Broken world

"I know we all have secrets Luna, Cheshire, and I thank you for not questioning. I'd rather keep what I am a secret for now, I'm a monster, the definition of one. Here, not like it matters." He wasn't being dismissive, not by a long shot, either way he knew that he'd run out of that medication, they'd know what he really was one way or another. He opened his hand and showed the needle, encased in white plastic with a label on it. The label read. "Codename: Echo." Echo, mentioned between the various prisoners. It was almost like a legend, a monster as he'd said that lived somewhere. The story went that, like most in that place, he was made of an experiment, bred to kill, nothing more. Echo was a name given to the screams that often followed reports of testing on this creature, they pulsated through the hallways. On his pda was a file of this, no pictures, no one had survived to take them, but he need not show them for the time being. Cheshire he knew would have an idea, and Luna.. he hoped her naivety would protect her. The fact was, Echo was described as pure horror, a heartless killer, someone that was born to end lives. Just who was Tetsuya? Why would he help them, if the descriptions were right, he would just as well end them as the soldiers, though he'd helped, taken a bullet for the two of them. "Cheshire, you've heard the stories haven't you? The monster. Echo." The reason for his position in the facility was that he'd calmed himself, been pushed back with medication, he was still strong, far stronger than the average person but much of what he could do wasn't quite clear, there had been bodies carted away from experiments, men ripped in half, heads removed, true horror, the room Echo had been kept in at first was stained red. The usually white walls were never cleaned, they couldn't be, it was too dangerous.
Tetsuya opened up his hand and showed them the needle. It read 'codename: echo'. Luna gave him a questioning glance. What was echo? He didn't respond to her gaze, but instead asked Cheshire if he'd heard the stories. She was curious, but judging from Cheshire's response and the look passed between them, she figured she probably didn't want to know. She had thought that Cheshire was the more dangerous of the two, but perhaps she had been wrong.
Cheshire snarled at the name. "Tch. I've heard if that freak," he spat, coldly . "Heard stories from other prisoners. You know, the ones that can talk real loud. That freaking thing kills everything. Absolutely everything." Cheshire spat out the words like poison and fire. Was Tetsuya Echo? (dunno if I had the right idea or not) He knew Tetsuya had the full potential to rival that Echo thing. And he wouldn't be surprised. He then looked at Tetsuya and knew that the medication he had injected himself with wouldn't last forever. Whoever-- or whatever- that medicine locked back was sure to break out one day. What would they do then? Would they come back and ask for more? Heck no. Maybe they cpuld figure out how to make the medicine. He highly doubted that.
Tetsuya looked at him with mild anger in his eyes, they needed to hurry but not without him defending. "We're all freaks, all the experiments, the Echo trials were nothing new, they just worked that time. Come on, we have to get out of here." as he continued to walk, heading up the stairs Luna had spoke about, things seemed to change from the dull tone in the tunnels. The sweet taste of the outside air was near, though it wasn't filtered, it was like breathing freedom. They found themselves in a large hangar, a section for the crafts they were after, the ones they hoped Luna could fly. There were guards, waiting for them to emerge. They hadn't banked on them arriving from the tunnels, he hoped that, with enough speed, they could fly out of there, be free to see the sky. He crouched behind some nearby ammo crates, stacked on a white and yellow forklift, it sat behind a large rack of supplies, ones that'd be sent out to troops or experimentation squads. "Luna, I need you to get us out of here.. I've seen some of these things before." he picked up a handful of grenades, several attatched to belts, hooking around ten belts over himself, dropping the bag. Echo or no, he would kill soon, but for necessity, to escape. The building they were in was of scrap metal, just to house the vehicles, part built into the lobby of an old banking tower. The supports looked part rusted, sterdy but with enough force, the whole roof of that section would collapse, he hoped. His plan was to allow them to fly up and out of it, but he'd need help. "Cheshire.. I've seen the guards use these, just press the button on the belt, it can be timed I think.. I stole one of the belts once. I need you to climb up, those things supporting the roof.. blow them up, blow them up so we can see it, see the sky." Even if his plan failed, even if they tried to get out of there and were shot down or Luna crashed, to see the sunlight beaming down towards them, to see the clouds, the blue of it, mixed with white. He'd seen drawings and pictures but he dreamed to see it now, Echo could wait, Tetsuya was Tetsuya, he would still lead. No matter what he was, he was helping these two, he wanted them to come with him, what Cheshire said had meant a lot, though he didn't show it.. it did. Having friends, ridiculous to think of before, but now he would die without he thought
Cheshire's response was one of pure hatred. Luna was rather taken aback. Luckily, Tetsuya ended the dialogue abruptly, telling them that they needed to move on. She followed a few feet behind him as he led them up the stairs and out into a hanger. She had seen the outside before, but it was so different on this side. A few airplanes lined the walls and Luna was itching to get in one and fly. She had missed the sky that she once knew. "Luna, I need you to get us out of here" Tetsuya said. "Of course" Luna responded, her voice sounding a whole lot sweeter than she felt, " Whatever you need".
[sure go for it, I try to make sure if one person doesn't reply, they're not left behind.. so far the order is myself, Luna, Spirit wolf, then you.. the order we joined. What's your character gonna be? So we can find a way to bring them in soon with it still making sense.]
(More of an abandoned soul type. Deemed worthless by society, not a penny to his name, etc. Has been tested on, causing his right eye to become blind, and causing a scar to ripple up his left arm. Currently sentenced for execution, has a plan to break out. However, it might not work... [where you guys come in, possibly])
Cheshire reverted back, showin no signs of past emotion. He snickered darkly," Yessir," he grabbed several grenades and shoved them into his red-and-black coat and yanked out his enormous chain. He hadn't used it in a while. Inhaling deeply, Cheshire hurled the long chain up, and grabbing a support beam. Cheshire used both the chain and his five-foot tail to support himself up, weightless but it was hard. He swung in the air, and everything felt like it was slow-motion, and Cheshire clicke dthe little detonator and threw it at the first support beam. He landed on one knee, swinging his chain like a sideways lasso. He stood up and laughed quietly as the beam exploded in a boom. Cheshire looked to see if Tetsuya and Luna were fine. He wouldn't want support beams falling on his friends, now wouldn't he?
"Good." Tetsuya said quietly, watching his friend go up his chain. He too figured it best to get to work. He looked towards Luna, giving her a reassuring smile before starting up to the support beam. He stepped off a nearby wooden box, up onto the top of the racks, jumping off of that to the wall, stepping off and grabbing the other support beam. He wrapped the many grenade belts around the second beam, setting them to go off. He leaped off towards a nearby craft, landing on it and rolling off onto the floor. The two pilots next to it he quickly killed with two quick choke slams to the floor, followed by a hard couple of punches, breaking their necks and closing their windpipes, they'd die soon. "Luna! Cheshire, come on!" he shouted, the ceiling in front of them starting to bend and buckle, the sound of strained metal filling the air after the dust settled from the explosions. Soon, the ceiling fell in, crushing the rest of the troops as they tried to rush forward and stop the trio. An unfamiliar light beamed in. The sky, though it wasn't as beautiful as it had once been, to Tetsuya it would be the most stunning sight he'd ever seen. The light beamed in, for a moment he forgot about everything, just watching it, reaching out as if trying to touch it.. like a child with a christmas present.
(I'm going to be offline for about a week due to some rl stuff. Feel free to do what you want with Luna.)

Luna watched the two boys go to work, pulling down the beams and causing the ceiling to collapse. She moved quickly out of the way, narrowly avoiding getting crushed. She let out a small sigh of relief and looked up. Sunlight flooded the area, it was warm and almost blinding. She smiled; this sun was something she could get used to. She shook her head, clearing it of the inchanting sun. "Come on guys! We should probably get a move on before more guards find their way over here!" She walked towards one of the helicopters, peering into the cockpit and trying to get a feel for the controls. She smiled once more. She was familiar with these kinds of helicopters; flying this one would be a piece of cake.
Cheshire yelled a "Yes sir" from where he was, and leaped a single bound over to the helicopter, buckling quickly. He sat on the side, and when the helicopter rose, he wanted to break down. A sudden flash of warm sunlight came from the sky, and his claws gripped against his side. He held his breath and took it all in. They had done it. They had escaped with no deaths, and all himself, Tetsuya and Luna were in one piece. He gave a shriek and exclaimed," Tetsuya! Luna! There! There's the sky!!!" He said, blinking back tears. All those experiments. All those lonely day in the cell were gone. They had made it to freedom.
Tetsuya smiled, sitting on the opposite side of the helicopter to Cheshire, quite amazed at how well Luna was flying. Though a few odd guards started firing towards them, none off the bullets came close. Soon enough they were flying across the once bustling London, a long time ago it was filled with people, cars all going in opposite directions, everyone going somewhere. Now it lay in ruins, many of the buildings in ruin, some of the roads completely wrecked, the whole thing was a wasteland and yet, so beautiful. Even as it was, the city seemed to take away Tetsuya's worries, anything on his mind was there no longer, being out, in to the air, taking in as many large gulps of it as possible, the sweet taste of freedom. Now all they needed to do was find somewhere, perhaps out nearer the country, or maybe even in one of the cities, make one of the buildings home, they could explore, do what they wanted now. They might have had to keep running but that didn't matter, Tetsuya would rather run forever than stay one more second in that facility, where the screams of the damned were his only company.
Cheshire coughed himself back to normal, and choked," Well, we made it out guys, but where do we go?" He asked, a big smile on his face. The city below was beautiful compared to whatever he had to stare at all day. Cheshire checked their big bag, to confirm they had food and the important stuff. There was that too. They had to find a source of food. They could steal, but wouldn't that cause even more mayhem? Maybe they could find jobs, but it would be rather hard on Luna. He shook his head, think about that later. Just stay in the moment. Just bathe in the glory of success. He couldn't ever done it without Tetsuya and Luna. What an interesting trio.
Tetsuya looked towards Luna, she was quiet.. perhaps, like them, stunned. No matter, she could say nothing and he'd still protect her, and Cheshire too, he looked down at himself, the uniform he'd put on for their escape. He still had his side arm, he'd hang on to that, quite useful in the right situation. As they continued to fly it all seemed unreal, Tetsuya went back to his old ways, an odd shy looking man. He begun pinching his arm to wake himself up, praying it wasn't a dream. He crawled over to his friend, sitting next to him, attaching his shoulder bag to a hook next to them. They had enough food to last them a short while, long enough to find another food source he hoped. He looked towards Cheshire, placing a hand on his back. "I need to speak to you." he said quietly, so Luna could not hear. "It's about Echo."
Cheshire noticed Tetsuya was leaning over to him. (pfft yaoi xD ) He flicked his ear over toward him, speaking a "hm?" And Cheshire blinked. "Ah... What about Echo? I heard a little but not much. Other prisoners don't gossip about too many things," he said. Spades reverted his attention from the surrounding environment to his friend, and leaned in.

(Srry cant think of anythin to say rite nao .n. I ish brain-dead)
Tetsuya sighed, looking down at the ground as it whizzed past, some buildings a lot worse than others, all of them an opportunity he thought. Echo was a name more whispered than only spoken about, some of the prisoners had been killed, forced to fight whatever this thing was, Cheshire would have been the next to face whatever it was. "Not many people did hear much.. most were killed or failing that their description was fairly vague, they didn't let anyone really see what it was, they kept the room dark for "victims." I need to know what you know about it, what you HAD heard."
"What I heard..." Cheshire repeated the words, softly like a whisper. Most of the time it was short murmurs, or a crazed being scrraming random things, and sometimes the name 'Echo' would appear in their words. "Heard it kills within one or two swipes, real big with sharp teeth," Cheshire spoke," Kept somewhere in the facility--probably the back-- but I never heard the real location." He squinted his eyes, trying to bring back the little fragments of what he remembered," I heard the guys there feed that 'Echo' other prisoners. Just for the sake of fun. They say Echo only eats 'real food' like... people," he said, wincing at the last part. Cheshire then darted to Tetsuya, and raised his hands in defense," but hey, I dunno if this is true or not, just repeating what I heard!" Cheshire said in case he was wrong. He didn't want to upset Tetsuya, because he knew he could end his life if he wanted to.
Tetsuya took a deep breath, looking to his friend, who seemed more scared than before. "Cheshire. I realise what that, monster was.. what it is, and what it can be. Something you have to know.." His next words were ones he'd never spoke before, not to anyone, words of horror it seemed. "I. Am. Echo." he said it a low voice, turning away from Cheshire after uttering it. Though it wasn't exactly comforting advice, the only reports of this creature were of rumour. He didn't look like a monster, no tentacles or huge teeth, no visible claws.. in fact Cheshire had longer ones than he. It begged several questions, why is he described as a monster, some abomination, despite his enhanced capabilities, Tetsuya acted much in the same way regular people would, he ate, slept, drunk, he had emotions, felt pain, everything. If he was Echo, what happened to the hulking abomination, the creature that seemed to bring even the hardest of veterans to a blubbering mess.
(kinda had that coming xD )

Cheshire almost choked on his breath. He hacked a few times before covering his mouth with one clawed hand. He shot a look at Luna, reassuring her he had just simply had a hairball or something. Cheshire turned to Tetsuya and spoke," You serious? Was that why you took that weird medicine?" He asked, more concerned than angry. "You're gonna have to careful, buddy."
Tetsuya didn't look up, he didn't turn to his friends, 'nor did he seem to make any sort of emotions at all, ashamed of what he was. "I'll clear a few things up, I don't kill and devour people." He started off saying, that would be the most important point to make. "I've killed a great many people but, never the innocent, the prisoners that had to fight me I warned them no ttoo. The guards, well they deserve it, every single one. I'm not a monster, I don't think I am.. "
Cheshire grinned and gave him a friendly side-hug," Che. Cheshire doesn't think you're a monster. You kill 'cause you have to, and you think it would be the right thing to do." Cheshire snickered," There I go again, talking like i'm smart," he gave Tetsuya a pat," Well, big scary monster or not, you're still Tetsuya. And if you go and try to mass-murder, I'll ge the first one to slap ya across the face!" He said, joking a bit. Cheshire seemed to lighten up alot more after he had met Luna and Tetsuya. They were like family to him now.
"What are you...?" he trailed off, not really understanding the reaction that Cheshire had, a friendly hug wasn't exactly what he'd expected . "You are smart Cheshire, in a very odd way.. thanks." He forced a half smile but didn't seem to loosen up much.. for good reason. They weren't in the clear yet, they were being followed, two crafts the same as theirs coming up behind, full of troops. "Cheshire.. don't take this badly but.. we need to stop speaking, Luna.. you need to go faster!" He stood himself up, grabbing a rifle from a gun rack on the roof, they were tucked up there to keep out of the way, though in a gun fight he wasn't best confident they would win, he'd give it a shot, protect his friends at least. "No matter what happens, don't slap me in the face, murder is what I need to do."
(I'll try to get on as often as I can. You'll have to forgive me if I'm not on very much.)

Everyone got in the craft and they took off. High above everything, Luna forced herself to smile. She was thrilled to be out of the facility and flying a helicopter again, but leaving everything she had ever known was hard. Had she not smiled, she likely would have burst into tears. She kept silent for the flight, knowing her voice would surely betray her. In the seats behind her, she could hear snatches of the boys' conversation. She didn't quite get all of it, but she heard enough to understand what was being said. So Tetsuya's a monster. She griminced. But I guess I knew that well enough from the beginning. From behind them, several other crafts apeared. Luna looked behind her, awaiting instruction. "...go faster" Tetsuya commanded. She smiled; that she could do. The helicopter sped up, but they didn't seem to be losing the other crafts. Luna sighed; there would be blood.
Cheshire gave Tetsuya a silent nod, looking up at the crafts behind them. Cheshire held up a sniper, one he supposedly had gotten before they left, and tried his best to aim. High in the skies isn't relaly the best suited place for a sniper, but it was better than nothing. He gave a deep breath, clicking the trigger with a snap, and it sped forward, at an amazing rapid pace. He purred a sense of delight as it went and lodged into one of the men, and his sharp ears could hear the man screaming. A wicked, malicious smile broke across his face as he watching the man fall. This was very fun to him. But unfortunately, the man Cheshire had gotten was in the 'passenger' seat, and he couldn't get a good aim at the pilot. Cursing under his breath, Cheshire whipping his tail and became poised for another attack.

Before he could shoot another, a different man sent about a dozen shots his way. Luckily, it didn't harm him, but the sudden attack did startle him for a moment, losing his focus for a split second.

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