Happy Necromancer
- Group
- Nation Building
Battaglione Del Tuono
FREE ACTION: Deploy for Mission 1-A (TO be Resolved on Discord with assistance from Solace of Choir and The Artic Dreadfleet)
ACTION 1: Establish a suitable beachhead for preliminary assault on defensive fortifications
The enemy beachhead was quite well defended with lots of hardened positions and troops to prevent easy landfall. But, there were a few options available to them.
Choose one:
- Make beachfall at a sizeable cliffface that seems to be much more lightly defended. (This will disallow any Vehicles for this mission)
- Make beachfall at a HEAVILY DEFENDED beachhead. This will make things harder, but allow you to bring in an additional 500 points of units. (Does not affect your allies)
- Distraction play. SACRIFICE 500 points to allow an EASY LANDFALL
ACTION 2: Falsify leaked military intelligence with the intent on diverting enemy forces to a fake landing point
The military data was sent out for a fake landing point. Some of the army was sent out, but most were still sticking towards the most likely landfall positions.
FREE ACTION: Deploy for Mission 1-A (TO be Resolved on Discord with assistance from Solace of Choir and The Artic Dreadfleet)
ACTION 1: Establish a suitable beachhead for preliminary assault on defensive fortifications
The enemy beachhead was quite well defended with lots of hardened positions and troops to prevent easy landfall. But, there were a few options available to them.
Choose one:
- Make beachfall at a sizeable cliffface that seems to be much more lightly defended. (This will disallow any Vehicles for this mission)
- Make beachfall at a HEAVILY DEFENDED beachhead. This will make things harder, but allow you to bring in an additional 500 points of units. (Does not affect your allies)
- Distraction play. SACRIFICE 500 points to allow an EASY LANDFALL
ACTION 2: Falsify leaked military intelligence with the intent on diverting enemy forces to a fake landing point
The military data was sent out for a fake landing point. Some of the army was sent out, but most were still sticking towards the most likely landfall positions.