Camp Half-Blood: Collision of Worlds

*burns the cloak and moves under a pillow fort* What the heck. Everything I'm doing is wrong. I wasn't trying to relate to HP Julia. *looks at amanda*..what?
RyanJXavier said:
*burns the cloak and moves under a pillow fort* What the heck. Everything I'm doing is wrong. I wasn't trying to relate to HP Julia. *looks at amanda*..what?
*jumps on pillow fort*

StarrySkyofLostSouls said:
*hug tackles Ryan*NUUUUU!
Catherine:Why are you on me...
Vanata:I think the real question is… Why are you under me?
Well .. Uh .. Some of them relieve the urge to push people off of cliffs while simultaneously making you smell like coffee permanently .. And some of them also turn you into boxes .. Some of them turn you into foxes .. and simultaneously foxxes .. Also you might have one that turns you into an Easter egg .. But the most common of them all is the death muffin! It's okay if you die, though, because I have deadly healing muffins too ^-^

No, HP references are good! An HP reference is an HP reference, even if it's unintentional!!! wHY IS THERE RANDOMLY A PILLOW FORT HERE ANYWAY
XxJuliaxX said:
Well .. Uh .. Some of them relieve the urge to push people off of cliffs while simultaneously making you smell like coffee permanently .. And some of them also turn you into boxes .. Some of them turn you into foxes .. and simultaneously foxxes .. Also you might have one that turns you into an Easter egg .. But the most common of them all is the death muffin! It's okay if you die, though, because I have deadly healing muffins too ^-^
No, HP references are good! An HP reference is an HP reference, even if it's unintentional!!! wHY IS THERE RANDOMLY A PILLOW FORT HERE ANYWAY
*hands muffin back*


StarrySkyofLostSouls said:
*snuggles Ryan*^w^
*lays there*


RyanJXavier said:
Whatchu giggling for huh? *puts a pillow on amanda's face*

Snuggle snuggle.
*hits him hard with the pillow* Tht wasn't a very good snuggle. *pout*
*takes muffin back and stares at it sadly* :( You can't just refuse a muffin from me! I'm supposed to be a very successful businesswoman.

WELL I LOVE PILLOW FORTS *steals all of the pillows and makes my own fort in a corner* Wait, have all of the corners in here been obliterated too?

Don't run away!!!!!! Take a muffin first!!!!!!!!
O_o I. did not just do that. *looks at Julia* Excuse me Becca. *gets up and grabs a pillow from Julia's fort* *throws the pillow at Amanda from the distance*
RyanJXavier said:
O_o I. did not just do that. *looks at Julia* Excuse me Becca. *gets up and grabs a pillow from Julia's fort* *throws the pillow at Amanda from the distance*
*turns around* Whattt?

XxJuliaxX said:
*takes muffin back and stares at it sadly* :( You can't just refuse a muffin from me! I'm supposed to be a very successful businesswoman.
WELL I LOVE PILLOW FORTS *steals all of the pillows and makes my own fort in a corner* Wait, have all of the corners in here been obliterated too?

Don't run away!!!!!! Take a muffin first!!!!!!!!
Wait, who's Becca?? - HEY! :(

N-no the muffins aren't scary! They're just .. unique? TRY ONE, YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT MIGHT HAPPEN! In fact, there may be even some previous muffin victims here, like Bishop, who can provide you with wisdom about these wonderful specimens! Except I don't think he's online right now.


XxJuliaxX said:
Wait, who's Becca?? - HEY! :(
N-no the muffins aren't scary! They're just .. unique? TRY ONE, YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT MIGHT HAPPEN! In fact, there may be even some previous muffin victims here, like Bishop, who can provide you with wisdom about these wonderful specimens! Except I don't think he's online right now.

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