Camp Half-Blood: Collision of Worlds

Ariadne: *Squats next to Cassia and pokes at her side* .........

Callum: The both of you birds can bite my arse, *smirking*

Jason: It was only once because you'd only face me once Helena. *pokes her cheek while trying to point at her accusingly*
Cassia: *Vacant thumbs up* Sorry, Ari. Ashy was being lazy. She'll post in a bit, though I guess you and Simon aren't actually waiting on her.
Ari: It's okay I'll wait, door won't stay open forever though. If you're lucky you'll be in time to see Ariadne show Simon Scorpio.
Ariadne: Y-yeah Scorpio, he's my pride and joy. *turns around hearing mention of large breasted scantily clad women and looks a little too long before snapping her attention back to Cassia* first blueprint I've finally completed him.

Callum: I need to stretch, it'll be hell on my hook kick if I don't stretch my bloody legs.
Soul:*gone, leaving shells of my characters since they are in depressed states*

Poppy:*hidden in a caccoon of leaves*....

Catherine:*in her cabin, hiding*...



Lia:*hidden in frozen time*

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