Camp Half-Blood: Collision of Worlds

Evy: Hm? Oh yeah. She'll be fine later . . . I think. She was mumbling something about developing a poison to intoxicate, so I guess maybe it's research? *chuckles* Oh! Let's draw on her! * Pulls markers out of armory and grins*
Evy: Well, maybe you're right . . . Don't need her rotting holes in the cabins again. We might as well just leave her be then. She's gonna be grumpy regardless when the hangover kicks . . . Might have to throw Poppy or Ari at her.
Evy: Men. *shrugs* Let's go out, Helena. Catch up on old times.

Dusk: Naps . . . I should get me one of those
[QUOTE="Ashen Wraith]Evy: Men. *shrugs* Let's go out, Helena. Catch up on old times.
Dusk: Naps . . . I should get me one of those

Helena: ... Go out? Like, just as friends, right? Cause like... I have a boyfriend. *walks over to Evy*
Catherine: *in her cabin, shoves her brothers out of the way as she goes to the bathroom to put in her other piercings, leaves out the tongue stud, glaring at her reflection*
Carter: Why do you wanna know? She came in here like a bat out of a hornet's nest.*crosses arms*Muttering something about some pasty vamp chick and some asshole Brit...
Vanata: *She shrugs* Is it any of your buisness why I want to know where she is? Now, may i speak to her? *glares*
Carter: I honestly don't think so, She doesn't seem interested in talking.*can see Catherine from where he is and she is giving the hand sign that says she'd rather not*


Carter: She doesn't want to talk to you Goth girl!

Catherine: *leaves the bathroom and heads to her room, weaves passed her brothers since her sisters are elsewhere*

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