Camp Half-Blood: Collision of Worlds

Callum: Don't you give me that, I've my license and besides These Yankee cops aren't half as bad as the boys of the yard. And be careful birdie he just wants a good bonkin'. *Grinning wickedly*
Callum: If you want a good shag all you need do is ask birdie. I have nothing against my bruv you can have 'im as much as you like.
Inigo: at least I don't drive around trying to impress the Sheila's with my million dollar tin cans. I at least try to find a lass I like and get to know 'er. You're just looking for someone to crack a fat at yah bloody knocker!

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Callum: Bollocks, I buy them cus I like them and can more than afford it, besides I don't need to try an' impress I just do it. An' who sez I 'ave no class, just cuz I like to 'ave a good time an' wind you up doesn't mean I don't shine like a pretty penny when I need to.
Callum: I 'ave no interest in being flashy I like what I like, simple as that. Besides Inny over there is the one trying to bonk you not me.
Callum: Oh please luv, I don't by everything I set my eyes on clearly. I'm reckless not daft, you make it sound as if I brought all my cars over and not just my favorite. It's like a favorite sweater although in this case the sweater is larger, more expensive, and a car.
Callum: I know I'm right, it's simple is a kid spoiled for bringing their favorite toy everywhere? No. Why am know what never mind, you're just like everyone else. *walks off towards his car*
Catherine: *snorts*If I was just like everyone else, don't you think I would be trying to cozy on up to you trying to be your friend but really just in it for the money? And yes, yes it does Cat.
Callum: *turns around clearly pissed* No. No one tries to cozy up to me because of my money because I don't flaunt it as you say, I normally ride the bloody trolley to school. I brought the sodding car because I wanted to treat by bleeding brother you daft tart!!
Catherine: Well not all of us can be bloody like you now can we? Not all of us are lucky enough to have what you have and people flaunt it all the time because they are obnoxious and asshats! Plus I think you have a typo!
Callum: Kiss my arse, you don't know jack sh*t about me so don't pretend you do. Yes I grew up with more money, a better education, and less worry than you do but it doesn't mean I'm bloody spoiled you assumed that because you saw my car on one occasion. You don't even know my name and yet you stand there and judge me as if I'm the bloody anti-Christ for rolling up in a nice bleeding car. Excuse me for having money.
Catherine: *looks at him*...Yes I may have judged you by the way you carry yourself, but obviously I was wrong, and it was wrong of me to think of you like the many others I have met. Good day.*leaves*

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