Burngate ( Recruitment )

I have returned *Is carrying a bag full of groceries* Anyway I still really want to do this, like very badly and I already have the first post written, so do you guys still want to do it. I will post the actual thread and if people see us posting they will be drawn to it and actually join.
Okay then I shall post up the Actual Rp. I didn't work for more than 15 minutes on this Rp to watch it die. *Lights a whole bunch of roman candles, they go off shooting colorful balls of fire into the sky*
Name: Evra Y. Fredericks


Gender:Female. WAIT ONE SECOND!!! Fe=Iron Male=Man, So that means Evra is IRON MAN.

I.D Number(Just put in 7 random numbers/letters): 4-Y-8-8-3-F-0

Skills:Evra is very swift and flexible. She can easily fit into spaces most people can't, and is also one of the fastest girls at the construction camp. She can also sing fairly well an oftens does, so as she works. She thinks it helps make time move faster. Last, but not least Evra is kinda a people watcher and can read body language.

Possessions(You may only have 3):Her ragged clothes, a single black ribbon that is as long as she is tall, and a dull, rusty knife.

Personality:Evra doesn't talk much, nor is she friends with many people at camp. But its not like she is shy, or anything people just thinks she is weird and get a creeped out vib when they are around her, mostly because she just always seems to be watching you with those golden eyes of hers. She is what most people call a creeper, or a People watcher. Not sure why, but she just likes to watch people and she how they act. This little habit of hers has come in handy a couple of times though when she has been in a pitch. She is also a very high willed strong child with a tiny bit of a temper and pride often gets in her way. With the mouth of a munchkin sailor moon on her and is as stubborn as the boulders she moves, almost impossible, but eventually breakable.

History(opt): To be learned, as we go on.

Appearance: Thin as a stick figure Evra is very small standing at the height of 4'1 and weighs about 63 lbs. at most it might be less, because she hasn't been weighed in a while. Her hips bones prodded out from under her golden skin and whenever she bends over, or slouches her shoulders blades look, as if they're wings trying to tear the thin flesh that binds them and break free. Besides being ,so thin Evra is a good looking girl, with a firm chin and sharp eyes that look, as if someone found a bucket of Topaz and ground it into a fine dust they made her irises out of it, so they would always seem to glitter even if the light wasn't touching them. Freckles are speckled all over her face, but are mostly located in a line from her right cheek working there way over the bridge of her nose to the left cheek.Her hair is like tarnish copper a dark orangish color that reminds her of rust,yet when the light hits it just right it looks like flames and is cut very shortly to her jawline in a uneven fashion with her knife. She wears a long, sleeveless t-shirt type thing that goes to her thighs like a mini dress and seems to be made out of a thin green material the color of swampy water, along with a pair of trousers that go to her knees that look like the soil after a cooling rain. Both pieces of clothing ragged and slightly torn. But for some reason to wear shoes. She never has, nor will she ever wear them, so the soles of her small feet are thickly padded from all the years of walking on burning hot rocks and being cut by broken galls


Stand out feature: She has bright white scars that cover her legs, but she refuses to tell people who she got them. Also she was with a slight limp.

Extra: She is terrified of deep water, because she can't swim.

(My character Mawahahahahahaha)
Xynia1998 said:
I have returned *Is carrying a bag full of groceries* Anyway I still really want to do this, like very badly and I already have the first post written, so do you guys still want to do it. I will post the actual thread and if people see us posting they will be drawn to it and actually join.
Sounds great. :D
Name: Dash Greyson

Age: 13

Gender: male

ID#: s-1-1-7-m-c-0

Skills: dash is an exelent runner and can run for long distances as well as feel fine under high tempitures. He is very smart as well and can talk his way out of most bad situations.

Bio: to be discovered at a later time.

Personality: dash is a bit rebellious but level headed at the same time. He often gets him self into trouble with the guards just to test their thin limits.

Possessions: the clothes on his back (with out shoes) some pocket lint, and a pocket watch that is nearly broken.

Appearance: dash is surprisingly tall at 5'7" (sorry no metric comparison) with bright blue eyes and blond hair turned brown and matted from the lack of baths and showers. He has a scar on his left forearm from a whipping he receved for being himself. And another scar on his back for the same incident. His feet are rough and callace from the lack of shoes aswell as his hands from the work he is put through. He has a gap in his teeth from theast few baby teeth falling out. His skin is sunburnt from the lack of shade where its normally pale in comparison to others.

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