Burngate ( Recruitment )

Well, I still have to get some information straight'n out and ect. 
Hey should I just post the sign ups here, or should I make a new thread for them.
I was about to PM the visuals, but it looks like you already took care of them. So close.
I apologize for being the one who pointed out the reason for your face being in the ground.
You know what screw it. You are allowed to wing it, but if you want a different role other than being a forced child worker at this camp. Ask me first.
I swear I can hear a whisper's dream as I write this.. Strange, how I can hear the dreams of whispers.

Name: Serus

Age: 9


I.D Number: S1H9217

Skills: He works fast, often working at one and a half times the pace of his fellow slaves. He is able to analyse machinery and the sorts easily, sometimes taking them apart in his head, figuring out what makes them tick.

Possessions: Only the clothes he wears.

Personality: If one word could describe Serus... It would be apathetic. But that's just a word. He is commonly unable to express emotions to others, though, he seems happy at times, with himself, in his own mind. As long as no one is talking to him; he seems rather chipper, filled with energy. If someone comes up to him and speaks to him, his tone will normally be terse, often times giving the shortest possible answer, as if words burnt him. This could come off in multiple ways to the other person, but inside, Serus somewhat cares.. But not enough to show it. His only friend is his brain, commonly supplying him with ours of thoughts, often running into each other, one thought leading to another. Commonly, Serus won't even notice somebody when they speak to him, as if he was drowning in thought, or daydreaming. Again, this could come off as many different things to the other person, and Serus will hear them, he just won't respond until after he's done thinking.

Appearance: Links don't like me. </3 Description: He wears simple pants, black, like a burnt skin, or charcoal after being made. It's a dark black, however, Serus never claims to be hot. He has no shirt, and refuses to wear one, even if he is given one. His fair skin has slowly tanned, and he only occasionally gets bad sunburns. He has short, silver hair, commonly looking like a bird's nest. There's actually a few rumours that a bird does live in there. His eyes are a silver, much more prominent than his hair, almost gleaming when you look at them.

Stand out feature: Several scars running across his back, long, and thin. However, the scars are deep, at the deepest point, one is six centimetres deep.

Extra: Serus is a bit of an air-head at times.
I will do my best! c:

I will do my best! c:<

..No one wishes to join, what shall we do? e_e

Excuse me, but eh, no one wants to join.. Actually, they're too busy. Sorry. .-.
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Nooooooooo D:

What is with this barrage of spoons?!

You know exactly why.

Nem catches every single spoon, and begins to look into them. "So many people staring at me!" :c "Who are they?"

Nem... You're an idiot, dearie.
I just needed to give all these spoons away. I ordered too many on ebay, so I decided to randomly throw them at people. I thought people liked spoons, but I guess I was wrong *goes and cries in the corner*

Anyway I think If I post the Rp somewhere where people can find it easier then people would like to join. I just need to trap them first.


What do you mean by trap?! o;

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