hermes in my presence!!!

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Evy: Soooo, why are we harassing the pissed off Hermes girl? That doesn't seem like it's going to end well for anyone involved . . . Remember, in the immortal words the the care bears: The fun lasts long when we all get along.
Inigo: *grabs Catherine* let's not kill anyone right now!

Kit: *new Kit* Get back here foul cur! *runs after Vanata*

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Kit: Ho! I've got you now! THIEVES BARRAGE!!!! *jumps into air and downs lashes at Vanata but vanishes before she is hit*

Bishop: sorry bout that.

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Catherine: ....But that doesn't stop the lies... the cheating or the pain does it?... I've had my fair share of dealings with people like that... I thought I was free... But I was wrong...
Callum: *standing there the whole time* I'm sorry, I'm unable to control my impulsive behavior, never have and at this rate never will be. Inigo's much better for any bir- girl. Than I can be. I meant what I said the tree.

I will I will, metric shitton of homework being dealt with now.

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