Camp Half-Blood: Collision of Worlds

[QUOTE="Kai'zen Makaira]Callum: There she is *hugz and kisses Vanata*
Kai: *picks up soul*

Ember: *dashes forward turning into three small flames she reconstitutes next to Vanata* she's cute

Silvio: *facepalms*

Jason: *wraps his fingers through Helena's*

Sebastian: *stealthily grabs Lia and takes off flying high up into the air* why so quiet?

Soul: nuuu.....

Lia: *gives a noise of surprise*

Dylan: *crosses her arms, thinking*

Jason: Helena? What is it?.......oh wow...what is it this time.

Callum: I miss you.

Ember: *flashes over to Dylan leaving a trail of neon light and several afterimages* Eh?!

Silvio: *Already next to Dylan a faint crackle of lightning going through his frame* And you call that light speed.

Ember: it's just a name fool.

Silvio:heh, ok.

Kai: *carries soul on his back*

Sebastian: So I can surprise you.
[QUOTE="Kai'zen Makaira]Jason: Helena? What is it?.......oh wow...what is it this time.
Callum: I miss you.

Ember: *flashes over to Dylan leaving a trail of neon light and several afterimages* Eh?!

Silvio: *Already next to Dylan a faint crackle of lightning going through his frame* And you call that light speed.

Ember: it's just a name fool.

Silvio:heh, ok.

Kai: *carries soul on his back*

Sebastian: So I can surprise you.

Dylan: *crosses her arms*Hi?

Soul: *huffing*

Lia: Okay, what is it?
[QUOTE="Kai'zen Makaira]Jason: Helena? What is it?.......oh wow...what is it this time.
Callum: I miss you.

Ember: *flashes over to Dylan leaving a trail of neon light and several afterimages* Eh?!

Silvio: *Already next to Dylan a faint crackle of lightning going through his frame* And you call that light speed.

Ember: it's just a name fool.

Silvio:heh, ok.

Kai: *carries soul on his back*

Sebastian: So I can surprise you.

Helena: ... I'm mentally putting you in a suit... *bleeds more* some have bigger reactions then others
Silvio: Nice to meet you, are you stuck in the dreamscape too?

Ember: I don't think we're in the dreamscape right now.

Silvio: Oh really....well where are we then, does that mean you're a normal person *Looks at Dylan inquisitively*

Kai: why are you sassing me so much recently??

Sebastian: you know those two feathers I gave you? Well I figured out what they were for. Hold knew in each hand and they'll become tattoos and move to your shoulder blades, then you can summon wings and fly I'm going to teach you that part.

Jason: Uhh well, what kind of suit then?

Callum: What've you been up to?
[QUOTE="Kai'zen Makaira]Silvio: Nice to meet you, are you stuck in the dreamscape too?
Ember: I don't think we're in the dreamscape right now.

Silvio: Oh really....well where are we then, does that mean you're a normal person *Looks at Dylan inquisitively*

Kai: why are you sassing me so much recently??

Sebastian: you know those two feathers I gave you? Well I figured out what they were for. Hold knew in each hand and they'll become tattoos and move to your shoulder blades, then you can summon wings and fly I'm going to teach you that part.

Jason: Uhh well, what kind of suit then?

Callum: What've you been up to?

Dylan: *raises a brow*A normal person, are you serious? *arms crossed*

Soul: because... i feel like it.

Lia: *blinks in surprise and pulls them out*
[QUOTE="Kai'zen Makaira]Silvio: Nice to meet you, are you stuck in the dreamscape too?
Ember: I don't think we're in the dreamscape right now.

Silvio: Oh really....well where are we then, does that mean you're a normal person *Looks at Dylan inquisitively*

Kai: why are you sassing me so much recently??

Sebastian: you know those two feathers I gave you? Well I figured out what they were for. Hold knew in each hand and they'll become tattoos and move to your shoulder blades, then you can summon wings and fly I'm going to teach you that part.

Jason: Uhh well, what kind of suit then?

Callum: What've you been up to?

Helena: ... I HAVE THIS WEIRD THING FOR TUXS WITH TAILS, OKAY? You know, the ones with the flappy things on the back?
Callum: Well we should go do something fun now shouldn't we.

Silvio: *Shrugging* Well I have never seen or heard anything about people like Ember, the other stuck in the dreamscape and myself. I mean I control electricity for crying out loud.

Ember: Not to mention I can control smoke, neon, data, and concrete. Not entirely sure how I can do all that but I like it.

Kai: hmph

Sebastian: Ready then?

Jason: huh, well how do I look?
[QUOTE="Kai'zen Makaira]Callum: Well we should go do something fun now shouldn't we.
Silvio: *Shrugging* Well I have never seen or heard anything about people like Ember, the other stuck in the dreamscape and myself. I mean I control electricity for crying out loud.

Ember: Not to mention I can control smoke, neon, data, and concrete. Not entirely sure how I can do all that but I like it.

Kai: hmph

Sebastian: Ready then?

Jason: huh, well how do I look?

Helena: ... *blushes deeply* ...unbelievably sexy...
[QUOTE="Kai'zen Makaira]Callum: Well we should go do something fun now shouldn't we.
Silvio: *Shrugging* Well I have never seen or heard anything about people like Ember, the other stuck in the dreamscape and myself. I mean I control electricity for crying out loud.

Ember: Not to mention I can control smoke, neon, data, and concrete. Not entirely sure how I can do all that but I like it.

Kai: hmph

Sebastian: Ready then?

Jason: huh, well how do I look?

Dylan: *nods*Ah..

Soul: *sticks tongue out*

Lia:... I-I think.
Jason: *smiling* Yup, still doing it right.

Silvio: Well, do you have any powers?

Ember: If so I call dibs on first fight!

Silvio: Why do you always want to fight?

Ember: We are hunted and likely killed by formless, ferocious, beasts for two hours each day, and you want to know why I want to I can get better, it's not fun having a demon dog gnawing on your skull. I mean Jesus those things ripped me apart the first time they got me I don't want that to happen to me again.

Sebastian: Alright then, when you unfurl your wings keep them stretched out wide, I will hold onto you just in case, but try to keep your body and wings straight.
[QUOTE="Kai'zen Makaira]Jason: *smiling* Yup, still doing it right.
Silvio: Well, do you have any powers?

Ember: If so I call dibs on first fight!

Silvio: Why do you always want to fight?

Ember: We are hunted and likely killed by formless, ferocious, beasts for two hours each day, and you want to know why I want to I can get better, it's not fun having a demon dog gnawing on your skull. I mean Jesus those things ripped me apart the first time they got me I don't want that to happen to me again.

Sebastian: Alright then, when you unfurl your wings keep them stretched out wide, I will hold onto you just in case, but try to keep your body and wings straight.

Helena: ... *grabs Jason by the hair and drags him towards the Hades cabin*
[QUOTE="Kai'zen Makaira]Jason: *smiling* Yup, still doing it right.
Silvio: Well, do you have any powers?

Ember: If so I call dibs on first fight!

Silvio: Why do you always want to fight?

Ember: We are hunted and likely killed by formless, ferocious, beasts for two hours each day, and you want to know why I want to I can get better, it's not fun having a demon dog gnawing on your skull. I mean Jesus those things ripped me apart the first time they got me I don't want that to happen to me again.

Sebastian: Alright then, when you unfurl your wings keep them stretched out wide, I will hold onto you just in case, but try to keep your body and wings straight.

Dylan: *shrugs*Depends if you'd call them powers...*her eyes change colours*

Lia: *the wings open up behind her back lightly*

Kitty: *laughing quietly*

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