Camp Half-Blood: Collision of Worlds

Simon: I know... It's just... I can build something when I can't tell which parts are which! All the Cats look the same!

Jayden: *hits ground and all the ice shatters* Holy Sh*t! Why Would You Do That!!!!

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Elsabeth: *folds her arms across her chest* Looks over at Jayden* you okay?

Derrek: *Rolls his eyes at his sister*
Artaith: *sighs*Did you need help with it? Someone who can tell the parts apart... oh gods... I've made a mistake...*made a pun*ignoring Elsabeth and Derrek now, mostly because she is a bit embarrassed and is ignoring Derrek for that reason*
Ariadne: hearing the odd conversation about cat distraction bombs she had opened a couple pockets of her toolbelt and assembled a functional one in an few minutes, the activated the trigger and selected 'Isolated blast' rolling it over to Simon where it promptly exploded into mist administering a hallucinogen that would in fact make Simon see everything as cats.* Does it work??

Jason: Cuz I can would you like another geyser?
Simon: Changing what?! *picks up Cat that turns out to be Jayden* nope too light

Jayden: I'm like 180lbs!!!

Simon: Ariadne feels heavier *drops Jayden*

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Ariadne: *Unsheathes her dagger and uses the enchantment and her Ferrokinesis to turn it into a massive warhammer* I'm lighter than him. *Slams Simona with the warhammer*
Artaith:...*wondering what her life would have been like if she never had been in the lotus casino, or what it would have been like once she left lotus casino*sighs softly*...
Ariadne: Then say that, besides that totally inaccurate, my toolbelt adds no extra weight just like my shield only this that adds weight is my boots and even that is lighter than normal shoes.
Artaith: *shakes her head*No point dwelling on what could have been... *gets up, walks towards the water*

Soul:... I'm terrible... Fucking TacticalMechanics(SimonXAriadne)... PureLove(ArtaithXDerrek)... fuuuuuuuuuck.
Elsabeth: *Pokes her brother in the stomach*

Derrek: *Rolls his eyes again* You can't say stuff like that to huntresses. You saw her face Els....

Elsabeth: *Sighs and shrugs* She wasn't being very nice. And come on.. you want to kiss everyone you see. You can't tell me ou didn't at least think about it for a second!

Derrek: *folds his arms over his chest* Not her. She isn't like that. I don't flirt with people I can't get.
Artaith:*takes a deep breath before heading off to the archery field, kinda grateful that she became a huntress, she gets to see many places, meet and make new friends* *smiles a bit before her smile falters*....Everyone dies eventually and leaves you...*sighs before shaking her head*....

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