building on bare bones campaigns

Ok Now that I have a base plot set what do I need to do now. I have maps I have villains/bandits names.

My only guess is to get the idea of what can go down at each injunction?

Also how much of a background should I give to the players? Most of the players are new btw.
The more you give them about the general setting (basic history-actual events geography etc) the more interesting their RP.

I'd advise giving more infos to those taking high ratings in Lore & Occult... about the gods/demons/spirits/ghosts/faes, and the political situations.

Don't give them too much, so they can enjoy the discoveries :)
kk So like bare bones like the last 800 years Scarlet Empress ruled over creation and then vanished about 8 years ago in the setting.

Where they stand why they are there. Why they would be there and what they are?
I read pg. 1-70 slowly and memorized it quite well is their any more I need to memorize other then the system?
What I do:

1- help the players build the characters and their background

2- study their background to see if there is any possibility for some of them to know each others before the game starts. Example: I have two solars who came from Great Forks, one is a holy woman, the other's the daughter of Shield of a Different Day, these are two solars operating in the same city, they surely know each other.

3- talk to the players and write with them their mutual history.

If a siddy's behind all this, he may be the link between all the exalts, then you need a "presentation session".
Another thing is part of the game and motivation for some is gathering the artifacts so I want to limit them. Should I raise the cost for them, reduce the background points they get or not worry about it?
Depends on what they plan to do with them.

If they sacrifice Background/Bonus points towards the background Artifact, then their pcs will not be very interesting. Contact, Ressources, Influence, Backing, Mentor, Allies are sometimes more useful than a great klave+superarmor+bracers, and always more interesting.

One thing you could do is put a limit to the gearing frenesy. Like 8 points of Artifact max and 1 level 5 max (enough to get a super armor + a grand daiklave).
Hi again. I have a few luners in the game planing on their animal form.

Problem is there isn't stats for them in the main book.

Where would I get the stats for them? They are looking at a Python and a Grey Wolf.
The Core Book has stats for some animals in the Antagonists chapter. The best you can do is take those and adapt them to the forms your players chose. Shouldn't be too hard. Get the stats of a Coral snake, remove poison and add strength to get a python. About the grey wold... er... how is a grey wolf different than other types of wolf?
Hi all again I just noticed that Solars get the shaft in a few ways... Like spending exp Lunars get about the same rate and spending the bonus points starting out. Also just some of the base Knacks for Lunars pump them up to bigger starts too. Not to mention Lunar get more motes of essence starting out. Is there errata or something for Solars or am I missing something in the system mechanics? Also note if this is posted twice or not at all it might be because I am typing this on a PS3 because my pc fried today literaly...
Solars... get the shaft? :|

Mate, Solars are the be all and end all of perfection. That tiny little jump in xp costs for Lunars? Yeah, that makes a fair bit of difference, as does the way Solars get a whole range of Perfect effects and higher dice caps on their Charms. Lunars have their shapeshifting, and only DBT can actually increase their Attributes, but they're not going to match the Solars, though it is close. Generally, Lunars are held to be a bit weaker than Solars, but it's pretty insignificant until you get to the higher Essence levels, where Solars really start to put some distance on the Lunars. But it's still not an insurmountable advantage.

Oh, and some quick calculations on what the two mote pools look like before BP are spent:

Virtues: 2/2/2/3

Willpower: 5

Essence: 2

Personal: 11

Peripheral: 31


Virtues: 2/2/2/3

Willpower: 5

Essence: 2

Personal: 12

Peripheral: 30
And what they look like when they've been maxed out.

Virtues: 5/5/5/5

Willpower: 10

Essence: 5

Personal: 25

Peripheral: 65


Virtues: 5/5/5/5

Willpower: 10

Essence: 5

Personal: 25

Peripheral: 60
To summarise:

1. In play, the difference in xp costs is very noticeable.

2. Solar Charms are generally a little cheaper, and no, they don't get more motes. It's just a little easier for Lunars to get a boost at the start by maxing out a single Virtue.

3. DBT is a powerful advantage, and it's what makes Lunars so good in a fight. Without their DBT and Gift Charms, they can lag behind the Solars a bit.
Ok I kind of get the idea of where you are going but unless my math is rusty don't solars get 28 preph. motes of ess. w/o bonus points? because for solars its the sum not x4 of virtues. But I can vaugely see what you are saying I just hope the players can too.
Ok did a test fight and GD if whoever picks the fight will win.

Now my last major question is now that I have an idea for the first few adv and I have the towns on a map for where they will be starting out. How do I get the npcs general stats? I want them to be hard but I am worried that they will be too hard...
crap epic fail I lost track of how many players and I ended with 11... I have ta cut down to more manageable group of 4 or 5...

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