Broken Streets and Blood Beaten Wolves Private

Parker sighed some and put snow on the bed "azura... becareful...okay"he said sighing looking at her he looked at snow and kissed her head *sleep as long as you need to just dont pull a sleeping beauty on me snow... or a snow white...for that matter *he thought luaghing some and sighing lightly , Liberty smiled some looking at destry " not as good looking as you are though..." she said sighing "you need help right ?"she asked with her curly hair up in a purple clip she sighed some "im so nevrous destry"she said smiling some "what if he does not like you..o my gosh i never thought of that..."she said sighing looking rather nevrous now.
Azura gave a nod and start to bite her mother. She sighed when her mother continued to sleep. "This cause she work to much." She huffed climbing off the bed and running around sniffling things. She was a curious child and growing fast.

Destry gave a nod and smiled a little before sighing. "If I am not liked then I'll probably just get the crap beat out of me is all." He shrugged knowing as long as Liberty asked him not to hurt someone he would try his damn best to control himself. Even if it meant he had to sit back and let people beat him half to death.
"Honey..he wont beat you half to death..he will deffitantly make you now...he does not like you... he uses more words then violence"she said sighing and helping Destry "come on...lets go ..before it gets to late..." she sighed some "am i worrying to much ?"she asked looking at Destry as if thinking about everything , Parker nodded some before picking Azura up "... you know i care for your momma ?"he asked looking at azura and sighed lightly and looked around happily *..i hope everything will be okay in time that meetings going to be intresting *he thought smiling and slightly luaghing some.
Destry gave a nod and sighed. He was trying to suck it up the best he could and he thought he was doing good so far. "Yeah, and no you aren't worrying to much. Heck I'm worrying a little to." He gave her a smile and took her hand as they started out. He made sure to call Desi first.

Azura gave a nod and smiled. "I know. You love mama and she a love you." she gave him a cute little smile before biting his arm a little. "I wanna play." She giggled nuzzling up to him and sighing.
Liberty nodded some looking at destry "you need to worry.."she said smiling some"no im just joking"she said sighing she looked around happily as they walked she sighed some and thought about everything "...i cant wait for you to meet each other"she said smiling and shaking her head some and looked around, "you wanna play..."parker said before tickling Azura and sighed some worriedly *i really like snow..i love her..*he thought sighing and shaking his head some and looked at azura*i want these two apart of my life*he thought sighing shaking his head some happily .
Destry gave a nod and smiled. "Okay you." He was happy she was joking around a little. It made him feel calmer a bit. "So do you think he's going to dislike me?" He asked looking at her nervously.

Azura started to giggled and drool on herself a little. "Stop." She laughed as she squirmed a bit. She was enjoying this. Mama carried me around by the scruff of my neck while she was in her doggie form." She seemed to enjoy that by the sounds of it.
She looked at him and sighed some "well are taking..his first daughter ... ever... so... you do the math "she said smiling before sighing when they got to the restaurant she sighed messing with her hair"do like my hair white or brown" she asked looking at destry before smiling and sighing calmly, Parker nodded some"oh yeah?"he asked "well i cant do afraid of what might happen if i try..."he said looking at azura before sighing and holding her close"..your growing up to fast..."he told her sighing some looking around he did hear Elixir dragging herself in today already.
Destry gave a nod and sighed. "I think you look beautiful either way but I know you best with white hair." He told her before kissing her cheek. "Do you think everything is going to turn out alright?" He was still a little worried about this all but he trusted in Liberty.

Azura smiled and giggled. "I know. Soon I'll be as big as a house!" She chimed hugging him back. She wasn't one to leave right off the bat. She knew this was her home and she had people here whom loved her. At the moment it was where she belonged.
Liberty nodded some and smiled happily "yes i do believe so..though one thing you should know..dont say the name max around afraid of what he might do..."she said sighing before looking at him she sighed when she walked in they were escorted to the table she sat next to destry and smiled happily "so what are you going to eat?"she asked, Parker nodded some "i really hope..your mother stays with me...for good..though..iwould have to ask her..and that would just be way to whiz..myself waiting for her to say no"he said sighing looking at azura *me and liberty are alike in some ways *he thought sighing.
Destry gave a nod and sighed. Once at the table he looked over at her and smiled a little. "Steak." He chuckled and shrugged. It was the only thing he really wanted to eat at the moment. "what about you?"

Emery chuckled as he hid behind a plant spying on Liberty and Destry. He had ran off to follow them and spy. Hopefully if his big brother needed him he would be able to help.

Azura gave a nod and smiled. "Mama would say yes." She gave him a goofy grin but ended up fussy when she wet herself. "I peed.." She cried sobbing and snotty over it. She wanted to be a biggy girl like Elixir. She sniffled when she noticed she had woke her mother up. "I woke mama.." It made her cry even more.
parker sighed some before patting azura on the back"..its need to cry"he said smiling somewhat"its alright..."he said smiling looking at her " and waking Mama not a big deal shes supposed to wake up when you cry though i am to "he said sighing looking at azura"dont worry were going to get you changed soon"he said sighing , "Crab... "she said smiling"shrimp seafood..."she said grinning like a wildcat" i havent seen him in forever of going to make him pay for the meal "she said smiling happily *i cant wait to see him again..*she thought sighing she seemed nevrous though.
Azura sniffled and gave a nod as she felt her mother's gentle hand smoothing her hair. Looking up she felt better seeing her mother smiling at her. Snow smiled and sighed as she calmed her child. "Would you like me to change her this time?" She offered walking over to the diaper bag and grabbing some cloth and a diaper. She was still tired but she didn't mind waking up to take care of her baby.

Destry gave a nod and smiled. "Sounds nice.. Do you get that feeling like someone is watching us?" He asked looking around a little. Maybe he was just being paranoid again. Shrugging he sat back and tried to calm himself. Emery let out a breath as he watched them. He felt like he had been close to being discovered.
Liberty looked at destry before looking towards the bush "who knows"she said shaking her head some she sighed some breathing she sighed some seeing her farther entering the restaurant she sighed and ended up standing up pretty fast she looked at him his hair had darken to a dark grey and unlike most people Liberty knew her farthers eyes were acutely a redish orange mostly red nowdays she sighed lightly, Parker sighed some "if you want..."he said looking at snow and smiling "but if not i will..."he said oddly he gave an odd sigh and looked around oddly *..i really like snow *he thought sighing.
Destry stood to out of respect. He still remembered what his father had taught him as a child. He missed that man. In all truth Destry was a orphan. He had no other family beside his siblings and cousins. He glanced over at Liberty and felt glad to be next to her right now. Emery huffed and couldn't help but pounce on the man. "Emery!" Destry called shocked to see his brother here and to see him behaving in such a manner. Grabbing Emery he gave a respectful and apologetic bow. I'm sorry about that." He said pulling Emery off to the side and lecturing him. "You know better. I raised you better then that and so did Snow and Desi."

Snow gave a nod and changed azura before putting her on the floor. Azura ran off to go play with her Aunt. Snow looked at PArker and smiled. "I'm sorry I passed out earlier. I've just been so tired." She rubbed the back of her head and gave him a shy little smile.
He ended up luaghing "oh my..."he said before looking at emery he looked at destry "you must be emery"he said looking at him he saw Liberty nodding about the rightness he sighed some and looked at destry when he was done lecturing the boy he gave an odd sigh before holding something out for Emery it was a wooden animal that looked alot like emery " can stash that were you want..but the eye.. a real onyx... "he said looking at the boy "The names Enzo you can call me that emery"he said sighing , Liberty grinned some *thats how i remember my Pops... always strong but nice to little kids.. he would have brought candy just incase but i told him no...*she thought slightly luaghing about that she sighed some, Parker nodded"thats alright..snow"he said sighing obiviously holding back on kissing snow *i feel like if i start kissing her.. i wont stop for awhile *he thought shaking his head some and sighed and tilted his head some "Camel..."he mumured somewhat and sighed lightly and looked around.
Emery looked up at Destry and back at the man. "okay, thank you." He smiled looking down at the toy, but he was still stand rather close to his brother. "Don't worry Emery. It's fine. Plus I'll never let any thing happen to you. I promised your mother.. I promised Wolf that I would protect you and raise you to be a wonderful young man." He seemed a little sad remembering the woman whom had been his mother in ways too. "I guess you are her to join us because I am not sending you home alone at this hour." He smiled and picked up his brother. "It's nice to meet you Sir." He said to Enzo as he went back over to the table.

Snow smiled at him and gave a nod. Before she knew what she was doing she had walked over to him and kissed him. Stepping back she blushed and looked at the ground. "Sorry, but I did mean to do that. You just looked so handsome." She smiled up at him.
Liberty ended up hugging her farthers neck to were he ended up having to drag her back to her seat before sitting down he sighed some adjusting his tie he slightly luaghed at what Liberty and emery had done he sighed some looking at destry not quite sure about him *i didnt even get the chance to tell him to call me sir..*he thought sighing slightly confused by that, Parker nodded"i know the feeling..."he said sighing before kissing her back some " when and if i ask you to marry me id... whiz my pants... because i would be nevrous" he said sighing and shaking his head some oddly, Liberty smiled lightly she could see her dad sulking about that she slightly luaghed"oh my this is going to be intresting"she said seeing her dads locked jaw *hes so sad and confused about that...*she thought luaghing.
Destry had Emery on his lap and he was playing with his brother's hair. "Sir, I know I should have asked for your blessing first, but I'm asking for it now. I love Liberty and I would like to take her hand in marriage." He was reflecting on how his father had raised him and he was sure he was doing this right. Emery smiled and looked at Enzo, "Please say yes." He begged really wanting Liberty as a sister.

Snow smiled and kissed him back. "I would say yes you know. So there would be no need to wet yourself over it." She giggled a little and smiled more. She was happy to be here with him now. "You are amazing you know, even if you don't think so."
Enzo looked at Destry "well shes already got the ring'' he said luaghing "i think she would bite my hand off... if i said no"he said looking at them and sighed some he saw Liberty face who was competely happy he looked at her and sighed and said"please tell me hes not all this behaved..."she said sighing, Liberty sighed"daddy... dont make him sound like hes a dog"she said sighing shaking her head some before sighing happily looking at the both of them.
Emery chuckled and looked at Enzo, "No big brother isn't always like this. He's a grumpy wumpy most of the time, either that or he's knee deep in work. I like him better now though. Liberty made him laugh again. I had heard brother laugh in a long time." He smiled and caught Destry expression and laughed more. Destry sighed and grumbled to himself about bratty brother.
He luaghed some seeing Destry grumbling he sighed some and looked at emery he sighed happily"so you all are ready to order..right?"he asked looking at them "so hes knee deep in work? what do you do?"he asked rather oddly he saw liberty nevrous face she could tell her farther wanted some human food for a change she sighed lightly looking around.
Destry sighed and looked at him. "I succeeded my father's business. Have you ever heard of Rakuen Corp or the Rakuen Clan. We specialize in odd jobs. If there is something that needs done we do it. No matter what the job be. Plus one of the companies branches works in researching for medical advancement and another branch makes clothing. My sister Desinderia started that branch herself and I have been funding it." He explained with a small smile. That was something Liberty hadn't known about, there was more to his work then just battling and what not. Plus his father had been a well known man. Voltaire Maris Rakuen, that name had been every where until his father had died.
He flinched slightly at the name he had heard of it before"i see..." he said sighing and looking at liberty"...let me quess... she snuck into your base...and that hows you met...well you failed at spying....kiddo"he said looking at his duaghter teasing her slightly he sighed some thinking about liberty old captain he didnt want to talk about that right now.
Destry smiled and gave a nod. "Yes she did and thankfully for her I had soft spot and respect for morphers. My step mother, Emery's mother, had been one and she had been more of a mother to me then my own had been. Plus the love my father had for Wolf was something special. I have morpher siblings as well, so I took her in as a guest, though she acted like I was going to slaughter her when I told her she would be our dinner guest." He chuckled a little and sighed. He smiled at Liberty and felt happy. "I think Parker freaked out more then she did though."
He began to luagh uncontrably when parker name came up "oh my"he said looking at Destry "he works for you...has he calmed down any over the years? and probably so...when parker used to hear something like usually ment ..they were going to drain the girls and eat their meat..."he said referring to maxs camp he looked at liberty who had slank back in her seat like a little kid.

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