Camp Half-Blood: Collision of Worlds

Callum: *Walks on not stopping until he reaches his car he gets in and puts his key in the ignition pausing with his hand over the shift* If This explodes......he just doesn't want me to leave. *Grabs the gearshift and kicks it into drive.*
Catherine: *walks out of her cabin after making sure her half brother is okay and walks out with Inigo*Callum..I do still want you to be my friend... and be there for me... despite... some things you've done... i believe your a good person deep down.
Inigo: I may do that to him when I'm bored... Or angered... And... Uh... Thanks?

Simon: *Grabs Evy and puts her in front of the scantily dressed big breasted women* on a scale from 1 to Holy Tits how distracted are you

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Callum: *Barely Shields himself in time as fire envelops the car and wraps around the forcefield then over powers it gushing inside. He wakes up in Catherine's arms then rolls out of the. Landing on the ground quite sturdy.* Why did you do many times do I have to tell you the cars are OFF FUCKING LIMITS!!!!!!! *hits Inigo with a supersonic pulse*

Jason: Shite.
Evy: *pauses briefly to consider* Mmm. Maybe a six, six and a half. *looks to Simon* You know the critical flaw in this plan is that everyone had different tastes.
Kit: Ho there! Thoust remindeth me of my maiden Olivia. Art thou related!

Bishop: Kit I said you're not allowed to be here!!!!

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Belle: *blinks*... Yeah... same dad..

Olivia: *grabs Kit by the collar*Let's go.

Catherine: Uhm... i don't think my shoes can fly that far...*looking where Inigo went*...
Inigo: *flies back into Callum*gets up* Wohoo!!!! Yeah that was a ripper flight if I do say so meself! I loved boomerang physics!!!

Kit: Unhand me woman! I hath found the insulter of Hermes *looks at Vanata*

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Callum: He'll come back soon. I need to call the nearest Lambo dealer. I need to drive....or fight, but fightings not a good idea...Im too strong. Step back Catherine. *Makes and X with his foot as he dials up the nearest Lamborghini dealership on his cell phone walking out of camp to do so.* He'll land here,

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