Broken Streets and Blood Beaten Wolves Private

Destry gave a nod and sighed, "He's kissing my little sister and helping raise my niece if that means any thing. To be honest I really don't see him getting into trouble much unless Emery and Liberty are blaming him for something they broke or if someone went and made him mad, though that last one doesn't happen often. I swear he almost wets himself half the time when I walk into the room. I've never done anything to him, yet, though I did yell at him a lot in the past, but that's cause he keeps catching the kitchen on fire. I don't how many times I've told him to just ask the cook." He shook his head thinking about it before he placed his order and Emery's.
He sighed some ".....probably...the wetting himself when you walk in probably my fualt"he said sighing some he looked at liberty after she ordered "are you trying... to eat the resturant down?"he asked blinking and sighed lightly and shook his head ""he said sighing he saw the look Liberty gave him "dont give me that puppy dog dosent work on me"he said before looking away.
Destry gave a nod and sighed before hugging Emery. Emery smiled and pulled out three photos and laid them on the table and looked at them. Glancing over his brother's shoulder, Destry looked to see what they were. "Taking pictures from the photo album again." He said spotting a picture of himself hold Emery as a baby and then one of himself holding Snow upside down out a window. The last one was a family picture with all the sibling, except Dolly whom had been dead for years, Wolf and their father together. He knew Emery was curious about his mother, he had never gotten to know her because she had died shortly after he had been born. In fact the same was true about his father.
He looked at Liberty and huffed some as if remembering something "....the dye didnt sink in to one...of the hairs.."he said looking at the white strand of hair, LIberty flinched some hearing that *is he dissapointed...that my hair changed..probably is *she thought truthfully she thought about ravine she had noticted how different he treated the two , Enzo sighed looking at destry"so... you were the boy she had at my house... the other night?"he asked sighing.
Destry gave a nod and tried not to think about it. Rosa.. He frowned and hid his face in Emery's hair since he couldn't hid it in Liberty's. He felt awful all of a sudden remembering that night and sighing. Emery looked at Enzo and sighed. "My big sister tried to kill him that night and then he was captured and tortured by morphers. I thought he was dead I was scared cause Liberty had disappeared too. Then Snow killed Rosa and took over and everything got crazy." He explained in a whine. Emery had a habit of just saying thing when he thought them.
Liberty dad gave a huff some "hmm i didnt know all that had happened..i just know what max told me.....or lied about what he told me..."he said huffing looking at liberty *he hid the scars on her.... ravine he probably didnt...*he thought sighing he was obviously annoyned by that fact but he wasnt to concerened now.
Emery sighed and yawned before reaching for his brother's drink. "You wont like it Emery." Destry told him as he looked up feeling a little more himself now. "You don't like wine remember. You spit it out on me the last time you tried some." He shook his head but looked at his brother lovingly before reaching out for Liberty's hand and smiling at her. He was enjoying himself for the most part.

Snow gave a sighed and looked around. "Parker.. I wanna spend time with you but I have so much work to do." She whined a little showing she was already turning back into her normal morpher self. She wished Dar would man up a little and handle the paper work for a day.
Parker looked at snow"i can be very perussaive..when it comes to thing just let me handle dar sweety.."he said before kissing snows nose and walking away he could be very pushy when he wanted to be he sighed lightly, He looked at Destry and sighed some "whatever you do dont give that one wine... she cant handle it at all ..."he said remembering the one time liberty had a sip of wine"she was on clud nine in three seconds"he said looking at him.
Destry raised and eyebrow and shook his head. "Sounds like my sister Desi. That girl has a temper at time, but is as sweet as can be. When she started her branch of the company we celebrated with wine and with in seconds she was half naked and swinging from the light fixture." He chuckled a little knowing his family could be quite fun at times. "Sounds like you'll fit in just fine Liberty." He smiled at her and leaned back in his chair.

Snow gave a nod hoping Parker would be okay. She was worried her older brother might beat him up if he pushed things to far. Shaking her head she walked out into the hall and waited for Parker to return.
"no this one gets naked as a jay bird... she was five...when he took a drink of wine...never make that mistake again...had to morpher proof...all my wine cups...."he said crossing his arms he looked at destry and shook his head lightly before looking at emery "cute kid... by the way..i except be a grandfarther from a year from now.... that was all he said before getting his jacket and sighing and standing up and leaving, Liberty sighed some looking at her farther walking away *and enzo..just dissapers...from my life once again *she thought frowning some, parker sighed lightly his black eye was blacker then it was but he was dragging dar "..he will help...once he wakes up"he said before locking him in the room with the paperwork he looked at snow and smiled happily.
Destry gave a nod and sighed before looking at Liberty. "Well that went.. interestingly." He gave a odd smile before scooping emery into his arms. His brother had fallen a sleep in his lap and he would have to carry him home, though it wasn't that much trouble. "Shall we return home now?" He asked Liberty with a sigh.

Snow smiled and gave a nod before kissing Parker and sighed. "Would you like some ice for your eye?" She asked fussing over him. She really did care for him and it showed. "So what would you like to do. I'm good with just spending time with you."
Liberty looked at destry before sighing "when im labor..its not you im going to want to kill its going to be my farther"she said competely serious though her face made it rather funny when she had said it "he was sulking earlier..becuase you kept calling him sir..he was excepting to get to yell at you"she said before standing up, Parker gave a sigh some"im not sure go get ice cream? and no im good really..."he said looking at snow before biting her ear ever so lightly he was drawing blood he was just being rather flirty and playful in a way he sighed lightly.
Destry gave a nod and smiled. "Yeah, my father raised me with some manners you know." He smiled at her and kissed her. "Let's go. We should put this one to bed and then we can do whatever you like." He leaned in and kissed her before smiling. He really did love her a lot. More then his own life.

Snow blushed and giggled before turning around and nibbling on his cheek. "Sure you are big guy. Ice cream sounds good." She slipped her hand into his and pressed her other on against his chest lightly before turning and starting to pull him toward the door. "Or if you don't want to get ice cream we could just cuddle?" She offered as she stopped at the door and looked at him.
Parker looked at her "i like both.... cuddling and ice cream ..which do you think ?"he asked looking at snow as if saying you chose he didnt like making all the choices and that was obvious he gave snow an odd look " she okay?"he asked worriedly looking around he sighed lightly hoping the kid was okay, Liberty nodded some before sighing and walking towards the door "so...what did you think of my dad..he can be strange at times..but he means well..."she said walking"and did you fiqurie out why i said not to bring up max?"she asked curious if he did or not *if you did im somewhat surpruised *she thought sighing.
Snow smiled at Parker and pulled him toward his room. "Cuddle then we go get ice cream." She told him walking into the room and over to the bed. "Azura is fine. Desi has her for the day." She was thankful to her sister for offering to watch the girl for her.

Destry gave a nod and looked at her. "He seems okay, and yes I have." He sighed having pieced a little of it together though he didn't want to think about it to much. Smiling at Liberty he kicked open the front door a little and walked in. "I'll take Emery to his room. If you want you can go get changed and I'll be up in a minute."
Liberty looked at him and nodded sigh lightly when she got changed she ended up changing into some shorts and tanktop she frowned lightly thinking about her past *it was good..but also it was hiding the dark part of it back then...*she thought sighing knowing she had never taken noticte of a few things, Parker nodded some before looking att snow " oh okay..."he said before sighing looking at snow *shes so cute...*he thought sighing some "... hmmm"he said getting an odd feeling about everything*i wonder what...shes thinking*he thought sighing.
Destry walked in after he had tucked Emery into bed. He had taken half the suit off on his way up to the room and once he walked in he went and changed before walking over to Liberty. "You looked adorable like that." He smiled at her and hugged her before pulling her in and kissing her. "I wish you could have met my father." He sighed.

Snow had curled up on the bed after she had kicked her boots off. She was in a dress, but she didn't care. Smiling up at him she thought about why she found herself loving Parker and trusting him. In right she shouldn't be able to but he was special. Something about him made her feel safe again. "Come on silly. What are you waiting for?" She said wondering why he had yet to join her.
Liberty sighed some "oh yeah why ?"she asked oddly she looked at destry happily before sighing " and thanks"she said sighing kissing him "she gave an odd sigh and frowned holding her head slightly "my head hurts destry"she said not understanding why she frowned slightly looking around she wasnt dizzy she could tell that, parker sighed some before getting on the bed"sorry"he said looking at her" i was jsut wondering what you were thinking right now"he said looking at her he sighed some happily thinking about everything before kissing snows cheek he really was starting to like her
Destry smiled at her and held her for the longest time. "Because my father would have loved you and you would have liked him to. He was a fun loving man and he acted a lot like you do at times. I can imagine if he was still here he would be inviting you to some wild party where you to would both end up wrecking the house." He chuckled as he smiled at her.

Snow smiled at him and rolled over so she could kiss him. "I was thinking about how I love you. It's strange because I shouldn't be able too, but there is something about you that I just can't resist." She smiled at him and giggled a little. She was even talking with him the way she had back when she was a carefree person.
Liberty nodded some before sighing lightly as if she was thinking about something "..yeah sounds like it would have been fun"she said smiling "am i... stupid destry?"she asked sighing putting her hair down and messing with it some "or am i just a daddys girl"she said frowning she seemed a little bit upset over something, Parker looked at her and smile "im really startin to love you snow..."he said looking at her "though i am sorry im a coward..."he said turthfully before kissing her he looked at her rather happily as if he was thinking about something happy his eyebrow arched up as he started grinning.
Destry smiled and hugged Liberty. "I don't think you are stupid. You just are daddy's girl. Snow was the same way, though my father kept trying to turn her into a vampire. I guess he did that though because he loved her and it pained him to think she would live a short life compared to him." He sighed and shook his head before kissing her.

Snow blushed a little and kissed him back. "What are you thinking about?" She asked tilting her head a little as she looked it his eyes. She loved him and it made her smile to hear he was falling for her too.
Liberty sighed lightly and looked at destry and gave a hmmph sound"..ravine..would say right about now..oh suck it up daddys girl... you never got the wrath of dont even act like that"she said luaghing knowing what her sister would say"i really love you destry...i wish you could atleast get along with ravine shes all i have lef tbut i understand that you probably couldnt...i wish storm..was here... "she mumbled smiling , Parker smiled"everything i shouldnt be thinking about snowy..."he said smiling kissing her"..everything..."he said luaghhing slightly"im sorry... you should just smack me right now... snow"he said sighing trying not to luagh happily he did seem rather happy right now he grinned happily and looked at her before biting her ear teasingly.
Destry frowned and rubbed his head a little thinking about new people in his life at the moment. "Give me sometime and then I'll try to get to know her. I promise, I just don't want to risk hurting her since she is your sister." He smiled at her and kissed her before sighing. "I'm glad Emery likes you. Gosh we would have a problem if he didn't. Last person whom came here he didn't like left with a Parana in their pants." He chuckled.

Snow smiled at him and shook her head. "No I wont smack you cause I'm thinking about things I shouldn't be too." she kissed his cheek before giggle at his teasing bite. She squirmed a little because it tickled and tears rolled down her cheeks as she laughed.
Liberty smiled happily"emery i adore that boy"she said before frowning she gave an odd sigh some and looked at the window"can i tell you a secret?"she asked looking at him her eyes were happy and free at the moment she gave an odd sigh and smiled happily"sometimes...i wish...i wasnt a morpher ya know... but i wouldnt want to be a vampire either..."she said sighing, parker smiled some looking at her before wipping on of the tears away"i hope those are good tears..."he said grinning he frowned some when he ended up luaghing to hard about something he remembred and fell off the bed he looked back up at snow " never saw that okay !"he said grinning looking at her before sighing he just gave an odd sigh.
Destry gave a nod knowing exactly how she felt. "When I was younger I told Wolf and my father that same thing only for me it was more, 'Sometimes I don't like being a vampire but I wouldn't wanna be a mopher either. Not even human. I would enjoy being a alien though.'" He smiled at her and sighed. "But I get it. It's tough and being a vampire wouldn't make it any easier, not even being human." Hekissed her and smiled though.

Snow laughed and reached down to help him up. "Course I didn't see that silly." She stuck her tongue out at him and smiled. She had never felt this light and carefree before. Not even with Lyle. "Only happy tears when you're around." She told him still smiling.

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