Broken world

Luna had never been so relieved as she was when she heard Tetsuya's response. She had an ally now, one much stronger than she could ever hope to be. She felt bad, though, knowing just how dependant on him she was going to be, how much of a hinderance. He removed his hands and got two guard uniforms out of a cabinet, one for him and one for Cheshire. Luna turned around so she wouldn't see, blushing as the two boys changed behind her. They were done quickly and looked alot like real guards, with the exception of Cheshire's tell-tale tail. She went timidly over to him, completely on her guard and ready to bolt at any moment, and pointed to his tail, realizing for the first time how mangled it was. Was she beginning to feel bad for him? "We need to do something about that" She whispered. Luna retreated quickly over to Tetsuya, positioning herself to the right of him, just close enough that she could feel his heat. This was quickly becoming her rightful place, where she felt most at ease, not to mention safest. He picked her up and placed her on his back, handing her a helmet. She placed it on her head. Too big, it slid down down and covered most of her eyes. She giggled; even though she knew this was no place for laughter she couldn't help it. She clapped her hands over her mouth. "Sorry" She whispered to no one in particular.
Cheshire blinked and noticed his tail," Ah... No problem, I'll just hide it in the pants." He stuffed his rugged tail down his right pany leg. It felt unfomfortable and itchy, but it hid the tail nontheless. He noticed how jumpy and cautious she was around him. Cheshire sighed and said half irratated," Look, I said I won't hurt you okay?" He crossed his arms and smiled," If I make that a lie, I give you permission to execute me," Cheshire was making a rather bold request, but he was truly eternally grateful for her to help him. Cheshire grinned as he picked up a pistol identical to Tetsuya's. Setting it into place, he didn't really need the firearm, but better safe than sorry. Cheshire politely took a rag and wiped off all the blood on him. Most of the blood was of others, but Cheshire noticed a deep cut on his shoulder, and it hurt incredibly badly. He muttered something and ignored it. Throwing the rag across the room, he inspected himself in a mirror, correcting any imperfections. To cover his ears, Cheshire fit on a matching hat to the uniform, and his costume was complete.

He turned to Tetsuya, showing off his costume in proudness. He started to look at Tetsuya as a leader type, and he was just fine with that. Cheshire was surprisingly calm amd collected at the moment, and he stood tall. He was so prpud of his work. A spark of hope ignited in him. Finally. After all these years. The sun would shine on them. Not the sick fake lightbulb that he had pretended to be the sun oh so many times.
"Take the ammo box Cheshire, if you want your old clothes, put them in there" Tetsuya was thinking ahead. He'd never been to the surface but his parents had, they'd left him notes on what to expect, notes that were taken but now transferred to his pda, he'd picked a few things he thought they'd need. Escaping was one thing but being able to stay alive was the general point of the matter. He walked out of the door, taking the small handheld device and passing it to Luna. "Luna, I need a map so we can get food and get out of here... I'll get lost and I don't want to be here anymore" They were quite deep in the facility, deemed high risk, him and Cheshire were low down to prevent escape. The map showed a route to the main elevator, it'd be their best bet to get up as high as possible, but first, a trip to the nearest store room. They'd need enough food to last them, they needed a sufficient supply until a point where they could find it in the wastelands. The supply room had the various cans that they needed, it was filled with everything they were fed, breakfast lunch and dinner, but aside from that.. Tetsuya needed one other item. "But.. I.. I also need something else." He'd not say what it was, but he informed her where he needed to go for it, the medical wing a couple floors up, to the medicine room. Bandages and such would be useful but that wasn't his goal, he needed medication, something made for him and only him.
Cheshire nodded," Look who's looking ahead," he mumbled as he stuffed his old coat and torn shorts into the ammo box, and he continued along. Cheshire saw Tetsuya go ahead to the medical room, and wondered if he would like him and Luna to come along. (this is fer you [MENTION=3501]TetsuyaStorm[/MENTION], I shall continue mai post after you have answered :D )

Cheshire decided the'd better stick together. He grabbed Luna's small hands and was careful not to scratch her palm with his sharp claws. Cheshire followed Tetsuya quietly, his steps not making a sound. The elevator was vacant, like it had been waiting for them. Cheshire went in and stood beside Tetsuya. He was amazed by the unique system on the wall. There were many buttons and numbers, most whom he had never seen before. He was completely bewildered. What type of magic crap was this? Looking at Tetsuya, Cheshire had no idea what in the world this was.
Luna sat comfortably on Tetsuya's back, watching his hands carefully as he moved around. He continued to move around, packing supplies and the like, passing the PDA up to Luna in the process. He asked her to pull up several maps and she did so quickly and efficiently. Luna was glad that she could at least do this, she would have hated being completely useless. She handed Tetsuya the PDA and he started moving. They went to several places before entering a medical room. Cheshire followed behind them. At the door, he wrapped his hand around Luna's. It was so big, although not quite as big as Tetsuya's; so warm. She was shocked. Her first urge was to pull away, but she resisted, choosing instead to let her hand stay there, not returning Cheshire's gesture, but not ignoring it either. They left the room and entered an elevator. This was nothing new to Luna, but she could tell from the looks on the boys faces that they were completely bewiledered. She hopped off of Tetsuya's back; her landing lacked her usual grace, and she teetered back and forth before managing to aright herself, mostly with the support of Cheshire's hand. She pulled her hand out of his and moved over to the wall of buttons. "Where are we going?" she asked Tetsuya.
"I've been there before, it's b10." b stood for basement, small parts of , trying to the facility were above ground and were marked with the letter a, 10 meant ten floors down. They were down in the twenties as the elevator started up. Guards were running about trying to find the group, when they arrived on the floor they were after, they were there, holding the doors and helping the doctors. They needed a reason to be there, as much as he hated it, Luna would be the answer, Tetsuya knelt down, before the doors opened up he said something a little strange, seemingly against his usual protective nature. "Luna, I need Cheshire to cut you. He'll make a small one on your arm, I know it will hurt but if they ask why we're here we won't be able to tell them why" It wasn't something he took pride in, he didn't want to harm her at all, his face showed that. He had a good idea however, no one would dare cross her father, and seeing her harmed would do him no joy but in his eyes it was necessary, she'd be their ticket out, he'd keep her safe in return.. that was no lie. "They won't stop us if you need to be there, after that.. we can make our way out.. I promise."
Luna pressed the button and the elevator began it's ascent. They reached the desired floor and Tetsuya knelt down, right at her eye level. He started to speak, from the look on his face it was clear that he didn't like what he said next. It seemed to be causing him a fair deal of pain. "Luna, I need Cheshire to cut you". He said more, but she couldn't quite make it out. Cheshire cut her? What would make him stop there? Judging from his actions, Luna was pretty sure that he had a low resistance for blood. She wouldn't be surprised if this ended with him eating her intestines out of her carcass.

But, she trusted Tetsuya. She figured he'd do something to stop it before she was dead. She grabbed his hand with both of hers and squeezed her eyes shut. "Alright" she whispered, moving a bit closer, "Go ahead".
Cheshire nodded and sighed. He didn't really want to hurt her," Don't worry, I won't make it hurt too much," he apparently had a soft spot for the girl. She was so innocent. Cheshire took Luna's arm with his hand. Lifting his other hand up, Cheshire swiftly slashed at Luna's arm, creating teo or three little cuts. He was very skilled at injuries, and he took the rag he had wiped himself of blood with. The rag was still moist with others' blood, and he smeared it on her arm skillfully. "I know it's gross, stay with me," he mumbled as he worked, knowing full well it wasn't the best experience. Finally Cheshire was finished. Three little cuts were made to look like bloody slashes. He was fairly proud of his creation, and he looked back at Luna in case he had harmed her too much. Cheshire shook his head. He told himself not to get too close with these people. He might accidently fatally attack them, though Tetsuya wpuld've beaten him. ,heshire held himself back at the sight, but otherwise he was fine.
"I'm sorry." he said quietly as Cheshire's claws went over her skin, though when he fought his stance and face changed somewhat, he did not enjoy her pain. He didn't enjoy the sight of blood either, he was indifferent towards it, it neither sickened him, nor was it a source of enjoyment. When the doors swung open he kept hold of Luna's hand. Luckily their plan worked, she was taken into one of the smaller rooms to see a doctor, who dealt with the lesser injuries, the ones that weren't fatal but still needed treatment. "Stay with her." Tetsuya said to Cheshire, the doctor was one that stayed out of the soldier's affairs, he'd not question when Tetsuya left the room. He went to the store room, opened it up and went inside, grabbing a shoulder bag and filling it with a few supplies, ones he recognised, bandages and the like. After this he took a few odd bottles of pills, a few syringes and some odd liquids that'd be used with them. They may not have all been useful but they needed what they could get. It occurred to him there may be food to be had on that floor as well, for patients held there, taking all the cans he could get, as well as some other things, he left and headed back to the room his friends were in. The other guards were beginning to look at him oddly, he'd made excuses to the ones that questioned, that he was getting things down to the floor that'd been attacked, to help resupply what had been taken, and they bought it for the most part. "Are we done in here?" he asked, putting on the facade of his guard role, looking towards Cheshire and Luna. "Her father wants her back, and soon."
Cheshire played along," Yes sir. Luna is fairly well and healed." He said firm. Cheshire had just finished wrapping a bundle of bandages arpund Luna's arm, to finish the theator act. Cheshire held Luna's hand, her good one, and tensed up a bit. This was the furthest he had ever been with an escape plan, and this plan was brilliant. Cheshire had told the doctor a fake name, 'Aaron Stowe', to hide his identity. He had given the doctor a final thank-you as he led Luna to Tetsuya, figuring she was much more comfortable with him. "What's next?" He had asked, curious what might be the next phase to the plan. He was getting rather itchy in his right pant leg, where his tail hid. It itchy very badly, and Cheshire had practically had a mental spasm when he tried to keep himself from yanking it out. Why was escaping this hard? Cheshire argued with himself, mumbling random thoughts. Before leaving, Cheshire had taken a bottle of antibiotic, just in case the cuts he had made caused an infection. Now THAT would be bad. Now the wounds were treated, and the risk was much lower. He sighed. Cheshire was ready to see the light. One step closer.
Luna winced as Cheshire's claws slashed across her arm. She could tell he was trying to be gentle, and she appreciated that, but that didn't make it hurt any less. He then proceeded to smear blood across her arm, making the wound look like it was huge. It was disgusting, but Luna had to admit it was impressive in it's own way. "Nice" she tried weakly, managing a faint smile. Oddly enough, the one to apologize was Tetsuya. She felt bad for him. "It's okay, really," she tried to assure him as she bent down to look at his face. The doors swung open and they left, taking Luna to the nearest doctor for treatment. He seemed to believe their story and set to work, no questions asked. As soon as she was settled, Tetsuya left, ordering Cheshire to stay with her. She wanted to follow him; when he left her, she was struck with the feeling that he wasn't coming back. He was gone for a little while, returning to say that her father wanted her back. She got up and half walked-half ran over to him, pulling her hand out of Cheshire's. She wrapped her hand around his fingers. When Cheshire came to stand beside her, she held on to his hand, lightly and timidly. She looked up at the both of them, giving them small smiles. Freedom was so close.
Cheshire let out a faint smile," We're gonna be okay," he said, though he was not exactly sure. There were many possibilities that one of them wouldn't make it out alive, but Cheshire swore he would make sure Luna got out first. She needed to see the outside out of all of them, to see a better place than this sick twisted madhouse of a hospital. Cheshire held Luna's little hands in contrast with his rather larger ones. He wanted so desperately for this escape to work, but sometimes things don't work out perfectly for everyone. He noticed one of his ears was sticking out slightly, but not enough to be overly noticeable. Quickly stuffing it back to place, he noticed a soldier giving him a strange glance. Cheshire returned the glance with a snarl, and the man quickly went back to his post. "Geez, this costume doesn't agree with me..." He mumbled quietly, talking to himself. There were so many things he wanted to see when they escaped. He only wished they would safely get out.
"Come on." he almost ordered. He'd keep his friends safe no matter what, but the time for being polite wasn't then. He had to keep up the look of being a soldier, who were known for being less than nice to anyone that wasn't them. As they approached the elevator freedom seemed almost too good to be true, they were so close and yet they weren't able to rush. They walked to the end of a small hallway, opening up the lift and stepping inside, this one would take them to the above ground facility, which had been built in the financial district of London, a small area of land which once housed major banking skyscrapers. They were now almost entirely destroyed, the walls of what remained were patched up with scrap metals and such, the only road in being heavily guarded. Tetsuya looked at the map on his pda, he had the hang of reading it, just heading for that small beacon of hope, a sign that read "Exit" However, two floors beneath the ground the elevator stopped dead, the lights going off and turning to a red colour. On the speaker system came a familiar voice, familiar only to Luna, her father, the leader of the facility. "You really thought you could leave, when those doors open you'll be killed.. all of you." This man was pure evil, they needed a quick action, they needed to get out, the top hatch of the lift. He didn't give them a choice, he pulled it open, bending it to break the locks, pushing Luna up and jumping up himself, putting out a hand for Cheshire. "It's now or never.. we have to run."
They left the room under Tetsuya's orders and headed to the elevator. They whizzed up; freedom was so close. Luna shivered, she didn't know why exactly, she just felt like something was going to go wrong. Moments later, the elevator grounded to a halt. Red lights blinked all around them. "You really thought you could leave, when these doors open you'll be killed...all of you". Dad's voice announced over the speakers. Luna gasped. She didn't trust her dad, but she never thought he was this ruthless. The shock of betrayal, the ultimate betrayal, shook her. Tetsuya forced the door open and pushe her out of the elevator. She barely noticed; everything seemed fuzzy and distorted. The boys climbed out behind her and began to say something that she couldn't make out. She clasped her hands over her ears and hunched over. She wanted to scream, but she felt certain that nothing would come out. couldn't end like this. But then, she had no power to stop it.
Cheshire grabbed Tetsuya's hand and jumped out. Red lights and that loud booming voice! His ears were extremely sensitive, and Cheshire let out a piercing hiss-scream. He finally got used to it, but swore he lost some hearing. Cheshire noticed Luna rolled in a ball, and picked her up by the collar of her shirt. He held her, one of her big claws covered her ear, while her other ear he held close to him, hoping to muffle that freakish sound. Cheshire knew that had been found out, so no use hiding anymore. His tail lashed out angrily, whipping the air with a five-foot striped tail. His eyes were wild and panicky, and looked to Tetsuya for further instructions," Now what?!" Cheshire tried to send his voice over to Tetsuya, but it was very diffucult. His voice wasn't angry. It was more scared. Pipes and things lined around them, and Cheshire could hear the thundering sound of guards. He was sure they hadn't noticed them sneaking on top of the elevator, but they were still inside the madhouse of a hostipal anyway. Cheshire tried to breathe slowly, but cpuldn't resist the burning adrenaline a boiled inside him.
Luna rocked back and forth. She tried to tell herself that it wasn't real, and yet she knew it was. Panic overwhelmed her. If only... At the point of full despair, Cheshire scooped her up. He pressed his paw to one of her ears and her other ear to his chest. Luna felt that this was terribly wrong, but she was a bit to screwed up to care. The urge to get down crossed her mind, but she couldn't quite bring herself to do it. This was comforting, and although he wasn't Tetsuya, she felt a bit at ease. She wouldn't say it, but she appreciated the gesture. Of course, sounds were beyond her capacity at the moment. She tried to at least convey her thanks, but she couldn't quite figure out how to do it. She tried to move a bit closer to him, but ultimately failed.
"Tetsuya!" Cheshire hissed, trying to get his comrade's attention. The loud voice was really hurting him now, and it almost drove him mad. They were stuck in the middle of an elevator shaft, with no way out except the way they came in. He folded his ears back, wanting to get rid of the squealish siren. Flashes of red danced around, and it hurt his eyes, which are better for seeing in the dark. Cheshire blinked a few times, seeing the world blur in a frenzy of red lights and sounds that stabbed his ears. He felt Luna move alittle below him,"Stay still... calm down! I'll get you to Tetsuya!" he muttered half-angry half-scared to Luna. Cheshire tried the best he could to inch toward Tetsuya, but then felt the elevator rumble below him. Was it collapsing? He hoped not. Now his breathing was quick and frantic. His eyes hurt and his ears rung with that killer resonation of a siren. Cheshire then screamed to the voice whom was Luna's father, " Like hell we would die here, you twisted freak!" he shouted the best he could, and his voice cracked a bit at the end. All this was making him a little insane too. Both his ears and eyes burned like fire, and he could barely speak. As Cheshire lumbered toward Tetsuya, his legs had become wobbly and he almosst fell over. Cheshire felt like he was going to throw up. Yet he kept his hold on Luna, but his grip became slightly lighter. Cheshire was losing balance. Cheshire was confused and tired. What was he to do?
Luna had almost completely shut down. She could hear muffled screams which she thought came from Cheshire, but she couldn't be sure. Her head and her heart were pounding, giving the illusion that they were about to burst. Her chest heaved violently and her breaths were shallow and raspy. Her lungs stung and no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't seem to get enough oxygen to fill them. She could vaguely feel Cheshire moving unsteadily. His grip tightened around her, and Luna felt a sharp pain in her thigh. It burned and immediately after Luna felt something warm in the same area. She opened her eyes slightly, trying to see exactly what was going on with her leg. Red. A lot of it. The cut itself didn't look too big, maybe a few inches, it was fairly deep, though. Her head swam. Had Cheshire...? She wondered if maybe she would bleed to death where she was. Perhaps that would be a better alternative. She removed her hand from her ear and reached down to touch the wound. Her hand came back to her dripping in blood. Luna was beyond caring. She placed the hand back over her ear, trying to drown out the sounds. The blood tricked down the side of her face. It felt nice in it's own way. Soon, her gag reflex kicked on and she began to dry heave. She was having a harder time breathing than before. She began to panic at that point, she was going to choke to death, she was sure.
"You FREAKING IDIOT!" Cheshire screamed at Luna," Don't you dare die!" He noticed the wound on her thigh. Had he done it? No matter, Luna was hurt. Cheshire grabbed the rag again and tried to soak up the blood. Unfortunately, the rag was already drenched in blood already. "If you die now I'll throw you in the river! You hear me?! Don't give up now!" Cheshire bit his lip and took out his only possesion. His red-black coat. At least it was some sort of cloth. He put her down and instantly pressed his coat onto the wound. And sure enough, it soaked up fine. While cleaning the bloody mess, Cheshire could feel his eyes getting hot. Was he crying? What kind of sissy cries! He quickly rubbed the water away from his eyes, hoping to rid of it before anyone saw. Then he remembered something. The antibiotic! Cheshire had taken a bottle of anti iotic before leaving the medical room. Yanking it out, he rubbed sone cold medicine on her wound. Then he took his coat and ripped off the left sleeve. Cheshire wrapped Luna's thigh within his left sleeve that had been torn off," Luna! Stay conscious!" Cheshire rasped. All the pain he had earlier experienced. All the ringing in his ears and all the blur in his eyes was bow nothing to him . He had someone else to look for. Looking at Tetsuya, Cheshire screamed to get his attention.
Luna couldn't quite understand what was going on. She heard lots of screaming from Cheshire and could feel him trying to do something with her wound. It may have helped a little bit, but she couldn't really tell. She could feel the blood everywhere. But bleeding wasn't really her biggest concern at the moment. Her lungs felt like someone had poked holes in them. No matter how hard she tried, she could tell that she wasn't getting any air. All of her burned and her chest heaved up and down. Things started to grow darker. She started to see shapes that looked a bit like humans but not quite. She wondered who they were. She thought that maybe they were speaking to her. A faint smile crossed her lips, their voices were like music in the distance. She wondered of she might get to meet them soon.
(man im loving this rp. This calls for... CPR!)

Cheshire had noticed Luna's breathing became shallow. Was she losing consciousness already? This was going way too fast for him to process. Cheshire bit his lip and slapped Luna across the face, hoping to keep her awake," Luna, dangit!" He spat, looking at her eyes, which were growing fuzzy. Cheshire put his hands on her chest and pushed repeatedly. Nothing. Why hadn't anything worked?! He tried everything! Well... almost everything. The only thing that he hadn't tried to get her breathing was mouth-to-mouth. Cheshire hates the idea and looked at Tetsuya. Cheshire thought that if he did CPR his fangs would surely harm her, worsening her condition. Cheshire told Tetsiya he needed to give Luna CPR, buy deep down Cheshire really didn't wnat to. Weirdness would pop up and everything. Besides, he scared the crap out of Luna, and seemed to trust Tetsuya more. (I am talking to you [MENTION=3501]TetsuyaStorm[/MENTION], get yer butt in this rp! xD ) Cheshire.lashed his tail," We don't have time!"

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