Camp Half-Blood: Collision of Worlds

Jason: So....much....sarcasm

Ariadne: *sitting on a bench nearby she's tapping away at what at first glance looks to be nothing then shows itself as a holographic keyboard.* ......needs another gravity blade to compensate........ *her words become a string of mumbles.*
Artaith: *crosses her arms*Your a guy. Also just because i'm a huntress doesn't mean i hate all guys, just the ones who I can tell can't be trusted or believe that stupid nonsense that boys are better... ha.*looks towards the frozen Jayden and narrows her eyes before shaking her head and looking back towards them and raises a brow at Jason*What's wrong with a bit of sarcasm?
Jayden: Hey! Stop ignoring me! UnFreeze Me!!!!

Simon: You know. You and your hunters could use a new strategy I developed. It consists of a group girls wearing translucent armor with nothing on underneath. The men will be to distracted by your hunters... Assets, to fight

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Artaith:*gives Simon a look that says "I don't think so"*Yeah... no. I'd rather no, plus That is disgusting and completely underhanded, especially since some of the girls are like 12. *Gives Derrek a look*For all you know I could be. *sticks her tongue out at him, teasing*
Simon: I never said all of them would be shirtless. Just the ones that are the most... Voluptuous. Plus the Russians used the same tactic in WW1... It didn't last very long, but against developing teenagers... It would be an amazing tactic!


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Derrek: *looks thoughtful* Good idea Simon. I bet my cabin would volunteer to test that out.... *Grins then looks over at Arti* Shit seriously? What would happen if you were like a billion years old and then left the hunters? Would you just die? or would you like be the same as usual.... until you get old and die.... *trails off*
Artaith: *throws an ice ball at Jayden's mouth, freezing it shut* I don't think so. Lady Artemis would never agree.


jacunliffe said:
Derrek: *looks thoughtful* Good idea Simon. I bet my cabin would volunteer to test that out.... *Grins then looks over at Arti* Shit seriously? What would happen if you were like a billion years old and then left the hunters? Would you just die? or would you like be the same as usual.... until you get old and die.... *trails off*
Artaith: *blinks as she looks at him*Well.. When one leaves the huntresses.. they will be the same age in which they joined... then they would age like they would normally..
Simon: *sigh* understandable... Very well. I am still going to add Female Breasts to the Strategy book back at Camp Jupiter.

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Elsabeth: *Watches them chat and then Artaith freeze his mouth shut. and walks over* No need to be rude. *Looks over at Simon and snorts* How are boobs tactical? I mean I could see them as a distraction but they aren't that powerful..

Derrek: Hmm. That's really cool....
Artaith: He's being a nuisance. Plus he continues to disrespect me therefore I have every right, it's not like I'm killing him. Which I could have done. *looks at Elsabeth, her eyes are a stormy grey now*
Elsabeth: *notices her eyes and just smiles* Freezing somebodies mouth shut is a bit mean... I mean.. if you were disrespecting me I can't just have my brother make out with you. Its like.. the same thing.
Jason: *Collects groundwater under Jayden then shoots him up into the air with a small geyser.* Whoa that was higher than I expected. And nothing it's much at one time easy there sis dint blow your top,
Jayden: *muffled Complaining*

Simon: Distractions are powerful in themselves. I was developing a grenade that makes the enemy think every person is an adorable Kitten. I can't get the release to work... Every part I look at when I work on it looks like a cat.

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Artaith: *looks flabbergasted* W-W...What? I would never... That's preposterous! *turns away from Elsabeth and Derrek*And Simon I think that every time you work on it, it looks like a Cat because... well that's what you were trying to do...

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