building on bare bones campaigns

StarHawk said:
Also' date=' about the compassion. I've been a staunch believer in, if you don't want complete jerks require a compassion of 2. Then you can't have characters say "I don't care if this person dies, I have compassion 1" Compassion 2 still doesn't mean they really care, just means the player won't have the excuse of the low compassion. I find compassion fun for some characters. Some of my favorite characters had high compassion. I do not recommend compassion for Lunars as it prevents them from obtaining a secondary human form, but we're not all perfect ;) [/quote']
Well compassion 2 doesn’t restrict lunar shape acquisition; a virtue has to be at least 3 before it needs to be cheeked.

Compassion 2, normal person that can cope with killing (most western armies) perfectly acceptable PC, no mechanical restriction in character behavior, expectation of caring about the fait of innocents but not of interfering

Compassion 1, sociopaths, acceptable PC only with good concept, no mechanical restriction on character behavior, expectation of not caring about innocents,
I re-state. I meant to say, I do not recommend a High compassion for lunars. A compassion of 3 or better means they can't get Prey's Skin Disguise, which I as a player of lunars find so very helpful. So my characters generally have the basic compassion 2. Or I'll do my solar with Compassion 4, Valor 4 (OMG fun)
I'll see what the players will work with I think they might get the swing of what is going on here. Also is there any more detailed place of what the virtues because some see vague more so when you look at what you have to fail a roll to do.
StarHawk said:
I re-state. I meant to say, I do not recommend a High compassion for lunars. A compassion of 3 or better means they can't get Prey's Skin Disguise, which I as a player of lunars find so very helpful. So my characters generally have the basic compassion 2. Or I'll do my solar with Compassion 4, Valor 4 (OMG fun)
But they can. They just need to suppress their Compassion or make a Compassion roll and fail it to USE the knack to gain a new form. This doesn't mean it is not something they can take, nor that it is something they cannot use, just that they are going to be much more careful about its use, and use it as a last resort to gain a form, generally. Of course, a high compassion character is much less likely to use limb removal charms, too, but they can learn those, and sometimes even will have to make a hard choice there as well.
Nothing about the Knack says you can't get it if you have a high compassion...I have a Lunar with it who's afraid to admit it to others because she's afraid they'll think she's even more of a monster. Got a 4 compassion, she does. It's part of the fun of the character. *shrugs* And besides, in order to get Compassionate Mirror Nature and Courtesan's Possession (both of which allow gaining of human forms without killing the person and thus don't require the compassion roll) require Prey's Skin Disguise to get. assumes one can get it even if they have a high compassion, otherwise they wouldn't have knacks based off it that get around that compassion issue.

A high compassion Lunar just won't use it much. And I don't see where that's a problem, really.
Jakk9000 said:
Epic fail I lost the players...
you lost them? Can't find them? Or they never came back? They opted to play something else? Sorry, I'm just confused by the statement, not trying to rub salt in any wounds.
I player opted to play start wars taking another player with him and another didn't like the fact that there were so many dice involved...

I am going to opt out of trying to run Exalted now to run something with mods. I really wish it had worked out. I like the Exalted world a lot.
They piss me off some days. They want more gms at the store but they aren't willing to work with me...

I am sick of players... i'll be leaving gming to gms who can deal with them...
Judging by his IP, he's in the verdant State of Utah.
Sanke, Flagg.

Too bad.

If he was in Wichita, I could hook him up with my game (or a different group, if he wanted to keep clear of me :P ).
O.o how do you know my IP?

BTW Utah sucks...

P.S. I going to hide in my emo box till finals are over...
Jakk9000 said:
O.o how do you know my IP?
BTW Utah sucks...

P.S. I going to hide in my emo box till finals are over...
Because he's the admin here. Any forum admin can find it out easilly enough. Kind of a necessity so they can do things like ban people.
Ya good news is finals are over bad news is any of the players at the store seem to have add cause they keep switch games a lot.
Yes but they don't like taking forever to make characters so because they took forever their first time they wasted a lot of time.
Well, Exalted Midget has ADD (and OCD and Dyslexia), so he hyper-focuses on gaming and has, I believe, around a dozen Solar starting characters, a few starting Lunar characters and a starting Dragon-Blooded character just so he doesn't have to make them later.

So, ADD is not really a viable excuse. It just means that you make a character, wait to calm down, then play the game. And it's probably less of a case of ADD than they are getting bored because they are looking for "the perfect game" and can't find it (probably because they are all looking for a different version of perfect and all want to game together).

If it is ADD, then all you have to do is set up a game with a different storyteller and do a different one every other week. Or do, say, a Star Wars game the first week, D&D the second week, ShadowRun the third week and Exalted the fourth week.

Mix it up a little to keep them from getting complacent.

If neither of those methods work, then they need help and you might look into moving to a different gaming location/ city.
*Squiggles* I found a better group they asked me quite a few times to run exalted so I am hoping since they asked for it they will work with me ^_^

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