building on bare bones campaigns

Hi guys need help on a artifact.

One of my players wants and hand crossbow the can not only fire bolts it can fire a grappling hook. kinda like batman's grappling hook. he also says its from D&D the crossbow of angalin or something like that. What do you guys think the cost should be since it has to draw on his essence to pull him up. (ubless it was from Autocron) O.o
I imagine that a device that throws a hook to lift the character up would be an Artifact 1 with a medium commitment cost (say, 4).
Why do people always look for complicated stuff... gauntlet of distant claws and there you go !

You get to do Batman AND Wolverine :mrgreen:
But Gauntlets of Distant Claws don't fire crossbow bolts or any other non-retractable ranged weapon.
first sesion was quite an eye opener the players i am currently playing with looked into thing much more and found more side quests then the first group they are also roleplaying off of each others backgrounds and working with me a lot. Yaysies.
Yoooo hoo ppl, how ya been? I have a question. I am sending my players into the deserts of the south. I am wondering how to do some encounters? The desert, as opposed to the forests, are barren so I am curious how you guys would handle it.
Jakk9000 said:
Yoooo hoo ppl, how ya been? I have a question. I am sending my players into the deserts of the south. I am wondering how to do some encounters? The desert, as opposed to the forests, are barren so I am curious how you guys would handle it.
Deserts generally aren't nearly as barren as people generally think (well, people who don't live in deserts). Desert flora tend to be smaller and hardier, Desert fauna tend to be mostly nocturnal. DESERT STUFF:

As far as encounters go: Caravans frequently have to cross desert regions between towns which can lead to all kinds of events. Lost Manse and First Age cities are buried under the sand. Etc.
What kinds of paths do the caravan use? Is there a map or do they have roads of some sort?

I haven't been to or played in any desert games so I have little information on them. I might have to go visit the deserts here. :l
Jakk9000 said:
What kinds of paths do the caravan use? Is there a map or do they have roads of some sort?
I haven't been to or played in any desert games so I have little information on them. I might have to go visit the deserts here. :l
Well, finding a copy of "Compass of Terrestrial Directions: The South" might help.

In any case: Caravan routes tend to follow roads if there are any but in more "wild" areas, they vary a lot more. In a desert, most routes would probably leap frog from one oasis to another so that they don't run out of water. Between major cities, even if they don't have a road, there are probably a few major routes that are commonly used and patrolled. Between minor towns, it will vary from caravan to caravan. Generally a caravan will have a couple of people who know the route (who are either part of the caravan or hired from the region) and they'll lead the rest. Maps of caravan routes are generally not needed or are non-existent outside major routes.

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