Camp Half-Blood: Collision of Worlds

Catherine: *turns head slightly*What do you want Richie Rich? *mischievous twinkle in her eye and a smile*

Night Kai!
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Callum: Ok lets, try this again. My name's Callum Braddock and I fear I've been an enormous wanker to a very pretty girl, forgive me?
Catherine:*blinks in surprise and a real smile appears on her face*Catherine Doyle.. And I think I jumped to conclusions about some people before actually getting to know them.
Catherine:*takes his hand and shakes it*yeah.*small smile on her lips*

Catherine:*looks at Inigo*im Uh sorry you had to see that side of me... I should be apologizing... To both of ye... Not just Callum. How I acted was out of line...
Inigo: It's fine Sheila. Think of it as beyond the black stump. Not really fazed by whatever Doovalacky comes up anywhere. My cheeky dingo of a mate on the other gets a bit annoyed at any sh*t house ratbags thrown at 'im

Jayden: translation... Please!

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Catherine:*smiles a bit while looking at him*thanks mate.. And he said think nothing of it, it's in the past, he isn't fazed by whatever comes up but his brother gets aggravated by any little jab.*puts hand on her hip*i get that right love?
Catherine:*smiles*and I think it's better you don't, you'll end up screwing your head right round te wrong way and end up stumbling around like a drunken Joey.
Jayden: um... The names Jayden.

Inigo: she's callin' you a baby roo.

Jayden: uhhhhhhhhhh.....

Inigo: I think this ones been hittin' the piss hard. He prolly don't know Christmas from Bourke Street.

Jayden: Ew! Why would I hit piss!

Inigo: ... Really...

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Helena: a legend indeed, undefeated in the arena here at camp half blood, well except by my boyfriend here *kisses Jason's cheek* but lets be honest, that was like, once.

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