Broken world

[[ You know you two left me out for like, the last 6 posts.. ]]

[[ Gotta be a little more patient, I can't always reply when you want me too ]]

Tetsuya removed his guard helmet and threw it to the side, as guards came into the elevator, starting to fire up at him. He figured out his weapon, shooting back down at them. He hardly knew his two companions, they had only met for a couple of hours, but they were with him now, he refused to let them die. The bullets rang past, gracing his cheek a stern resolute expression on his face. As the elevator rumbled again, he realised why, there was no backup cable to the lift, and the main had been split with a gun shot. As Cheshire leaned down over Luna, time seemed to slow, at least for Tetsuya. That was part of him, in a great panic, things slowed, he could react quicker. The elevator lerched to one side and then, the cable snapped, sending them down. In a split second, he grabbed Cheshire, putting his hand on the armoured vest on his soldier outfit, he then gripped the cable, sliding down it some before holding tight. As it fell, the remaining guards fired off a few round, cutting his shoulder, weakening it.. another round flew past his leg and the third, hit his free shoulder. "Ah! Damnit!" he screamed, the bullet becoming lodged in the joint, a burst of extreme pain shooting through it. He couldn't look down, and wondered if Cheshire had managed to hold onto Luna, the poor girl didn't deserve to die, adrennaline surged into his system, allowing him, for a short time, to speak. "Cheshire.. get up, come on, you have to climb up.. don't worry about me.. just get yourselves to the surface, see the sky."
Gunshots exploded all around them. To Luna it was nothing but a deafening blast of sound. Things began to shake and then plummet towards the ground. She could feel this, sort of. Something snagged her in her fall, jerking her to a halt. She could vaguely feel the air exit her lungs and then flood back in. Was she breathing? Maybe. It was hard to be sure. Nothing really made sense. Everything that was happening seemed disjointed and unrelated, like she was looking at snapshots. Things were beginning to loose a bit of their blurriness, but nothing was anywhere near being clear yet. The voices she could hear seemed to come from the outside as opposed to her head. She didn't really understand what was going on and she had no way to ask. She couldn't feel too much of herself; it was more like her body was a weight tied to her conciousness that was keeping it from drifting off. She mostly wanted to slip away into a field of the abyss, but sleep, it seemed, would not come that easy.
(sorry, just wanted to keep tetsuya in the scene :D )

At the last minute, Cheshire had managed to jerk up Luna with one hand, for she wasn't that heavy. "No way Tetsuya!" He hissed. Cheshire could see an opening about five to six feet up, an upper floor. "We're all gonna see the sky, okay?!" Cheshire spat and summoned all his strength. It would be very dangerous. Cheshire held onto Luna tighter and wrapped his long 5-foor tail around Tetsuya's waist and leaped up to the next upper floor. He almost missed, gripping the ledge with his claws. Cheshire along with Luna and Tetsuya were painstakingly hard to keep ahold, but Cheshire managed to hurtle Luna up. Cheshire lifted himself up, and slipped a bit due to the gash on his shoulder he recived when unlocking the cells earlier. With a final attempy, Cheshire lifted his tail along with Tetsuya up to the ledge. He noticed Tetsuya's bulleted arm," H-hey! You alright?!" He looked at it, inspecting the injury.
All the impact had managed to jolt Luna back to reality. She was still in horrible shape, but at least she was concious. Her breathing was terrible. She hated how useless she was. She couldn't stand being pathetically human. At this rate, she'd probably get them all killed. She began to speak, her voice little more than a hoarse whisper. "Listen. I want you to go." Her breath was all used up and she had to stop and regain it. "I'm just going to get you guys killed..." Her voice trailed off as she ran out of air yet again.
"I'm fine, don't worry about me.." his pain was all too clear, though he had a high threshold for it, the experiments often hurting him a lot, a gunshot was something else. He didn't say anything to Luna, he knew how it would play out, they'd argue, she'd say the same thing and Cheshire would probably just get angry. Tetsuya looked at his heavily bleeding shoulder, he hadn't the time for it, they could deal with injuries when they were free. He ripped off the sleeves of his outfit, grabbing some bandages and tying them hard around it, they became soaked quickly but to him it didn't matter. "Thank you Cheshire, you saved my life, I won't forget it.. friend" He picked Luna up and put her on his back again, telling her to be careful. They'd arrived in a disused floor, abandoned after a fire when the facility was still in early stages. It was eary yet, welcoming. The darkness was safety for Tetsuya, despite the low light levels he started walking, stumbling somewhat but keeping himself upright, able to see despite a lack of a light. So that Luna didn't become scared he took out a torch, attached to his belt, handing it up to her. "Come on, one floor up we'll be free, just one more push.."
To Luna's dismay, Tetsuya picked her up and placed her on his back. She wasn't feeling very strong, but she at least had to make an attempt to get off. She pressed her hands against his back, trying to push herself away from him. She didn't really think she'd succeed, but she figured once she had made it obvious he would put her down. "Put me down", she whispered, her voice still raspy with long pauses taken to catch her breath. She hadn't made much headway in getting down. However, she had struggled enough to make it very clear that she wasn't happy and wanted off. She wished she had some sort of weapon. If she were to kill herself they'd have to leave her.
Cheshire stepped up very quietly. Some thing kept going across his mind. Had Tetsuya called him a friend? It felt strange and fuzzy, but it was nice to feel appreciated. Cheshire inspected his claws, mumbling a bit because they had become slightly nulled when he gripped the ledge so hard. "Where to? The elevator's been jacked," he grumbled, grumpy and a bit tired. The lack of light was fine to Cheshire. His feline eyes adjusted much better here, and he saw that there seemed to be no one here. Abandonded. "Would there be stairs...?" He asked, running his hands down the wall, only to see dirt and debris float around him. He found it kinda hard to breathe normally, for the dust was everywhere. Not good for anyone who was allergic. "Seems... desolate," Cheshire commented, stating the obvious.
Tetsuya put a hand on his shoulder, adjusting the bandages, the pain growing. He took out a bottle of pain pills, ones he'd taken before, taking two of them, the usual amount. "Luna, you're staying there." he said in response to the young girl, she'd get lost in the darkness without them. He continued walking with them, the odd piece of equipment revealed this floor to be an old medical wing. Tetsuya grabbed a nearby metal bar, broken from some odd walking stick for patients with injured legs, holding it in his hand just in case. "There should be, these floors and the ones above are old, I think there's stairs. Luna, when I was young, the notes my parents left, they told me about something. A way we can travel, a flying machine, do you know how we can use one?" being trapped down there, of course he wouldn't know the proper name for a lot of things above ground. What he was speaking of was a personel carrier, a helicopter with seats in an open section in the middle, for quick drop off. He'd had drawings of it, and he thought, if anything, that'd be a way to escape, get away, get some distance. "We need to get away as fast as we can."
Luna stopped struggling. Tetsuya wasn't putting her down and she hadn't the power to do it herself. He asked her about a flying machine. She gave a short, little giggle; the way he didn't know about the world was adorable.Her breath was coming back and she was beginning to sound like herself again. "You mean a helicopter. I learned how to fly one a long time ago..." She took a breath; she wasn't completely recovered yet. "I might not be the best pilot, but I'm sure I can manage". She grinned slightly; she had enjoyed flying on the few occasions she had done it.
"Helicopper..." Cheshire mumbled. The sound of the words tingled on his tongue. He almost got the pronunciation right, but it was pretty close. "This thing... flies?!" He was utterly bewildered. Only birds could fly! How could a non-bird thing exist?! "A creature of legend...?" He asked, having never seen modern technology. "We gotta find it! We could ask it to fly us out of here!" He threw his arms in the air and cheered. "But where IS the helicopper?" Cheshire flicked his ear, annoyed we had to find a freaking magical metal beast. He hated to depend on others. (obviously he doesnt kno what a helicopter is xD ) He snarled, irratated," Where could it be, in this entire building?!" Cheshire growled and kicked a piece of rotten wood, hissing and winced as he drew back. The wood hurt alot more than it looked.
Luna held back laughter as she listened to Cheshire's words. She smiled at him, but just a little bit; she was afraid he'd think she was mocking him. "A helicopter is a machine. People build them. They're not legendary-although they're probably fairly rare now." A laugh escaped before she could stifle it; this was just too funny. "We have several here in the institute. They're all on the roof. As far as flying goes, people learn how to make it fly."
Tetsuya rolled his eyes, but thanked Luna, though it was quite a funny moment they had no time to laugh at each other. He continued down along the corridor, coming to an old metal door with a rusted padlock on it, putting the bar he'd found just behind it and pulling it off with a dusty snap. The door hadn't been opened for quite a while, but a good solid kick soon saw to that. It stumbled him a little, he'd lost a fair amount of blood, but death wasn't an option, he'd not even consider letting go without escaping. Heading up the worn stair case they eventually came to a door that read "London underground access." Great, tunnels he thought, though this would be the last one, he still didn't enjoy being underground much.. living his entire life made him long for something else, something different. Breaking the lock off of that door with another burst of dust they found themselves on the old train tracks, broken down trains behind them from an old crash and odd pieces of rubble in front. "Luna.. do you know how to get out of here?" he asked, praying she'd know but doubting it.
Tetsuya lead them into a subway tunnel. Luna looked around, she had seen plenty of subway maps but she had never been in a real one. It was old and almost everything was broken, but she thought it must have been lovely while it was still in use. She got down very clumsily and began to walk around the tunnel. Her gait was really more of a partial limp due to her injured leg which was still giving her grief. Had she her normal range of motion, she likely would have been dancing in this most dreary of tunnels. The sound of her steps irritated her; she was used to being nearly silent, but her leg made that impossible. She ran her hand along the walls, feeling the symbols that had been caved into them. She thought about Tetsuya's question for a bit before giving her response. "This is my first time--being in one of these subways, that is. I've seen lots of maps, though. If this is anything like most maps indicate...then I could probably get us out."
As Cheshire walked down, he felt an eerie sensation," Well, Luna, if you know how to figure them out, better do it quick... this place creeps me out," he whispered the last part. The echo and wisps of the tunnel gave him a strange feeling. The kind of tingly feeling when you think someone's following you. His voice quivered and his tail shook. This wasn't normal. Cheshire felt against the wall and dusted some debris off. He heard a clatter and spun around, not seeing anything. Why was he so jumpy? His breath was quickening and he spazzedo out at every noise. "Tch..." he hissed at himself. He was usually so calm over these little noises! He gripped his knuckles and breathed heavily. Cheshire needed to calm down. He gitted his teeth and looked over to Luna.
"Come on, let's go, we have to .. to go soon,need to get out of here.." Tetsuya's speech was becoming slurred. As he watched his companions and the surrounding areas his vision too was getting a little fuzzy around the edges. To stop himself falling he placed a hand on the dusty stone walls, it felt comforting, anywhere was better than that damn facility. As he started to walk he stumbled, propping himself up with the metal pole he had in his hand, letting the shoulder bag slip down onto the floor. "I.. don't feel too well.." he said quietly to himself, promptly collapsing soon after. The loss of blood through his shoulder was starting to get dangerous. The were so close, just one more level 'till they could get to a helicopter out of there but, he'd not counted on such an injury, he needed help, he hoped he could rely on Cheshire and Luna, without them.. he was doomed to fail
"Bah! Idiot! Could've told us!" Cheshire hissed and picked up Tetsuya, throwing his arm over his own shoulder. Cheshire looked at Tetsuya," You okay? Don't push yourself, buddy," he mumbled and heaved Tetsuya up. Cheshire looked don the long, narrow tunnel. Where ere they to go? The only sounds were their own or the quiet patter of mice. It was too eerily quiet, and Cheshire could sense something wrong about this. Cheshire winced as he held his injured companion, for his own shoulder was hurting from the slice when he unlocked the cages. Yet his injury was not as bad as Tetsuya's gunshot wound. Cheshire practically owed him his own life, and Cheshire wasn't going to let him die.
"Alright. I think we should go..." Luna began to point towards the way that she believed would lead out. She stopped; the feeling that something was wrong filled her. She whirled around just in time to watch Tetsuya collapse. She rushed over to where Cheshire was helping him up. "Are you alright?" she whispered, her tone slightly panicked. She noted that his eyes were slightly blurred as she moved to the other side of him to help hold him up. She wasn't very big, nor was she strong, so she doubted she would be much help. But Cheshire was already injured and she would do what she could. She pointed in the direction that she believed they should go. "I think we need to go this way". She wasn't much of a leader and her attempt at taking charge was pretty weak. Still, she could get them out and to do so would involve giving directions.
"Okay... Let's go, Tetsuya..." Cheshire pulled Tetsuya along with him. It was fairly difficult, but not too hard. Cheshire used his tail to wrap around Tetsuya's waist like before, but this time it was for support. He was thankful for Luna. She tried her best at helping, and Cheshire awknowledged that. His head strained up to see where they were going, seeing fairly easily through the dark light with his catlike eyes. Yet that same sensation still tickled his spine. Was someone--or something-- watching them?

He pushed the thought to the back of his mind. This was no time to worry about little things. They simply just needed to get the heck out of this place they call a medical hospital. Yet he could tell something was wrong.

Cheshire looked over to Luna, who was supporting Tetsuya's other arm," Now where to?" Cheshire's attention then reverted to Tetsuya, checking if he didn't thoroughly break down yet. He told himself he wouldn't let anyone die, but unfortunately he was now having his doubts.
Luna pointed to the left where part of the tunnel branched off. "It should be this way" she declared, still a bit unsure of this new leadership thing. She began to move in that direction, going slowly so not to hurt jostle Tetsuya unnecessarily. Cheshire moved with her, his pace fairly quick despite the extra weight he was carrying and his injury. They reached the spot where the tunnel branched off and walked down it. Luna gave directions as they came to new turns and twists. Much to her relief, this was almost exactly like the maps she had seen. Things began to widen out and get brighter as they came to an area that was used for boarding trains. The faint outline of a stairwell was faintly visible in the distance. A halo of light came from above it. The light was beautiful although clouded with dust. Luna filled with delight. They were going to get out!
"Thank.. you." as he stumbled with them, trying not to hinder their movement, pushing himself as always. As he kept walking he kept a hand on his shoulder, pressing hard to stop the bleeding, though as he continued on there came a number of small sickening noises, like cracks mixed with squelching sounds. They quite clearly caused him pain but he didn't seem to care about them, acting as if it were a normal thing. "Ah.. that hurts, I always hate this part.. Cheshire, keep walking, please." he pushed him away, not with a great amount of force but enough to get him away. He grabbed hold of the bag and rummaged around into it, soon enough finding what he was looking for. Ripping off the bandages he plunged a needle of blue liquid into the wound. Turning around so they couldn't see the only thing going on were sounds. More of the sickening crunches, the sound of a small piece of metal hitting the floor and then, nothing. What it was he'd injected wasn't clear, what the hell happened to him wasn't either, but afterwards he simply stood up, limped a little then started to walk again. "Come on." he told them both, a new confidence in his voice, but round his wound a small black mark, the blood having changed colour, at least that's what it looked like.
Odd squelches and cracks came from Tetsuya's arm. "Are you...?" asked an uneasy Luna, cut off by his assurance that he was okay. She didn't really believe him, but she figured he would tell them if he really couldn't go on. A few moments later Tetsuya shoved them both off, moving at a blinding speed. He grabbed something from the medical bag Cheshire was carrying. Luna couldn't tell, but it looked like some sort needle. He turned around and injected the substance into his shoulder. "Come on" he directed, turning around. This threw Luna into a state of panic. She knew what could be in some of those needles now. "What was in that?" she cried, "Why would you put that in your arm?! What if...?!". She trailed off, refusing to voice what came next. She moved quickly toward him, her body trembling a bit. "Let me see that..." She held out her hand for the needle and stood on her toes, trying to see his shoulder.
"I'm fine." he said blankly, putting his hand on where the wound was and clicking his shoulder one more time, it'd gotten stiff from the bullet lodging into it earlier. He'd still lost a fair amount of blood but with the pain fading he was a little better, stumbling still but leaning against the wall every so often to keep himself upright "What was in that, was nothing you should be concerned with. It's mine, not yours." he seemed very defensive about the needle, he'd injected it completely into himself, though he looked a little better it didn't take away from what had happened. "This is my medication, I'll give you the important information, if either of you inject this, you'll die.. and not a pleasant death. This is made for me." He turned around to look at Luna, then Cheshire, his face had changed somewhat, his expression turned to defensive as he held the needle loosely in his hand, the label just covered up by his hand.
Luna stood silently as she listened to Tetsuya's responses. Her shoulders shook as she held back the words she wanted to scream at him. She counted to ten and let her shoulders slowly relax. "You're not fine" she whispered slowly, her voice a controlled monotone. She turned and walked back to Cheshire's side, parking herself next to him and turning her face away sightly in an act of defiance. She stewed silently, masking her anger fairly well. She had every right to be worried about him. They were in this together weren't they?
Cheshire continued supporting Tetsuya, but kept his head faced the other direction. He had kept quiet, but finally mumbled," Weird funky medication or not, you're still Tetsuya. We're together. We're gonna get outta this freakpalace and I think we have every right to worry about your safety." He said, almost irratated," Everyone has secrets. Heck, even me. You can tell us any time, buddy. We're not gonna hate on you if ya decided to keep whatever that blue stuff is secret," he seemed to have trouble putting it in words and sighed. "All I'm saying is, it's okay if you don't want us to know something, but we're always open when you're ready." Cheshire then slapped his head with his free arm," Che! What am I saying?!" He laughed," Che. I'm just a rugged old housecat! Who am I to say this crap?!" He threw his head back in a quiet laugh. Maybe they would get out alive. Maybe. Maybe.
Luna listened quietly to Cheshire's words. He was right; she knew he was. She didn't like it though, not one bit. She kept her face turned away slightly as she looked at Tetsuya. She took care to avoid his eyes. She feared that if their eyes met, her clouded feelings would be given away. She wanted to know about him now. She couldn't possibly help him if she didn't know about him. Like the medicine. What made him so different from her exactly?

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