Broken Streets and Blood Beaten Wolves Private

Liberty sighed some and gave an odd sigh hearing thunder "how strange..its not even ....raining destry..." she said blinking before kissing him she gave an odd sigh"i would like kids in the future...its going to get lonely here..with no noisy ya know..elixir going to join ravine soon..."she said frowning lightly, Parker nodded and grabbed her hand before getting back up on the bed he gave an odd sigh hearing the thunder"thats ver fericours thunder...snow"he said oddly"..ya know these thunderstorms weve been getting havent been i should say ..."he said looking at snow hoping she would understand what he was saying.
Destry gave a nod hearing Emery howling down the hall. "Yeah." He leaned over and kissed Liberty and sighed. "I think kids would be nice. I'm going to miss Emery being little once he gets older. I'll miss Elixir and Azura too." He sighed thinking about it. "Spade left and he was kind of like a bratty kid. Though he wasn't really that young. 16."

Snow howled and gave a nod as she launched herself into Parker's arms and trembled a little. She still didn't like thunder that much. Hiding her face in his chest she looked up at him a little and frowned. "Yeah."
Liberty frowned some before getting her replcament phone and texting ravine as if to bother her "Im sure Elixir will stick around parkers here remember "she said luaghing "shes very complicated..that one..though with denise blood..."she said suddenly frowning rememebering her"we all called her denmark.."she said smiling lightly, Parker smiled and tilted snows head up slightly with his one hand and kissed her"hey its alright huh?"he asked smiling"i told you...i wont..let..the thunder hurt you"he said smiling lightly *..if im right...then were in for a bumpy storms these next few weeks...*he thought sighing
Destry gave a nod and sighed. "Yeah." He pulled Liberty to him and fell back onto the bed pulling her down with him before tickling her. "You know I've not been happy like this in a long time. Not since my sister Dolly died. She was named after my mother you know. Daluris." He smiled at her.

Snow gave a nod and kissed him back. "Thank you." She rested her head against his chest and placed one hand there too. Sighing she felt relaxed a little as she focused on him and not the thunder. "I take it we can't go out for ice cream now?"
Liberty looekd at him and began luaghing and accidently kicking destry "oops sorry.."she said trying to breathe " i get voilent when i cant breathe..."she said smiling looking at him before sighing lightly hearing the rain it wasnt just small amounts like yesterday it was like a hurricane she sighed and suddenly clung to destry, Parker smiled"i dont think i want ice cream anymore"he said sighing before kissing snow cheek he sighed some before pulling back some he clenched his teeth he looked down at her as if he was thinking about something serioursly but he was still happy he looked at her before hearing the rain.
Destry shook his head and chuckled. "It's fine." He pulled her into his arms and smiled. He was thankful that she was here with him and he couldn't imagine life with out her. "any thing you would like to do my love?" He asked her in a charming voice.

Snow smiled at him and gave a nod. "I don't think I want ice cream either. I'm happy with you." She reached up and cupped his face before kissing him and returning to how she had been resting her head on him.
Liberty looked up at him and raised her eyebrows she ended up giggling lightly "im not sure destry..."she said before sighing "like what?"she asked her eyes shinning happily she gave an odd sigh when she heard a louder crack of thunder she looked at destry and clung to him again she tilted her head slightly, Parker gave an odd sigh looking at snow"know you better stop this"he said dead serious he was happy but he also seemed rather confused again he sighed lightly looking at her "..snow..."he said looking at her and sighing some "...sorry... "he said sighing looking at her as if he thought he was werid or something.
Destry shrugged but smiled. "Play a game, anything." He was happy just holding her in truth. He didn't need to do much else then that. "We could cuddle too." He kissed her and sighed playing with her hair a little.

Snow sighed and stood up. "I know I should stop. I should.. go.. I have work to do.." She turned and started for the door before hearing more thunder and trembling a little. Taking a deep breath she grabbed her boots and put them on before walking to the door. "It was nice, spending time with you Parker." She told him with out turning around to face him.
Liberty nodded some "yeah we could cuddle..."she said looking at him before sighing lightly "i love you destry... "she said sighing "...come on..i wan to show you something.."she said before walking to the window and opening it she sat at the window seal and smiled lightly as if saying well come join me.
Destry stood and walked over to join her. Warping his arms around her he looked out to the outside world and sighed. "What am I supposed to be seeing?" He was curious about it and it showed. He smiled and kissed the top of her head as he watched the world outside. It was beautiful in it's own right.

Snow sighed as she walked through the halls. She wasn't sure how she was supposed to behave around Parker any more. at first she had tried to act like a pet to stay on Destry's good side, but now things were so much more complicated then they had been. Stopping by one of the windows she shook her head and opened it to breath in the fresh air.
" The storm..the Lighting east of us....which means the currents..not normal..its a person controlling it..."she said looking at him before pointing at the dark purple lighting strike"see..its not normal its got ripples of red and blue in it... up its place"she said sighing looking at him and smiling, Parker gave an ugh sound he ended up slipping out the window and walking down the streets he was stopped dead in his tracks when he saw storm standing right there she ended up striking him with her lighting making him pass out he frowned lightly he had passed out yes but it didnt injurie him that bad.
Destry gave a nod observing it. "Interesting. Who do you think is behind it?" He was curious though he had a pretty good guess. Sighing he stood and Messaged Snow to go out and walk the wall around the base. He was slowly trying to get back to his job. Kissing Liberty's cheek he gave a soft smile.

Snow sighed as she received the order and went out side the wall and started to patrol. She sighed not being able to help but think about Parker. why did things have to be so confusing when it came to him. Rounding one of the corners she shook her head and stopped looking up at the sky not liking being outside at the moment.
Liberty got in a rather odd mood suddenly she looked pretty drowsy "im not sure..."she said sighing "..whoever it is..controls their powers pretty well... it seems.."she said sighing before frowning when she heard the lighting cracking it"it hit something just now..."she said looking up at destry she sighed thinking about how stupid parker would be, Parker gave an odd sigh he was waking up *i cant believe... it couldnt have been *he thought before seeing the lighting bolt on his hand it was wicked black purple *it was her...*he thought before trying to get up he gave an odd sigh and looked around oddly.
Destry gave a nod and sighed. "Yeah, they must be rather skilled. Well I hope they mean us no harm. I sent Snow out, beside myself and a few others here she is the best fighter and most talents person we've got at the moment." He wasn't about to tell anyone about his power. It was special little secret he would keep all to himself. Well unless Liberty asked him of course, then he would share with her.

Snow sighed blinking as she noticed Parker on the ground. "What are you doing silly?" She said walking over to him and helping him up. "You okay?" She was pale with fear, yet she was pushing on. Her job meant that much to her.
Liberty gave an odd sigh she looked at destry "... your going to find this werid...i used to sit down at the resturant next door...and sit and spy on you though i was more looking for you"she said grinning at him it was true she thought he was rather cute before all this happened "hmm you were always rather handsome or cute"she said sticking her tounge out, Parker gave an odd sigh before getting up"got struck by lighting that little...b i t c h "he mumbled before getting up seeing his hand shaking he gave an odd sigh knowing just who it was he gave a werid glance around.
Destry blushed a little and smiled. "Thanks, for thinking I'm handsome and cute." He rubbed his neck and smiled. "I used to walk into town passed that restaurant just so I could catch a glimpse of you. So I knew you were spying on me. You have always been adorable and breath taking. You captured my interest and heart a long time ago." He kissed her and smiled.

Snow gave a nod and glanced around getting the feeling she should be on guard. "will you be okay?" She asked as she used her nail to cut a line down her arm. With her blood she made a big ax just in case she had to fight.
"oh is that the reason you decided not to eat me for dinner"she teased looking at him she stood up she gave an odd sigh before giving him a rather odd look she gave an odd sigh as if she was trying to hold something back she gave a slight giggle when she felt the earth shaking "oh my im sorry...destry"she said smiling, Parker nodded"and i wouldnt worry much about fighting... she wouldnt do anything like that if she was fighting you wouldnt know it"he said sighing before rubbing his head"im going to go inside"he said sighing"libertys wound up..."he said frowning he felt slightly diqusted and it showed.
Destry smiled at her and scooped her up into his arms. " No need for apologies." He told her as he walked over to the bed and started to cuddle with her. "When shall we be wed. I would like you to pick the date. It would be more meaningful to me that way." He smiled at her and kissed her as he imagined what that day would be like. "Honey moon too. We must plan one as well."

Snow gave a nod but kept her ax close by just in case. she was a bundle of nerves at the moment and it showed. She glanced away from the base for a moment and felt like running and not stopping for awhile. She got that way sometimes when she found herself confused or upset. "Okay." She told Parker before starting to finish her round about the base.
Liberty poked destry and gave a sigh some "i think the fall would be nice when the leaves are just falling..."she said smiling she looking at destry " would be amazing..that way..espically if its outside...though i gotta warn ya my dad might kidnap...not wanting to give me away"she said luaghing happily, Storm watched snow before giving a loud crack of thunder she sighed some walking she did mean to hurt parker but she wouldnt hurt anyone else *... Jerk..*she thought before walking her eyes were dark and cold as if something were confused in parts *i want to see liberty..she always made me feel okay...*she thought sighing scared and confused.
Destry gave a nod and chuckled a little. "Okay then. Fall it is. Where would you like to go for the honey moon?" He was curious. He didn't mind where they went as long as she was with him. Snuggling up closer to her he sighed and looked into her eyes. "Shall I schedule a meeting for you with Desi, she can make you any kind of dress you want for the big day."

Snow sighed as she walked. Shaking her head she ended up sitting down on a bench not far from the front gate. "If there is someone out here. I'm not going to hurt you unless you make the first move. we could always talk and if you would like inside the base.. Well you would have to talk with me first any how." She called out before leaning back and sighing.
Liberty sighed hearing an odd noise outside "i know that sound..and yeah sure id like that id really like... to get know desi more... like id like you to get to know my sister or sisters...but not right now i know it wouldnt be good for anyone right now"she said looking towards the window she was deffitantly thinking about something, Storm looked at snow and gave an odd sigh she looked at her an approached her some she was a rather pretty girl but her soul seemed to hold confusion"...dont tell anyone we talked tonight got it?"she said still on guard and it showed she looked somewhat like liberty facial wise but the rest of her looked all vampire like her farther she gave an odd sigh watching snows reaction the girl was soaked from head to toe.
Destry gave a nod and kissed Liberty's forehead. "I know. In time I will get to know them." He sighed not sure where to start with fixing his messed up life. Hopefully things would be better now that he had people to help and support him.

Snow gave a nod and smiled at the girl. "I wont. So, may I ask your name? I am Kaguya Snow of the Rakuen Clan." She gave a small respectful bow and smiled. She would talk with the girl before making any decisions. It was the best way to handle this situation. "You would like to see someone whom lives within the base, yes?"
Liberty suddenly kissed destry for a few minutes before finally stopping she looked at him and gave a sigh "your causing quite the chaos for me right now ya know"she said teasingly though she was in good heart about it her eyes shimmred as if thinking about something she gave an odd sigh and looked at destry, Storm looked at her then lighting cracked over head this time fericer then before"not now..."she said frowning "and you dont need to know my name...i cant risk it getting within ears reach of people yet"she said frowning she knew parker might spill the beans but she doubted it " your names rather nice i quess"she said looking at snow.
Destry smiled at her and ran a hand through her hair. "Beautiful. every inch of you is." He smiled at her before kissing her passionately and pulling her into his arms. He loved her so much and he wanted to show her that. He would have to figure out a way to show her every day how much she mattered to him.

Snow gave a nod and sighed. "You'll have to give me a name, whether it be a really one of a fake one. I would like to call you by something." She sighed and looked back toward the base. "Plus my brother would never allow a nameless person within the walls." She gave a small smile and leaned back on the bench.
Storm gave a huff"im not going in there "she said huffing slightly she gave an odd sigh she just seemed a bit lonely she looked at the lighting over head and gave a rather odd grin she seemed more relaxed with it maybe because it took her anger out of her well some of the pool of anger anyways " not giving you my name..the fake Kat..."she said simply, Liberty gave an odd sigh after destry had kissed her "destry..."she said looking at him as if somewhat was wrong she gave an odd sigh and felt herself starting to shake * not going to let that affect me...*she thought shaking her head.

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